That's because humans are far less physically and biotically capable than the other races. So they're relegated to front-line fodder in the form of simple husks. It isn't a difficult concept. You Reapify a human, you end up with a husk. You Reapify an Asari (specifically Ardot-Yakshi), you end up with a Banshee.
Looking at the ME2 ending and how awesome it was is terrible stuff.
I tried playing ME3 renegade a couple hours ago. Couldn't do it. I was so fucking bored. Has anyone else tried to replay ME3 after seeing all the possible endings? It's SO BORING and unengaging. Compare this to just 3 days ago when I was like "HOLY SHIT THIS IS EPIC"
That's what this ending will do to you.
I think what pissed me off the most is that they have killed the universe from going forward now, we only have the events before to explore and that really really annoys me.
Posted? Co-creator of LOST:
Wait, if the Collectors are all repurposed Protheans, why does the Collector General look so different?
Wait, if the Collectors are all repurposed Protheans, why does the Collector General look so different?
So if you do everything perfectly, everyone becomes horrible half robots, the Quarians, Turians, Geth, Krogan, Asari, and Salarians are all stranded in the Sol cluster (Will the Quarians and Turians have to eat each other for sustenance???), the Krogans are stuck on their shithole of a planet, the relays are gone, all those Quarians will never see their homeworld again, Shepard's dead, and Joker runs away like a coward to make horrible half robot babies with his sexy android girlfriend among all the electro leaves on a random planet....
Oh and everyone the Citadel,who you spent the entire game helping and regardless of what you do, dies horribly in a collector base esque meatgrinder. Like Kelly, who after being saved from the base, Cerberus agents and her own possible suicide, becomes goopaste anyway...
What exactly did we win again
That's because humans are far less physically and biotically capable than the other races. So they're relegated to front-line fodder in the form of simple husks. It isn't a difficult concept. You Reapify a human, you end up with a husk. You Reapify an Asari (specifically Ardot-Yakshi), you end up with a Banshee.
You huskify a batarian and you get a cannibal??? But you huskify a human biotic...well apparently you dont do that.
Yeah I totally agree with this. They could probably find a way around this issue though. A solution could that they somehow repair one mass relay and get launched to the nearest one and do the same thing to each of them.
Or they go many years into the future on the next life cycle and do it all over again!
I think that hypothetical ending you posted could have definitely worked. I just want more Mass Effect backstory but it doesn't seem possible with this ending.
You huskify a batarian and you get a cannibal??? But you huskify a human biotic...well apparently you dont do that.
You're making my midnight cereal not sit well, man. Holding you responsible for that. Your reasoning is sound, but you're answering the wrong question.That's because humans are far less physically and biotically capable than the other races. So they're relegated to front-line fodder in the form of simple husks. It isn't a difficult concept. You Reapify a human, you end up with a husk. You Reapify an Asari (specifically Ardot-Yakshi), you end up with a Banshee.
Didn't samara in 2 say that there were only 3 Ardot-Yakshi and they were all her daughters?
He's Harbinger's comfy chair.Crazy physical and genetic tampering. For no real reason.
Didn't samara in 2 say that there were only 3 Ardot-Yakshi and they were all her daughters?
yup, she repeats in ME3 that all three daughters are Ardot-Yakshi
Wait, if the Collectors are all repurposed Protheans, why does the Collector General look so different?
Harbinger = Gilgamesh. Shit's crazy.
I also spent the last 5 minutes listening to this. Harbinger talks a lot of shit.
Phantoms are supposed to be Cerberus Reapified biotics. At least that's what happens to Jack if you don't save her.
You're making my midnight cereal not sit well, man. Holding you responsible for that. Your reasoning is sound, but you're answering the wrong question.
The original question, paraphrased: How come there are no Asari or Turian or [inser here] 'husks'? There's no reason they couldn't have used regular Asari too, for instance. They'd be less capable perhaps than one derived from an Ardat-Yakshi, as I assume the other Banshees are, but still useful. Ultimately I don't care, but it is something to talk about, I suppose...
But aren't all the banshee's Ardot-Yakshi?
You're making my midnight cereal not sit well, man. Holding you responsible for that. Your reasoning is sound, but you're answering the wrong question.
The original question, paraphrased: How come there are no Asari or Turian or [inser here] 'husks'? There's no reason they couldn't have used regular Asari too, for instance. They'd be less capable perhaps than one derived from an Ardat-Yakshi, as I assume the other Banshees are, but still useful. Ultimately I don't care, but it is something to talk about, I suppose...
