I don't know, but I hope not, at least not before he got is credits.
Red name means they didn't make the extraction.
I don't know, but I hope not, at least not before he got is credits.
anyone can give me some points on how to use asari vanguard effectively?
she's pretty weak. :/
I unlocked that super rare Cerberus pistol-shotty thing from a Spectre pack. I hate it.
I thought it would be the shit with my Drell Adept but I was wrong. I'll go back to using the Predator as a wimpsy back up and Reaving.
did the vanguard d/c? his name is red![]()
did the vanguard d/c? his name is red![]()
There's a way to dictate where enemies spawn, hard to coordinate with randoms to do it though![]()
Drell Adept=top tier
I haven't placed any lower than first in score ever since I started using the Drell, and I'm capable of carrying teams when need be. As long as you play the class right ( don't underestimate cluster grenades!) you'll do great.
Red name means they didn't make the extraction.
Don't you have a PVR? Record some matches.
sentinel are usually at the bottom in the games i played.
highest is usually infiltrator
I just saw a drell melee a pyro.
Guess who won
I'm thinking Firebase Dagger might be the best map for beating the Reapers on Silver. I'll have to try it when I get home, but from my last few games with out species I'm thinking it will be. It's pretty large, has a lot of bottlenecks for the enemy, and very open. Against a primarily melee class that should be a huge advantage.
Yeah, its weight and lack of punch is disappointing. I might as well bring a real shotgun with me.
Man, got all the aliens and my first "Black" weapon today. I can't believe the RNG is being friendly today.
Funny enough, I have like 4 respec tokens now. I don't know whether to be happy or sad.Well thats the part about RNG some people don't want to admit.
Occasionally it's your best friend.
....then its back to 10 straight packs of garbage.
Just got my first Asari (Vanguard) not really sure what to do with it though.
I mainly play my Tur Sent and I'm usually tops.
Funny enough, I have like 4 respec tokens now. I don't know whether to be happy or sad.
Drell Adept=top tier
I haven't placed any lower than first in score ever since I started using the Drell, and I'm capable of carrying teams when need be. As long as you play the class right ( don't underestimate cluster grenades!) you'll do great.
Yeah, I noticed that after I spent 200k credits on the common pack, I'm finally getting more than one gold in the Spectre packs. I guess I should have just bit the bullet and done that earlier... and I probably should be grinding Veteran packs now, but I really don't want any of the silver weapons.Works the same way as the basic items, maxing items in the pool makes whatever is left in the pool come up that much more often. Expect to get a lot more respecs as time goes by. I'm getting them frequently now.
Could be they tweaked the drop rate as well.
If you don't care about it being "too easy" and you have a Salarian Engineer, Asari Adept, or Quarian Infiltrator, do Firebase White with Geth. It's a relatively easy win on Gold, even with the Geth buff/Quarian debuff.I wanna win on Gold![]()
If you don't care about it being "too easy" and you have a Salarian Engineer, Asari Adept, or Quarian Infiltrator, do Firebase White with Geth. It's a relatively easy win on Gold, even with the Geth buff/Quarian debuff.
Again, how do you deal with a group that's rolling all grenade classes, especially on gold when they don't respawn as often?
I know ammo is shared between players, because I've been screwed by an empty ammo box a few times, so I imagine grenades are a s well?
Cerberus on the Reactor level(I forgot the name) is also quite easy, Easy to pick away at Atlas' and open enough to see the Phantoms coming.
On the other hand, the reactor level has some bugged spawns that can cause problems. I've had several games vs Cerberus where the game has had to be abandoned because a mob glitched and got stuck halfway down, where they were completely invincible.
It's a very nasty bug that needs to be fixed actually. Similarly they need to fix some issues with mobs not being synced properly between the host & client so they appear to be in the wrong place.
I had a game where one got stuck in a rafter. Good thing one of my squaddies found it, because I was about to peace out.
So what's the difference between Bronze/Silver/Gold? Just higher armoured enemies?
Hrm, I've got to try that sometime. What's the match-up against Cerberus? It's probably more an emphasis on being able to do high damage to armor at that point?Cerberus on the Reactor level(I forgot the name) is also quite easy, Easy to pick away at Atlas' and open enough to see the Phantoms coming.
I like hoarding those thermal packs though. lolForgot to reply to this...
First off, IMO it's a bit rare if the *entire* group rolls with a grenade class, but even on Gold you can hit those boxes quicker (since the Drell has such high mobility).
And if you're still losing out on those grenades... hey, it just means it's a good time to rely on those seldom-used thermal packs you've been hoarding.
You get much more enemies, the more dangerous enemies come earlier and more frequently, and they have more health/shields/whatever and deal more damage. Ammo crates restock on Grenades slower too. That mostly covers it I think.
You need to be able to take out one of those groups fast. I like playing with an engi with incinerate and a carniflex with the armor piercing mod. You can wreck a brute pretty quickly while other people are hopefully taking out the barriers on the banshies that always follow them around.seriously, i just finished a round of silver reapers and I thought all four of us were doing our best to finish two brutes and random cannibals inside a room, i duck out to recharge shields and see two of my team were outside fighting two other brutes
On Tuesday at 5 PM PST.Maybe this has been asked and answered, but I completed a silver challenge against Reapers today, and it didn't give me anything special. Are we supposed to get our reward pack at the end of the weekend?
Um, does joining games by invite on Origin never ever work for anyone else? I've only been able to play with randoms. Just constant "Joining game..." after picking a character. I just had a terrible random team who couldn't survive bronze. Fucking sucks.
You get much more enemies, the more dangerous enemies come earlier and more frequently, and they have more health/shields/whatever and deal more damage. Ammo crates restock on Grenades slower too. That mostly covers it I think.
You'll probably want to be more conservative. With the lag and the higher damage, you won't be able to get the second nova out some times... which means you basically need to play the class as intended. It's also why Shockwave becomes a useful skill for crowd control I suppose.So is Vanguard viable in Gold? I'm running double Nova which allows me to solo Bronze easily. Can I do well on Gold too?
You'll probably want to be more conservative. With the lag and the higher damage, you won't be able to get the second nova out some times... which means you basically need to play the class as intended. It's also why Shockwave becomes a useful skill for crowd control I suppose.
Thanks to razgriz417's suggestion, spamming recruit packs (currently, they're giving my so many character cards when I only want weapon mods) to get rid of the common items really helped my odds in getting better stuff in the veteran and spectre pack! And the maxed out starter weapons are pretty good. The checklist posted a few pages back is also helpful, but it makes me kind of sad that the uncommon/rare half is pretty empty after marking off the stuff I have :<
My squad and I completed gold twice tonight! Cerebus on Firebase White (Asari Adept, Drell Adept, Salarian Engineer, Quarian Infiltrator) and Geth on Firebase Dagger (Human Engineer, 2 Salarian Engineer, Drell Adept). The former was pretty easy; we completed it consistently on the demo. The latter wasn't as hard as I thought it would be after the buff, but damn those GHs. We already knew how to work the spawns, more or less; but before the extraction wave on Firebase Dagger started, I told one person to go to extraction point, and rest to spread out in the central pillar place. This caused the Geth to spawn in this one corner and the extraction went smoothlyGood tip Woo-Fu.
Still amusing to watch my cousin's Drell Adept kung-fu kick enemies lol.
Does this actually work? As in, you won't just get more missiles and stuff. The substantive cards have the same chance to appear as the bullshit ones?