Tribes of Trusty
Just finished. I can't understand why people were so outraged about the ending(s).
I mean it's not like there wasn't closure or anything...oh well.
The finale was a bit underwhelming though
I think I still prefer ME2, as it felt less TPS and more RPG. But well...take ME2 with ME3's combat system = pure awesome.
I liked :
+ The combat system.
+ The weight system, it adds to the balance of the game.
+ Some epic moments.
+ The music.
I disliked :
- Oh come on the majority of sidequests is shit.
- They achieved in making the mineral-seeking system even worse. I mean, it's numbingly boring.
- Bugged sidequests.
- James. You're cool bro, but you're useless.
- They aborted Tali's arc (the dying star from ME2).
- No hubworlds like before. Citadel is cool to explore, but for the entire game ? Nope.
- Less paragon/renegade interrupts than before.
- Yeah overall the choices aren't really important.
- The new Normandy. What a piece of crap. I liked roaming in it in ME2, it was classy, sleek and nice to explore. In ME3 ? It's cluttered, dark and without personality.
I liked it, but well. I think it could've been much better. For me ME2 > ME3 > ME1.
I mean it's not like there wasn't closure or anything...oh well.
The finale was a bit underwhelming though
I'd have liked a big-ass boss to take down before going in the citadel
I think I still prefer ME2, as it felt less TPS and more RPG. But well...take ME2 with ME3's combat system = pure awesome.
I liked :
+ The combat system.
+ The weight system, it adds to the balance of the game.
+ Some epic moments.
+ The music.
+ As I played a male Shepard, Traynor's preferences came as a beat me at chess AND broke my heart, ha ha. I didn't think they would've the balls to include homosexual relationships in the game.
I disliked :
- Oh come on the majority of sidequests is shit.
- They achieved in making the mineral-seeking system even worse. I mean, it's numbingly boring.
- Bugged sidequests.
- James. You're cool bro, but you're useless.
- Only 5 squadmates ? Such a downgrade from ME2...and no krogan in my squad 
- No hubworlds like before. Citadel is cool to explore, but for the entire game ? Nope.
- Less paragon/renegade interrupts than before.
- Yeah overall the choices aren't really important.
- The new Normandy. What a piece of crap. I liked roaming in it in ME2, it was classy, sleek and nice to explore. In ME3 ? It's cluttered, dark and without personality.
I liked it, but well. I think it could've been much better. For me ME2 > ME3 > ME1.