Is there anything that prevents you from playing a Krogan Sentinel like this? Too fragile, I guess. This looks fun, but I don't have the Krogan soldier yet.
Is there anything that prevents you from playing a Krogan Sentinel like this? Too fragile, I guess. This looks fun, but I don't have the Krogan soldier yet.
This is interesting because I only use pistols and ARs and I've been only getting pistols and ARs in packs. Hmm
Then again I did get Salarian Infiltrator twice even though I'd never played Infiltrator
Anyone?So do you guys always opt for chain overload over the massive damage boost for crowd control or what?
Tried Silver....ugh ugh ugh.
Can't be a Vanguard on that mode.
Is there anything that prevents you from playing a Krogan Sentinel like this? Too fragile, I guess. This looks fun, but I don't have the Krogan soldier yet.
What level are you playing on? I did a couple games at silver and it was really rough at first, the drell is super squishy so I really needed to learn to stay far away from combat. Also when starting out you damage just isn't good enough to hang in silver. Although I just did a couple games in bronze and wrecked face in that game. one combo would kill any un-shielded/armored enemy. also the explosion would seriously hurt anyone nearby, I ended up with about double the next highest scorer (for reference with my other goto classes I'm usually 3rd or so) anyways here is how I generally fight.I'm not even sure I'm playing my Drell adept right. I guess you just find an unarmored target, throw and then reave. Or I guess reave followed by cluster? Or just reave and somebody else can detonate that with like overload or something?
It just seems like the enemies aren't clustered close enough to do damage, and the damage to big enemies is almost nil.
My score isn't that high, but I only have Clusters at 1 and Pull at 4, so maybe that will improve.
Maybe not solo. But this guy looks like he still charging and blowin shit up.
How do I respec powers? Please don't tell me I need some kind of equipment.
Yes you do.
Respec cards are rares I think, but they don't seem to be so hard to get? I already have 2 and I haven't played much.That's dumb.
My problem with Vanguard has always been the lag. On higher difficulties, taking extra hits while the game decides whether or not you are actually in a charge has led to stupid situations where I die in the middle of a charge.Maybe not solo. But this guy looks like he still charging and blowin shit up.
It's really annoying when you die before the game lets you charge, whenever this happens I get bugged off the map =__=My problem with Vanguard has always been the lag. On higher difficulties, taking extra hits while the game decides whether or not you are actually in a charge has led to stupid situations where I die in the middle of a charge.
On Bronze and Silver, you can still take extra hits while the game decides whether or not you can Charge/Nova. On Gold, it's much dicier.
My original strategy was Charge -> Nova -> Pistol -> Nova -> Charge (I found that the lag makes it so that I can't double Nova effectively), so I specced for all health/shields for a bit more durability. On Bronze, it works wonders against any enemy outside of the Banshee and her one hit kill (charging into a grab is sometimes funny) and on Silver/Gold it works if the netcode is co-operating with me on that round.It's really annoying when you die before the game lets you charge, whenever this happens I get bugged off the map =__=
Do any of you take the melee bonuses in Fitness over the health/shields and faster shield recharge? I didn't in the beta but I'm wondering if it's necessary for silver and gold.
Is there anything that prevents you from playing a Krogan Sentinel like this? Too fragile, I guess. This looks fun, but I don't have the Krogan soldier yet.
As much as I enjoy the limited amount of content in this multiplayer mode is seriously breaks one third of the time. Yesterday I had three separate incidents where I stopped being able to interact with the world, couldn't pick up ammo or damage enemies and couldn't climb ladders. And then once I apparently loaded a match too quickly because as I joined I could run around before the others did, which severely broke my client because I ended up dissapearing completely when the match started and couldn't do anything.
Otherwise, Salarian Infiltrator is pretty fun. I like being able to play Salarian, but how do I get the additional customisation options like skin colour?
Maybe not solo. But this guy looks like he still charging and blowin shit up.
You have to get the Salarian Infiltrator again when you purchase a pack. The description will say some amount of xp and new customization options. To get to skin colour, you would have to get the Salarian Infiltrator 3 or 4 times to be able to change it.
The lag makes Vanguard problematic unless you're either the host or happen have a good connection to a particular host. The console versions don't seem to place a great amount of emphasis on (Matchmaking) connection quality, so it's quite common to die during a charge, right after a charge, or while you hammer the (cooled down) button to no avail.
Promoted my Sentinel class because I've found it the most interesting and versatile in the MP. Hit Level 8 after 2 Bronze games and have my Krogan Sentinel with 1200 health and 1600 shields already. Got-damn.
Will also spec my Human Sentinel's for constant biotic fireworks.
I think I might use my ReSpec cards on the Human Sentinel's though to remove Tech Armor from them completely. I only have 1 right now.
I think 3 Tech Armor, 6 Warp, 6 Throw, 5 Alliance Training, 6 Fitness works fine for a pure biotic build. You generally leave Tech Armor off, but it can be worth turning on if you're forced to move through an unsafe area, or if you need to attempt an emergency revive while under fire. Rank 6 Alliance Training just gives weapon bonuses anyway, which aren't all that important for a pure biotic. I'm not convinced that completely dropping Tech Armor is worth it.
Krogan Sentinel can do even better since it's the strongest character in the game if you max out your damage reduction with Tech Armor, which is 40%.
I'm sure this has been posted before but here is a nice compact and printer-ready list to see all the unlocks and in which packs you unlock them.
Doing an Asari Vanguard right now. Not sure if I should put points in lift grenade. Hmm...
I just unlocked one, how do you recommend to spec it?
This lag is fucking atrocious. I'm clipping through the level. :/
Lag will be the death blow that kills interest for a lot of people, I think. I've got to the point where I just have to be selfish about it and host matches myeslf. They fill up pretty quickly and if it's lagging for them, well, stiff shit.
99% of matches I try to join are laggy, and if that's the case I wont bother playing at all.
Does anyone else get an error while trying to buy a pack for the store? it use to happen every once in awhile, now it happens every time. PC version btw.
So, Human Sentinel = Biotic Explosion always?
What should I max first?
Tech Armor: Durability, Melee Damage, Durability
Lift Grenade: Radius, Max Grenades, Damage and Radius
Krogan Berserker: Weapon Damage, Headshots, Weapon Damage
Rage: Durability, Martial Artist , Fitness Expert
You don't need Incinerate at all with this build since you'll be carrying the two best heaviest weapons you got, preferably a Claymore and Widow, but it's all about crushing enemies up close. Remember to turn you Tech Armor as soon as the match starts though for the 40% damage reduction.
You should start working towards the biotic explosion bonuses. It's level 4 for warp and level 5 for throw if I remember correctly. Enough to blow the big mobs away with ease on silver.
You are basically a walking tank with awesome guns. I wouldn't recommend this until you unlock rare shotties.Cool thanks, ill try that out.
What makes this the best in your opinion?
So what happens if you don't get to the extraction point? Less points?
Cool thanks, ill try that out.
What makes this the best in your opinion?
If you are high enough level, it's to spam gold.Easiest way to farm credits is to just spam Bronze right? These Spectre packs are giving me anything good.![]()