I'm starting to play as an Engineer now. Any tips for maxing out the Combat Drone? Should I trigger it explode or give it more damage/shields? Rockets? Any help is appreciated!
How should I spec out my Salarian Infiltrator? I maxed out the energy drain power last night, and got cloaking up to 3.
Fun class, and a nice departure from vanguard.
Here's the Salarian Infiltrator build I've been using. I've beaten Silver and Gold with it with teams of varying cohesion.
Tactical Cloak:
Damage, Recharge Speed, Bonus Power
Energy Drain:
Radius, Drain, Armor Boost
Salarian Operative:
Damage & Capacity, Headshots, Weapon Damage
Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert
I maxed out Cloak and Energy Drain first (started with a point in each at Level 1), then Salarian Operative, then Fitness. I did Fitness last because Cloak and Energy Drain are what keep you alive.
M-37 Falcon I (Power Recharge Speed currently at +61%)
Falcon is modded with AR Magazine Upgrade for additional ammo and AR Extended Barrel for damage.
Geth Plasma Shotgun I (Power Recharge Speed currently at +61%)
Graal Spike Thrower I (Power Recharge Speed currently at +61%)
M-27 Scimitar II (Power Recharge Speed currently at +117%)
All shotguns modded with Smart Chokes for accuracy and High Caliber Barrels for damage.
M-77 Paladin I (Power Recharge Speed currently at +160%)
Paladin is modded with Piercing and High Caliber mods.
Until I unlocked the Falcon, I used the shotguns. The Falcon lets you hang back a bit more, and kill/stagger most enemies from a distance. Note that the Falcon is still bugged, in that if you're not the host, you'll fire blanks if you shoot too quickly. The solution is to either start a new game as a host or fire a little slower.
How I Play:
Cloak, seek out danger, Energy Drain, shoot and repeat. If in trouble, use Cloak, target an enemy with a shield, fire Energy Drain to restore shields, then shoot or run like hell depending on the situation.
Given the nature of random PUGS and me just wanting to get the objectives done ASAP for Gold credit bonuses, my play style has become more support-like (though the Falcon can also keep you at the top of the board if that's what you want). Because of Cloak, you will find yourself put into the dual role of fulfilling objectives and reviving teammates in the middle of crowds. Also, unless it's a device-based objective wave, I stick with the group for focused fire shenanigans.
It's been one of the most fun builds for me, and if I'm not using it, then I'm playing with the Asari Adept or Human Vanguard.
The Spectre packs continued to be good to me last night, except for what I really want (KROGAN!) - and it still supports my theory that I came up with that worked for me since the demo, because I was tearing it up all of last night with the Drell Adept, and saved up 140,000 credits, and the first Spectre Pack got me a Drell Vanguard, and the second one the Asari Adept, which are basically the two characters that combine to give you a Drell Adept.
Also good is that I got the Sniper piercing mod too, so I can throw that on my Widow to get multi-kills even easier now, nice. Everything is ready for a Krogan except for a Claymore, and the Krogan itself...
It's funny that I have all of the best characters in the game to tear it up on Gold (Salarian Engineer, Asari Adept, Quarian Engineer) with their "magical doo-dads", but all I really want is to smash the shit out of my enemies with pure Krogan brute strength, preferably with the 1600 shield, 1200 health of a monster tank with the most durability by FAR, not even counting the HUGE damage reduction bonuses and melee boosts - the Krogan Sentinel.
Shit, just give me ANY Krogan.
Well, at least now even when I'm solo, I have a hell of a better chance to carry people in Gold with the Stasis bubble (already had Asari Vanguard but don't mess with her too much), it's so rare to find good strangers on Silver. Gonna go hard for credits for the first time today I think, all I've doing so far is ranking up lower characters.
So do you guys recommend spamming Recruit packs to begin with? I don't have any characters or decent weapons (aside from Widow) yet.
Game just crashed on me.
Reboot the PS3. No Resume button on the main menu and no connection to EA servers. Uh oh...
Starts MP : ask me to choose a character UH OH
Safely, I still had my levels and characters.
Though, when in game, all stats are rebooted (Veteran 1/5000 poped up at my first kill... I saw 4500/5000 last night...)
Is there any build where the Incisor makes sense? I tried it when I first got it, didn't see the point, tried it again at rank X, still don't see the point. Three rounds from it at rank 10 don't seem to do any more damage than one round from a rank V widow and it is easier for me to get one widow round right where I want it than a burst from the incisor.
What is so good about the Quarian Engineer? The flamethrower turret is decent but I don't see it making the class a Gold killer. Unless you meant Quarian Infiltrator ..
Just started this last night and it's really addicting and fun. I meant to just check out the multiplayer for a bit and ended up playing for 6 hours.
Is it possible to change your character's name? I accidentally named my human Infiltrator as "Sheperd" instead of "Shepard".![]()
I'm using the "have no life" strategy.wat
how u get rank 5 widow?![]()
Speaking of ranks, what sort of buffs to they add to your gun?
Theory yet again worked again for the Spectre pack, technically twice - I played only the Turian Sentinel who was only level 3, right up to level 12 - then a friend told me that he'd try only playing the Human Engineer so that he could get the Salarian Engineer after seeing me play with it. He bought a Spectre pack - bam - Salarian Engineer. I totally forgot I had a ton of credits saved up so I bought one too and bam - Krogan Sentinel. The one thing I've wanted for so long.
I'm happy.
Using the Graal Spike Thrower till I get the Claymore, still need the shotgun blade attachment, but it's a common item so I'm just gonna use Recruit packs to get that one.
On top of that, with that same package I can now use 4 rockets, plus I got 5 of them in that package too.
Yeah I meant Quarian Infiltrator.
Might be small buffs to all the stats? The patch notes show a range for damage and weight so I'd imagine those two are increased for sure.
How do you increase rank of weapons?
Tell me about this theory lol
Basically, for any particular unlock you want, you just spend time using the same class of that character/weapon - it's worked wonders for me since the demo, might not work for everyone, but it does for me all the time.
Yeah, I got a Salarian engineer on one of my firsts packs as a human engineer, same with quarian infiltrator.Basically, for any particular unlock you want, you just spend time using the same class of that character/weapon - it's worked wonders for me since the demo, might not work for everyone, but it does for me all the time.
Tried Silver....ugh ugh ugh.
Can't be a Vanguard on that mode.
Tried Silver....ugh ugh ugh.
Can't be a Vanguard on that mode.
So I'm loving my constantly buzzing alien and he absolutely destroys cannon fodder and guardians. I've maxed reave, have pull at lvl 5 and grenades at 4 all following the build that was posted here.
So my problem is I feel really weak against shielded and armored foes, right now I'm just spamming reave, and throwing grenades whenever I have them. Also is there a good choice on weapon to use? right now I'm rocking the phalanx with damage and AP mods this gives me 190% recharge I think. Or would an smg be better to help spam down shields and barriers?
Yeah, I got a Salarian engineer on one of my firsts packs as a human engineer, same with quarian infiltrator.
Tried Silver....ugh ugh ugh.
Can't be a Vanguard on that mode.
My Asari Vanguard says hi.