hey now
11:34? Shortest anything Bombcast ever?
its 40:38 on my screen
its 40:38 on my screen
I don't remember the ME2 CE being this tough to get. Are these purposely constraining the supply?
@GambleMike Canadian here. I pre-ordered the ME3 DE from Origin. I just realized it says nothing about the 'From Ashes' DLC. Is it USA only?
@Molsonwarrior nope. Youll get it. We wouldn't ever undercut Canadalet me know if you don't end up getting it.
I don't remember the ME2 CE being this tough to get. Are these purposely constraining the supply?
Iam still curios about what happens when you cheat on your romance![]()
Iam still curios about what happens when you cheat on your romance![]()
That's... actually a good point.
If I still have my saves and weren't lost on the transferal between my old and current 360, then I wonder how Ashley will react to my new LI, Tali.
But I lost it, so I'm replaying ME1 and avoiding Ashley because I prefer Tali.
Wouldnt it be cool to discover that Sheppad is the bad guy in the end and we killed all the reapers, the good guys, which came to earth to stop humanity because they are going to destroy the whole galaxy with a disease in the future... ^^
No one really knows. But as it seems to be a trend with ME3, don't expect anything good regarding past choices having consequences.
I got this silly idea that the only reason Reapers were targeting Protheans and Humans is simply because these species have too much destructive power to be allowed to advance even more into the future. They are like the gate keepers to ensure that the universe is in balance.
I kind of wonder if you can still get back with said romance, even after cheating. Or if there is an achievement for sticking with the same partner across all 3 games.
Shame that there is no option for a GAR Shepard. Screw Renegade or Paragon.Got to keep that spiral energy down, bro.
That's a shame. Thought they'd have something neat like that. Booooo MS!There will never be an achievement requiring you to have 3 games. I don't think they are allowed to have that kind of achievements unless there is an alternate way to get them. Like in ME2 you either beat the game with the same character twice or import a ME1 character then beat the game.
The Gun sounds in the demo were absolutely terrible. I really hope they changed them although I doubt it. Someone compare it to the assault rifle from mass effect 1 to see how bad the sound quality has gotten.
So glad that I pre-ordered my CE from Amazon way back on 6/6/11, the day it was announced at E3. I feel bad or my Mass Effect brothers and sisters who're struggling to ind one now.
I ordered mine in July. I thought I was crazy then but it paid off.
The Gun sounds in the demo were absolutely terrible. I really hope they changed them although I doubt it. Someone compare it to the assault rifle from mass effect 1 to see how bad the sound quality has gotten.
The Gun sounds in the demo were absolutely terrible. I really hope they changed them although I doubt it. Someone compare it to the assault rifle from mass effect 1 to see how bad the sound quality has gotten.
If it goes by what the demo does, which seems pretty likely, you'll probably just get the option of who lived.So if I play ME3 on my ps3, and I haven't played earlier versions of it on PS3, how does it determine if I get Ashley or not?
So glad that I pre-ordered my CE from Amazon way back on 6/6/11, the day it was announced at E3. I feel bad or my Mass Effect brothers and sisters who're struggling to find one now.
You'll be able to preload on Friday.So can we preload ME3 at any stage like a game on steam? Can't wait for ME3![]()
The Gun sounds in the demo were absolutely terrible. I really hope they changed them although I doubt it. Someone compare it to the assault rifle from mass effect 1 to see how bad the sound quality has gotten.
You can't be serious...
The guns sounds in ME3 are LEAGUES ahead of the shitty ones in ME1, mainly because DICE helped them with the sound in this game. DICE is pretty much unchallenged in terms of sound design.
I found the gun sounds really satisfying. They have nuances of tech sounds the other two games were lacking. So good.
You'll be able to preload on Friday.
Guys why do I need the collectors edition? I am still able to get it for the PC for a very good price. But I have already purchased the digital deluxe edition.
Do you think I should still get the collectors edition. Why must you tempt me guys?
If it's anything like ME2, then not all choices will carry over—just the major ones.So if I played the previous 2 MEs on PC but decide to get ME3 on 360, can I choose at the beginning what choices I made in the previous 2?
If it's anything like ME2, then not all choices will carry overjust the major ones.
If it bothers you, then see if there's a way to convert your PC save to one for the 360. I'm pretty sure there's a way to do it the other way around.