Should I stop worrying?
I remember thinking "AWESOME" when I saw that.
If I only knew.
Should I stop worrying?
Everything in ME2 was pointless. It was the worst game I've ever played.
Mediocre combat. No story whatsoever, pretty much no character development.
The only good it did was bring Grunt, Mordin and Thane. Legion is cool but you only have him for like 4 minutes so I don't count him.
You're given the option to blow up the Collector base or keep it because it contains Reaper technology. What does that decision ultimately do? Changes the planet that is behind TIM to blue or red, for a few seconds because it's back to it's normal state in ME3.
Is vega really that bad? I avoided him because he seemed like a moist dudebro and because he seemed pissed for the whole game after I told him his nickname was stupid. However, he seemed relatively sane in the parts you were forced to interact with him in and awesome in that exchange with Javik. By the end, I thought Javik was the dumbass meathead character all along.
ME1 combat was more tactical, because you could really combine powers in a crazy way. Global cooldown killed that.
I'd be curious to see what classes people play and which combat systems they like. I bet Adepts/Engineers would lean towards ME1 while Soldiers would lean towards ME3.
Everything in ME2 was pointless. It was the worst game I've ever played.
Mediocre combat. No story whatsoever, pretty much no character development.
The only good it did was bring Grunt, Mordin and Thane. Legion is cool but you only have him for like 4 minutes so I don't count him.
You're given the option to blow up the Collector base or keep it because it contains Reaper technology. What does that decision ultimately do? Changes the planet that is behind TIM to blue or red, for a few seconds because it's back to it's normal state in ME3.
Vega is probably better than Jacob and Kaidan but still stupid because given how the squad size was shrunk he takes away a valuable spot from a potential alien character, or even an ME 2 character.
I actually liked Vega. Much more than I thought he was. His pissing contest with Garrus was gold.
It's cool guys. We're all just entitled babies. Let's all just man up, close the thread and let it completley go.
Let me guess, your parents were the types who would call the school and complain because school was too challenging for you?
You have to grow up sometime, chief. Might as well start by not crying and not taking advantage of Amazon because of a problem YOU had with ME3's ending.
Let me guess, your parents were the types who would call the school and complain because school was too challenging for you?
You have to grow up sometime, chief. Might as well start by not crying and not taking advantage of Amazon because of a problem YOU had with ME3's ending.
Let me guess, your parents were the types who would call the school and complain because school was too challenging for you?
You have to grow up sometime, chief. Might as well start by not crying and not taking advantage of Amazon because of a problem YOU had with ME3's ending.
That still is no excuse for the guns feeling like complete ass. I played ME2 as Soldier on Normal and ME3 as Sentinel on Insanity. Maybe it's the addition of rumble, reloading,the more powerful weapons, or even the hit markers. And then there is also the shoddy framerate to contend with.
Suggested alternate ME 3 squad list:
* Miranda (for mechanical reasons- apparently Bioware got rid of most of the ME 2 squad because many might have died so they didn't want to make new content that players might miss out on. Miranda is really hard to kill in ME 2 so like Tali and Garrus she could be included)
* Major Kirrahe
* Kal'Reegar
* Padok Wiks, Salarian pervert extraordinaire
* Kai Leng (replaces Vega- is comic relief character, plus it'd be interesting to see how melee works in a non-boss battle context, you get him if you kick his ass before he assassinates anyone)
* Kolyat Krios
* a Vorcha
* a Batarian
Everything in ME2 was pointless. It was the worst game I've ever played.
Mediocre combat. No story whatsoever, pretty much no character development.
The only good it did was bring Grunt, Mordin and Thane. Legion is cool but you only have him for like 4 minutes so I don't count him.
I want a hanar.
Proper time for a Batarian was ME2. If you're recruiting members from the seedier side of the universe, that screams Batarian to me.
I never know some people looked down on getting a refund for a product your not satisfied with.
About Javik, the way Protheans looked like in ME1, they weren't the actual protheans? I really liked that design.
