Ha, you might as well cut your internet off.![]()
Nah don't worry. I can easily restrain myself from Facebook. I only really go on there every few days anyway.
Ha, you might as well cut your internet off.![]()
Did you guys know on this very day 174 years into the future the Batarian homeworld is under attack? Comm bouys are nonoperational. Batarians off-world are blaming the Alliance.
Jack has the sexiest face. Dat jawline, big lips, eyes, nom nom.
Nah don't worry. I can easily restrain myself from Facebook. I only really go on there every few days anyway.
Spoiled beyond belief.
Videos are up, etc. A lot of it doesn't have a lot of context and I'm not sure what to think. Someone hold me and tell me there's trolling involved.
Spoiled beyond belief.
Videos are up, etc. A lot of it doesn't have a lot of context and I'm not sure what to think. Someone hold me and tell me there's trolling involved.
Jack is gorgeous. No one can deny that.
Mai waifu :3~
I am saying her face, I believe there are probably multiple people who design faces. Anyways, animation is probably handled by different people.
I am just saying that because you all ways seem so distressed over spoilers. I am getting a good laugh over it, but I am probably only laughing because I'm imagining Newman in your avatar getting worked up.
No trolling involved, sadly. A full, uncracked ISO of the PC version has leaked on certain pirate-related websites. The pre-rendered movies could be viewed without a crack, so I imagine that Youtube will be full of spoilerific videos.
No trolling involved, sadly. A full, uncracked ISO of the PC version has leaked on certain pirate-related websites. The pre-rendered movies could be viewed without a crack, so I imagine that Youtube will be full of spoilerific videos.
You missed the joke (hint: the part of your post I quoted) but alright.
I venture nowhere outside this thread's walls.
No trolling involved, sadly. A full, uncracked ISO of the PC version has leaked on certain pirate-related websites. The pre-rendered movies could be viewed without a crack, so I imagine that Youtube will be full of spoilerific videos.
We just have to trust the honesty and integrity of Gaffers.
... fuck.
Searches on google and youtube give me nothing on mass effect 3.
Here is a spoiler for everyone, in the end Earth turns into the Pokemon world.
I venture nowhere outside this thread's walls.
Here is a spoiler for everyone, in the end Earth turns into the Pokemon world.
Jack doesn't strike me as the waifu type.
I venture nowhere outside this thread's walls.
I'm bailing out of this thread now. Full blackout starting now, I want to go in fresh besides knowing the characters. It'll be tough but the payoff will be great next Tuesday, I'll be marathoning ME3![]()
Peace all and good luck...
Game has leaked? Fuck yes, lemme go get spoiled.
Some people on zero media here fella. Knock it off.
Here is a spoiler for everyone, in the end Earth turns into the Pokemon world.
Strange that ME3 would be 'leaked' already. How is that even possible with Origin being mandatory on PC?
Strange that ME3 would be 'leaked' already. How is that even possible with Origin being mandatory on PC?
(I AM NOT ASKING FOR SPOILERS HERE) I just really hope there are some serious consequences. I want to be forced between saving the Salarian and Asari homeworlds. I want to have to choose between rallying the superior forces of the Geth and dooming the Quarians to isolate themselves into a surely unwinnable position. I want entire species wiped off the face of the Milky Way. No half measures, Shepard.
Searches on google and youtube give me nothing on mass effect 3.
Jack was an interesting idea and a fantastic model design rolled into one. It's the writing that failed her. The writing of the romance parts were especially horrible. Romancing her felt like you were either taking advantage of a mental patient, paragon or renegade.
Give it to everyone, everywhere.Alright guys, about this GAME-going-under business and suddenly all of its N7 / regular edition allocations going to other European venues like - let's roleplay for a second.
You're EA. What do you do about the promised N7 Warfare Pack that was supposed to be exclusive to GAME in Europe? Give it out to all European purchasers? Change retailer exclusivity? Drop the N7 pack from Europe entirely? You have basically 8 days to come up with and implement a solution.
I'd love some scenes of the Reapers decimating worlds you've never seen before of lesser technological development. Like a world roughly at the same point as our's in 2012, that has absolutely NO CLUE as to what the fuck is being wrought upon them. Would be a good way of really showing the scope of the destruction at hand across the galaxy.
Alright guys, about this GAME-going-under business and suddenly all of its N7 / regular edition allocations going to other European venues like - let's roleplay for a second.
You're EA. What do you do about the promised N7 Warfare Pack that was supposed to be exclusive to GAME in Europe? Give it out to all European purchasers? Change retailer exclusivity? Drop the N7 pack from Europe entirely? You have basically 8 days to come up with and implement a solution.
Alright guys, about this GAME-going-under business and suddenly all of its N7 / regular edition allocations going to other European venues like - let's roleplay for a second.
You're EA. What do you do about the promised N7 Warfare Pack that was supposed to be exclusive to GAME in Europe? Give it out to all European purchasers? Change retailer exclusivity? Drop the N7 pack from Europe entirely? You have basically 8 days to come up with and implement a solution.