Well, I'd like to say I called it.
Free DLC in cutscene form. What do I win?
Hahaha.Just finished.
Feels bad man. No clue if I chose a good ending. Went with he Destroy option, but I think I killed all the Geth, Edi (one of my favourites), and myself. Those last 10 minutes were lame as shit =[
Just finished.
Feels bad man.
Did the destroy option kill Edi? Sadly, I need to know this.
I know I"m late and piling on but...I feel like I just wasted 30 hours.
Did the destroy option kill Edi? Sadly, I need to know this.
I know I"m late and piling on but...I feel like I just wasted 30 hours.
But Shepard is only "part synthetic"!
And you do die unless you got your EMS up to a high number which makes no sense anyway.
Though he did also say I would die. I think? And I woke up under a bunch of rocks somewhere. So maybe he was lying for...some reason.
Shit, I don't know.
I noticed 2 weird things during my 2nd Insanity playthrough.
The case of Paragon option
I played this as John Shepard (aka Default Shep) and play it Paragon pretty much the same way as my previous custom shep. If anything, I had more Renegade branch than my first play through. The strange thing is while my first Paragon Shep didn't get the final Paragon choice when talking to TIM, this one does so TIM promptly blows his own head off.
So the question, what makes this one different? If anything, I've always been nice to TIM on my 1st playthrough, always responding with Paragon command whereas in my 2nd playthrough as John Shep, I told him to "Fuck off" quite a lot. And yet, I got the Paragon prompt on my 2nd playthrough and not the 1st playthrough. Is it the playthrough that triggers the prompt?
Just finished.
Feels bad man. No clue if I chose a good ending. Went with he Destroy option, but I think I killed all the Geth, Edi (one of my favourites), and myself. Those last 10 minutes were lame as shit =[
Damn. I guess so.
Though I am really bummed that it killed EDI. My adoration for Tricia Helfer may be clouding my judgment, but I really liked her as a character.
Secondly you can survive the destroy ending so that pretty much shows that Space Casper is full of shit and thirdly people have reported EDI walking off the ship in the jungle scene after choosing the destroy ending.
Damn. I guess so.
Though I am really bummed that it killed EDI. My adoration for Tricia Helfer may be clouding my judgment, but I really liked her as a character.
Oh, and finally: The real ending of Mass Effect 3
Did the destroy option kill Edi? Sadly, I need to know this.
I know I"m late and piling on but...I feel like I just wasted 30 hours.
It depends on how you talk to TIM throughout the playthrough. Just use the Persuade/Intimidate option every time you can. One of those instances is hidden away in some 'investigate' dialog, I think. If you've done 'em all, you'll be able to talk him down at the end.
What? You can make him not kill himself? What happens then?
That video was hilarious, especially James Vega bit at 4:20ish made me laugh my pants off!
That Batarian Relay or "The shit you've done"
This weirds me out as well. When you 1st play using any Shepard whether fresh in ME3 or using important ME2 file, Anderson only say "The shit you pulled" in reference to blowing up mass relay and destroying Batarians' colony back in "The Arrival".
HOWEVER, if you use a ME3 imported file (ie. you play once in ME3 and you import that file), you'll get a different dialogue, this one with Anderson saying "YOU BLEW UP BATARIAN COLONY", loud and clear. So I don't understand why they withhold this information up until your 2nd playthrough with ME3 imported character no-less. I'd think newcomers would appreciate this detail a lot more. Were they just being lazy and thought by changing the dialogue it'll impress the players?
Which doesn't make any sense, since Shepard is a Spectre, and above the law.Anderson doesn't yell at Shepard about blowing up the relay because Shepard didn't blow up the relay. He's on trial for vague reasons, probably for working with Cerberus and known criminals if I had to take a guess.
