Still on a Harrier I...![]()
I just got it when the last DLC was released. =/
I know that feel bro. My Harrier has been rank I since last summer. With luck, it will still be at this rank in June. :lol

Still on a Harrier I...![]()
I just got it when the last DLC was released. =/
I know that feel bro. My Harrier has been rank I since last summer. With luck, it will still be at this rank in June. :lol
Harrier X.
After a while it gets boring. It's too good.
This was inevitable: 9:25 Glacier Platinum Speedrun Using Cain Trip Mines
This was inevitable: 9:25 Glacier Platinum Speedrun Using Cain Trip Mines
I just want to feel how godlike you can be with a Harrier X and a Turian Ghost Infiltrator specced with the extra AR damage with Cloak.
Harrier X.
After a while it gets boring. It's too good.
This was inevitable: 9:25 Glacier Platinum Speedrun Using Cain Trip Mines
So are they done with balance changes?
They should give us back the old OP salarian infiltrator
BTW, which is the best ammo for her? I've used Warp just because I've got the largest supply of them, as I haven't really used biotic classes for a while, and its damage increase is bigger than that of armour piercing ammo's; 35% vs. 25% IIRC.
Harrier X.
After a while it gets boring. It's too good.
This was inevitable: 9:25 Glacier Platinum Speedrun Using Cain Trip Mines
You can tell from positioning and during extraction.That video is STUPID. i wanted to see where they were placing the Cain mines - i know the area is going to be downstairs and i assume they enemies are forced there due to the other 2 guys blocking the spawn points - so is one guy mining the downstairs and the other guy mining the same area or a different one?
The talon merc is really interesting but it works better on the smaller map where you can camp spawn points - on the fly and where you have to react he isnt as good as some other characters.
You can tell from positioning and during extraction.
2 Talons
1 Drell Infiltrator
1 Demolisher
Demolisher pylon feeds the lower Talon and the other as two ammo boxes. Drell sets his recon mine in the basement for wide are invasive scan. Lower Talon bombs the upper basement and the Upper Talon bombs the back basement. Thread.
Talon mines really suffer on maps like Condor with so many jagged walls. When going U/U I use melee gear because AP arrows are really strong.
Armour Piercing IV. Because then you can use the smart choke on the Claymore and 25% damage. If you use Warp IV then you have to use the AP mod on the shotgun and smart choke.
Talon mines really suffer on maps like Condor with so many jagged walls. When going U/U I use melee gear because AP arrows are really strong.
Well, I don't have any level IV ammo (drops really rarily), and I use Shredder Mod & Spare Thermal Clip with the Reegar. I've never really thought about using Smart Choke, as I play the shotty equipped Infiltrator classes mostly up close and personal.
I noticed they were 3rd and 4th by a LONG way. im trying to experiment with new chars/builds/weapons so im not going to be using my tried and true builds for a while.You were fine. Those two randoms were terrible though; first time in a while that I've wanted to give somebody da boot.
You dont need the smart choke for the reeger, but you do for the claymore.
I get a lot of Level IV ammo since i maxed out my golds and below ages ago.
i got 1 x UR in my last 10 purchases..a friggin valiant VI!![]()
That's a known glitch. You may get away with a single game, but don't get too comfortable with him; Bioware bans for exploiting it.
Best thing to do would be to promote your class right now before it gets to a possible ban.
I pulled the geth trooper off an spectre pack earlier today.
By the gods the flamer is off this world. Character is a bit unidimensional but jeebus talk about topping the score every single game.
Though I'm a bit unsure on how exactly tech explosions work. They don't seem to happen as reliably as biotic explosions. Are they more conditional? Like they guy has to be on fire for fire explosions to work, etc?
I pulled the geth trooper off an spectre pack earlier today.
By the gods the flamer is off this world. Character is a bit unidimensional but jeebus talk about topping the score every single game.
People playing this on PC? Or on consoles? I hope PC![]()
I do play on PC. Bronze, Silver or Gold depending on what i need. My Origin name the same as GAF.
Awesome. I just got the game when it was half off and I tried multi but just sat on searcing for a while![]()
Awesome. I just got the game when it was half off and I tried multi but just sat on searcing for a while![]()
Yeah I do, its working better now that I restarted once :/Do you have the multiplayer packs installed?
still a boss and top tier character IMO but got nerfed last year (40% cloaked sniper damage knocked down to 25%).Is Salarian infiltrator still a boss or have the new classes overtook him?
Yeah he's still fun, came in top first game back against some dude playing as a ninja :s Do you play on ps3 by any chance?still a boss and top tier character IMO but got nerfed last year (40% cloaked sniper damage knocked down to 25%).
Anywasy, I've gotten almost nothing but promo weapons since they switched them to UR. 4x Eagle, 2x Valkyrie, 2x Crusader, 2x Hurricane. The one exception was a Venom shotgun.
Yeah he's still fun, came in top first game back against some dude playing as a ninja :s Do you play on ps3 by any chance?
Should i be buying the reserve pack for new characters? nice to see the premium spec pack is now standard![]()
no, 360. I'd play with you otherwise. And yes buy Reserve packs have a higher chance for charactersYeah he's still fun, came in top first game back against some dude playing as a ninja :s Do you play on ps3 by any chance?
Should i be buying the reserve pack for new characters? nice to see the premium spec pack is now standard![]()
I wish ultra rare weapons were as common as ultra rare characters, i must have gotten the last 3 appearances of the Collector Adept in the past 2 days.
That's everyday for me.I broke 20 headshots before 25 kills for the first time in a while.
Hurricane IX!
That's everyday for me.
<insert obscene Saber luv here>
Try my build for this guy - its damn interesting and everyone will think you are crazy until you top the scoreboard.
Flamer - Max range etc
Hunter Mode - Zero, dont put any points
Max Fitness
40% damage reduction on Fortification.
Basically, i equip him with a Scorpion X (25% Damage, extra rounds), Pistol Amp III, Pistol Rail Amp V, Explosive Rounds 3 then you dont need a cyclonic or Power Amp if you want them.
Hit the spawn points and lay down 7 mines - once everyone either is dying or staggered apply the flame thrower. You will take down EVERYTHING.
For Atlases just stay around corners and use the flamer.
Remember, with the scorpion you dont need to hit them, just shoot the floor around them and you will stagger everything, clean up with the flamer.
Its my 2nd fave character besides with AIU.
Yeah I specced it first with hunter mode and its great fun but didn't work and switched out.
I didn't know about the scorpion, have to try it out. That thing shoots mines?
Sorry, Phat Michael. I can't clearly comprehend your complaints over the sounds of all the heads I'm poppin'.
do u play gold on xbox 360? because then I can take you through a few rounds and show you some different builds.Yeah I specced it first with hunter mode and its great fun but didn't work and switched out.
I didn't know about the scorpion, have to try it out. That thing shoots mines?