Man, online is RUINED. I only get matched with high ranking characters that keep spamming that bionic charge attack over and over again, most of the time they teleport so fast against mobs of ennemies that when I reach them, the fight is over.
It's incredibly annoying
What a waste of resources...
How does First Aid work? When I use it to heal myself (when both my party members are alive), sometimes it consume medigel, sometimes it doesn't.
Do you have a link to this?There was a follow up to the Mass Effect 3 NPR story on NPR today.
It was hilarious and depressing hearing the tone of the reporters voice. He very clearly did not want to be doing a story on video games, and yet he really wanted to do it well.
Any easy way to earn credits or is it impossible to get all the spectre equipment in one play through?
The quest log is pretty horrendous. Just have to try and remember what you've done for who on the citadel.After just beating ME2 I immediately started ME3. I like the shooting mechanics more, it feels a lot smoother.
But does anyone else think the mission organization is much worse than in the previous one? I can't click a mission for a more detailed explanation on what to do. I'm lost in the citadel trying to do two missions I have here. It's really kind of frustrating. Hopefully I'm just doing something wrong.
Is it possible to get a refund on this turd from EA or Bioware? I can't even get my character from ME2 imported and I have no intention to make a new character for Mass Effect 3. It just wouldn't be the same. It ironic that Bioware has talked so much about how the actions affect the world and I can't even import my dude to Mass Effect 3. I'm so fucking mad.
I think there's a patch coming for that soon.
Well, that's just for the face. My game can't even find the file to import.
If you're on Xbox 360 you have to move your ME2 save off of cloud storage.
Didn't have it on cloud storage. Never even used it. Apparently I have to have my save file on the original harddrive that I used to play ME1 on. That was a jetplane sounding Xbox 360 that I sold years ago...
Didn't have it on cloud storage. Never even used it. Apparently I have to have my save file on the original harddrive that I used to play ME1 on. That was a jetplane sounding Xbox 360 that I sold years ago...
You didn't play ME2 on your new harddrive?
I heard of the issue before the game came out but I havn't come across anyone who actually had this issue.
I did, but the save file from ME2 is an imported save file from ME1 so I guess that's why it isn't working.
Can you maybe somehow make a new import file without finishing Mass Effect 2? I really don't feel like playing the game again.
Maybe you can start ME2, load your save, and save it again in a different slot?Can you maybe somehow make a new import file without finishing Mass Effect 2? I really don't feel like playing the game again.
Maybe you can start ME2, load your save, and save it again in a different slot?
I played it on PC, but if you have a friend or something with a 360, can you try to copy your save files to a USB and use their 360 with ME3 to see if it'll import on theirs?
Seriously, don't set the bar that high.Man I can't wait to get to the ending. Having seen my fair share of weird endings in Japanese animation, I wonder if it can get even weirder than the classics.
Because unlike the last battle, the gazillion of marauders and banshees doesn't require *absolute* stillness and precision, which is almost impossible using controller ESPECIALLY under the strict amount of time + shaky POV imposed by that section. You can compensate for the trembling by reducing the camera sensitivity but you still have to manually tilt the controller carefully so that you still aim at the Marauder's body/head while continue pumping him with barrage of bullets. The minute you miss just ONE aim, you're dead.
Just finished my insanity run, the hardest part of the game is strangely. Died at least 8 times in there =/Grissom Academy
Maybe you lowered down the difficulty on the last one, which is why you passed so easily.That part took two tries. Part before that with the banshees was bullshit.
I'm also mad because I got Unwavering, but not Insanity...which I don't see how that's possible, I only have 1 playthrough on Insanity.
Not really a spoiler, but here's a video that goes along with that.So many drunkards aboard the Normandy.
Taking a quick study break and firing up ME3 for the first time....
...Why the crap can't I import my ME character face? Are you kidding me? Is there a way around this? (XBOX)
Edit: just read the OP. Freaking BioWare. One of the biggest promises, years in the making, blown. I can't believe how inept that studio has become.
There's no film grain and no info on whether it'll be added back. So far, only a PC mod can do it.And no film grain options? Is there even a film grain in this one? I'm gonna go back to my homework.
Maybe you lowered down the difficulty on the last one, which is why you passed so easily.
But me, I stuck with it all the way through and go those sweet Insanity and Unwavering trophies. And after last night's game, Veteran and Platinum are now in the bag too.![]()
Yea right. The two Banshees prior to that raped me quite a few times. I don't see how you get one and not the other, but whatever. I'll give it a few days and maybe I"ll do it over.
Just beat the game and I want to see the other endings (damn thing won't let you save). Do the other endings give you different achievements or should I not bother doing the excruciatingly long ending sequence and just youtube?
YouTube it. You'll thank me later.
Pat Weekes is the deadliest SOB in Space, as quoted from someone in the Bioware forum.
"This, recruits, is a 20 kilo PR speak. Feel the weight! Every five seconds the main gun of an Electronic Arts-class dreadnought accelerates it 1 to 1.3 percent of light speed."
"It impacts with the force of a 38 kiloton DLC. That is three times the yield of the ending of Fallout 3 dropped by Bethesda, back on Earth.That means, Sir Patrick Weekes is the deadliest SOB in Space!"
"Now serviceman Hudson, what is Weekes first law?"
"Sir, an honest statement calms the fanbase, sir!"
"No credit for partial answers, maggot!"
"Sir, unless acted on by corporate speak sir!"
"Damn straight! I dare to assume you ignorant jackasses know that the internet is empty! Once you fire this corporate BS,it keeps going till it hits something! It could be twitter, or the BSN fans behind that twitter. It may go off in the deep internet and hit EA's stock values by 10.000 points."
"That is why we peer-review the endings. That is why we wait for the team writers to give us a damn ending solution! That is why, serviceman Walters, we do not "eyeball" the endings! You are not Isaac Asimov shooting from the hip!"
"Sir yes sir!"
It's not like the multiplayer is any good. What a waste of resources...
How important is the readiness of allied forces for the ending ? Is there a certain percentage that affects it ? Thanks.
What character you're playing as? And which team mates you're bringing with you?
Not really a spoiler, but here's a video that goes along with that.