Actually, if you haven't done Arrival, then the event still happens, but Shepard doesn't do it. It says in one of the War Assets, I want to say the 103rd Marine Division or something along those lines, that they lost a large amount of men doing the events of Arrival. Anderson doesn't yell at Shepard about blowing up the relay because Shepard didn't blow up the relay. He's on trial for vague reasons, probably for working with Cerberus and known criminals if I had to take a guess.
Admiral Hackett dispatched marines to the planet Aratoht to rescue a deep cover agent, Dr. Amanda Kenson. The teams were killed in an explosion that wiped out both the colony and the system's relay. The Alliance spent weeks piecing together scattered radio transmissions, learning that the marines felt they had no choice but to send an asteroid into the relay to prevent invasion by the Reapers. While it bought the Alliance some time, the men and women lost on the mission were a severe blow to the 103rd Marine Corps.
Which doesn't make any sense, since Shepard is a Spectre, and above the law.
I thought it was just an appropriate evolution of the character. By the end, he calls himself "I" instead of "we" as his individual programs had combined to shape a singular whole, and he uploads the Reaper code and sacrifices himself to imbue the Geth consensus with that same form of individuality and free will. It was just a natural evolution.
By calling himself "we," he was still operating on consensus. He had a form of free will because the high number of A.I. programs in his system made him highly intelligent, but the other Geth didn't share that. When he labels himself "I" at the end, it's significant because it denotes a change in his thought process. It fits with him asking Tali if she thinks he has a soul. These aren't questions a consensus would ask, but rather an individual.
The Geth in ME3 were controlled by the Reapers and so weren't a true consensus - they were slaves. They had made that deal as a collective because the Reaper code, while malevolent, had the side effect of making them more intelligent for the Quarian war. Legion was the only one with any free will prior to that, but it was due to his unique programming which the other Geth didn't share. Ultimately, the Reaper code in combination with Legion's sacrifice created an intelligent, individualistic Geth society that wasn't dependent on the collective to shape their thoughts and actions. The Reaper code gave them the requisite intelligence and Legion imbued them with personality.
Well, they originally said it would be covered at the start of ME3, but you could just play it in the Arrival if you wanted. There was supposed to be the whole trial stuff to fill in the player about why things were like they were, but hahahahahahaaha NOPEAnd I coulda sworn at some point somebody made a comment about an obscene amount of Batarians I killed even though I didn't play arrival. Maybe I just saw a video. Oh well, in my imagination I killed a bunch of Batarians, and that's fine with me.
This is all based off of the assumption that individual personalities as developed by apes on planet Earth is somehow objectively superior to a unique form of life and thought by consensus formed by synthetics on the opposite side of the galaxy.
Evolution has nothing to do with "objective superiority." It's about adaptation, and Geth are better able to adapt in an environment where they are individualized and don't govern themselves based on consensus. It's the biggest reason the war ended. Consensus was the reason they were controlled by the Reapers.
when do we have sea food with kelly in me2?
in my save,can't save mordin as i saved the genophage data,but has got wrex killed.
Also thane can be saved if u dont meet him in the hospital,but his son will die instead.
Also not sure on this but someone i guesss in this forum metioned that if u did not meet his son in me2 and did not visit him in hospital,the salarian council member will die.
Whattt thane doesnt have to die!?
Mordin can live as well. This game is nuts.
Well considering he is going to die in like a month anyway...
I don't believe Thane can live. I can't find a video of Thanes son dying.
I thought we were gonna get a live PAX thing from Bioware? Im watching and it's just the Midnight launch stuff. (I was there, so I never got to see it) and I met Garrus there and he seemed fine. But man he's so fucking awkward in this interview, he doesnt give a shit. And Mark Meer is such a stand up guy and knows his shit.
I wonder if those guys on the ME3 panel are going to be wearing bullet-proof vests.
I wonder if they'll get to pick the color of the explosion.I'm half expecting some joker to call in a bomb threat.
I wonder if they'll get to pick the color of the explosion.
I like how they had different colors.