But aren't all the banshee's Ardot-Yakshi?
Or they will fucking retcon the shit out of the thing cause they have done it before. Continuity, wtf is that?
She was talking about her daughters. "There are this many of them, and all of them are Ardat-Yakshi." The phenomenon occurs in the entire population.But aren't all the banshee's Ardot-Yakshi?
As far as I know we don't actually know.
Though I would assume seeing as we get one Harbinger collector at a time that he can't control more than one at the same time, maybe the Collector General is specially made so that he can control him during other possessings or he is some kind of entry point into controlling who he wants from so far away.
But aren't all the banshee's Ardot-Yakshi?
Banshees are non-lethal ones. Not exactly the same as her daughters.
Banshees are non-lethal ones. Not exactly the same as her daughters.
from ME wiki, it seems they're just Asari. no difference with Ardot-Yakshi when they become Banshees.
Good question. Phantom-Jack talks to you, Morinth acts like all the other Banshees, from what I've heard.No they can be active. Thats why they went to the monastry and why there is a banshee called Morinth on Earth if you save her (how do you know though?)
What makes them non lethal compared with samara's daughters? Is this in the codex, 'cause i didn't bother reading the codex in 3?
Second paragraph of the intro, man.
Good question. Phantom-Jack talks to you, Morinth acts like all the other Banshees, from what I've heard.
Wait are those guys Reapified? Thought they were basically just indoctrinated Cerberus agents.
She does. I had her in my game. It was pretty lame. Nothing different at all about her except it just says "Morinth" above her health bar. She wasn't even any more difficult than the others.
The only other contact you have with her is she sends you an e-mail.
From what I gathered all Cerberus troops by this point had begun receiving Reaper implants. Not sure if you saw the Jack bit, but basically you hear someone say he is going to tear her apart, she screams, and later you fight her as a Phantom. Seeing it was quick and painful, I would imagine its some sort of forced enhancement, much like the soldier you see on Mars.
What they do with the rest of the asari I have no idea.Banshees are created specifically from asari with active or latent predispositions to becoming Ardat-Yakshi.
It kind of sucked away all of the good feelings I had running through the game. Normally I would've jumped straight into NG+ or a different file but I had to wait a few days to go through the 5 stages of grief before starting it, and I still haven't found the spirit to complete it.So, I've been on a ME3 blackout since the game was announced. I was low on funds and short on time until this past weekend (three day weekend + being sick) and I finished the game. I noticed how huge the spoiler thread had gotten and was curious as to why. I kept hearing people say "the ending" as if it were singular and made nothing of it. Yet, there I was with three options to choose from. I went with the middle one, completely intending to play the game again -- until literally 10 minutes ago. Until a friend and fellow GAFfer told me that he had looked up the other two endings. I literally have my second playthrough paused in disgust as I type this. I CANNOT EVEN FATHOM HOW THIS WAS ACCEPTABLE.
So, I've been on a ME3 blackout since the game was announced. I was low on funds and short on time until this past weekend (three day weekend + being sick) and I finished the game. I noticed how huge the spoiler thread had gotten and was curious as to why. I kept hearing people say "the ending" as if it were singular and made nothing of it. Yet, there I was with three options to choose from. I went with the middle one, completely intending to play the game again -- until literally 10 minutes ago. Until a friend and fellow GAFfer told me that he had looked up the other two endings. I literally have my second playthrough paused in disgust as I type this. I CANNOT EVEN FATHOM HOW THIS WAS ACCEPTABLE. I'm going to have a fucking aneurysm.
Because no one in their right mind would side with her so they didnt care.
I dont think they had this trilogy planned out from a story or design point of view, its pretty common knowledge that the Protheans drastically changed in appearance between ME1-ME2 and their is so many plot holes building to this endings it like ME1-ME2 they just made the reapers sound cool and mysterious but they got to ME3 and had NO FUCKING CLUE how to give them a conclusion and thus invented a space ghost child AI to solve everything.
I cant help but see plot holes or things that dont make sense everywhere i look in the lore of the universe.
They obviously didnt have a conclusion to the reaper threat conceived and thus made something terrible up at the end.
And what the hell is the child thing about, Shepard lost squadmates and stuff and yet he cares about one single child he met for 5 seconds and that child id somehow exactly the same as the starchild...
Seriously. You should hear me screaming in my Skype call right now.Welcome to the club.