Suggested alternate ME 3 squad list:
* Miranda (for mechanical reasons- apparently Bioware got rid of most of the ME 2 squad because many might have died so they didn't want to make new content that players might miss out on. Miranda is really hard to kill in ME 2 so like Tali and Garrus she could be included)
* Major Kirrahe
* Kal'Reegar
* Padok Wiks, Salarian pervert extraordinaire
* Kai Leng (replaces Vega- is comic relief character, plus it'd be interesting to see how melee works in a non-boss battle context, you get him if you kick his ass before he assassinates anyone)
* Kolyat Krios
* a Vorcha
* a Batarian
Edit: Tali, Garrus, Liara, and Virmire Survivor would still be team members. EDI would too but her body can get potentially blown up because I despise pandering.
I want a hanar.
I never know some people looked down on getting a refund for a product your not satisfied with.
It's kinda funny, people were all 'you don't like it then don't buy it or return it and don't give bioware any more business' now people are returning it they are all 'if you don't like it it's your problem and you should suck it up and keep the game'.
If you go to watch a movie, do you ever go to the desk and try to get a refund because you didn't like the ending? Come on now. This is just pathetic.
If the game was broken at launch like PS3 Skyrim, I would completely understand the outrage and people seeking refunds. Shit, I would do it myself.
And that part would haev been the very basis for a proper sequel later ( About the reconstruction and the political struggle and confits now that everything must be rebuilt )Ugh, people don't want a happy unicorn ending, just one that doesn't shit on the 100+ hours they have put into the games.
There is no way the ending would be happy anyway. Possibly hundreds of millions of people are dead and most species home worlds are in ruin.
Vorchy the Vorcha would have been even better. Genetically engineered to be super-intelligent, but still afflicted by his species' speech impediment. Hilarity ensues.Proper time for a Batarian was ME2. If you're recruiting members from the seedier side of the universe, that screams Batarian to me.
Not a movie, but if I bought a video game and they were offering refunds for people not satisfied I would, I only wish I got this from Amazon.If you go to watch a movie, do you ever go to the desk and try to get a refund because you didn't like the ending? Come on now. This is just pathetic.
If the game was broken at launch like PS3 Skyrim, I would completely understand the outrage and people seeking refunds. Shit, I would do it myself.
If you go to watch a movie, do you ever go to the desk and try to get a refund because you didn't like the ending? Come on now. This is just pathetic.
If the game was broken at launch like PS3 Skyrim, I would completely understand the outrage and people seeking refunds. Shit, I would do it myself.
If you go to watch a movie, do you ever go to the desk and try to get a refund because you didn't like the ending? Come on now. This is just pathetic.
If you go to watch a movie, do you ever go to the desk and try to get a refund because you didn't like the ending? Come on now. This is just pathetic.
If the game was broken at launch like PS3 Skyrim, I would completely understand the outrage and people seeking refunds. Shit, I would do it myself.
NOBODY said "keep the game". Craigslist that shit, trade it at Gamestop, whatever. Returning a game you've played in its entirety because you didn't like the ending is really shitty and dishonest.
If the theater was like, hey, get yo money back, I'd be like, ayup.
Shameless? Sure. But that money is going to buy me enough material for a Tali of my own.
Also you get a Yahg squadmate as well. DLC, though.
Sorry I'm talking about my fanfiction remake of ME 3.
If Bioware acknowledged Blasto in the ME universe (which made me endlessly happy), and somehow they sort their way out of the shitstorm they're in, they would win major respect from their customers by recognizing Marauder Shields in some way.Blasto would be available on DLC but not in-game because it's just too jokey. However the DLC would also include his Elcor partner plus several new missions reenacting their adventures.
I brought Garrus and Vega for that mission, I'll be sure to bring Liara next time, haha.That reminds me if you bring Liara and Garrus along for the mission rescue Eve when you run across the yahg Garrus says there goes the next Shadow Broker at which Shepard replies maybe we should ask for help. Liara simply replies I hate you guys.
Huh, apparently they did, I learned about him via the Machinima video, herp derp.Didn't Bioware create Blasto in ME 1?
wait ......You mean his story was cerealized beforehand... in books at least half the people wouldn't have read.![]()
I could actually see Kolyat being a DLC squad member. He'd fit well in the Life Support room which was suspiciously absent the entire game despite letting you enter.
I'd pay money for a remastered Mass Effect with graphical upgrades from ME3 and the removal of elevators. And better shooting mechanics, BUT TOUCH NOTHING ELSE.
I'd pay money for a remastered Mass Effect with graphical upgrades from ME3 and the removal of elevators. And better shooting mechanics, BUT TOUCH NOTHING ELSE.