Speaking of Kai Leng...who is he? Sort of appeared out of nowhere here and is set up as this ultimate rival to Shepard, but I had no clue who the hell he was.HOW THE SHIT DO I BEAT KAI LENG ON INSANITY M READY TO KILL MYSELF WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=462110Speaking of Kai Leng...who is he? Sort of appeared out of nowhere here and is set up as this ultimate rival to Shepard, but I had no clue who the hell he was.
Apparently he's from the books, but it made for a pretty weak baddie for those of us just into the games.
You can block his melee QTE by repeatedly pressing B (or whatever melee is on PS3/PC) in case the message isn't popping up for you. I know that feel LOL
literally the worst boss battle
keep mashing the melee button till he is done.Wait...what? Really? Damn it, Bioware....
Someone on SA asked Patrick Weekes questions at PAX:
Some of it's reasonable, some of it seems like they're stretching to say "what looked like it actually happened didn't, because of reasons that we didn't elaborate on."
Could have had more reaper variety. Surely a reaper elcor could be a formidable opponent. Maybe combine hanar and drell into one mutant tentacle ninja reaper since they're mainly from the same planet now.
Hmm, I knew something was stinky about their involvement but I didn't think they're actually that shady.
Tasteful, Understated Nerdrage: Additional Clarity and Closure
Someone on SA asked Patrick Weekes questions at PAX:
Some of it's reasonable, some of it seems like they're stretching to say "what looked like it actually happened didn't, because of reasons that we didn't elaborate on."
Sadness. I really wish the game had been delayed another 6 months to a year.
When I read that, I thought you meant figuratively, but oh shit, it's there.Haha, GAF is in there.
Nice exchange going though, even if it does get a bit preachy at parts.
Should have gotten the same dev time as 2, which was around 3 years. They didnt learn anything from rushing out DA 2, did they. And by they, I mean EA.
I am currently on my second playthrough of the original Mass Effect and WOW! I almost miss the scanning from two. It is basically 4 well developed areas and that is it. Those that are pissed about the direction of 2 and 3 need to take a step back.
When it comes to bionics, half of them are different forms of lift. Compared to 3, it still has the same amount of weapons and uprgrades, but you do not have to micromanage them. The sidequests are really bad. The evolution is huge, and between 2 and 3 they became more accessible yet were equally as complex considering the derivative nature of the powers in the game
Exactly. It's kind of baffling how people love to bash 2 for taking out the totally barren empty overworld/mako areas and copy/paste facility side quests.
Some of us like desolate, empty worlds.Exactly. It's kind of baffling how people love to bash 2 for taking out the totally barren empty overworld/mako areas and copy/paste facility side quests.
Should have gotten the same dev time as 2, which was around 3 years. They didnt learn anything from rushing out DA 2, did they. And by they, I mean EA.
Reused factory areas is totally equal to reused multiplayer N7 missions. I think 2's balance of hubs and explorable worlds was better than the mostly explorable worlds of 1, or the single hub of 3, though.
Sorry for going a bit off topic, but on the final cutscene I get some sort of visual glitch.
It's like the whole screen is covered by a dark blue filter for a few seconds and then it goes back to normal.
Anyone else get this? 360 btw.
There is no best ending.So in my ending I chose the middle synthesis option and at the end, the plants on the planet and the Normandy crew were part synthetic, is this the best ending?
If you mean that the colors look like they're almost inverted, then yeah, I think that's a glitch. A few people have uploaded endings where the colors are purple and stuff, but I haven't experienced that on the PC.Sorry for going a bit off topic, but on the final cutscene I get some sort of visual glitch.
It's like the whole screen is covered by a dark blue filter for a few seconds and then it goes back to normal.
Anyone else get this? 360 btw.
So in my ending I chose the middle synthesis option and at the end, the plants on the planet and the Normandy crew were part synthetic, is this the best ending?
nice vid that sums up all the lies told before release:
I guess "best" is debatable but if you didn't see Shepard take a breath at the end then you didn't get the complete ending.
There is no best ending.
I mean from the three endings, there is no "best" ending. According to BW, that's up to your own personal choice to decide.Well, having Shepard die at the end of ME2 seems quite good in retrospect.
Is it impossible to get the Shepard survives ending without playing multiplayer? I did a ton of side quests and had a readiness "number" in the mid 6 thousands, but because I played no MP the readiness was locked at 50% and my effective readiness was just a little north of 3,000. I left like 4 side missions undone before going into the final mission and it seems unlikely they would have pumped my total readiness to the 10,000 range.
Yes, that cracked me up. The only dialog I couldn't paragon in the entire game. Stupid system.Yes. I think the max you can get in a game is about 7200 points.... let me find a link to a guide on BSN... here:
Says it's about 7300. So 3650 without any MP or iOS apps. If you can paragon/renegade the Illusive man in the end, I think you need 4000 (5000 if you fail to make he shoot himself) to see the "Shepard lives" end, so you still need to play at least one or two MP matches to raise your Readiness.
I was also able to get a refund for Mass Effect 3, via Origin Live Help/Live Chat. It took a while, but I was able to get across my complete dissatisfaction with the game. First, I got an offer to "trade" Mass Effect 3 with another game at similar or cheaper cost. Some more civil arguments later, and I was asked for my order number along with my credit card info.
The Catch: I bought ME3 and Batman: Arkham City at the same time, and to refund ME 3 requires me to refund Batman: AC also.
The reasoning is that because I bought Batman at a discount, due to buying ME3 via Origin, for 10 bucks, that I shouldn't keep access to Batman. It was a promotional offer, and in refunding ME3 I have to refund Batman also.
I understand the corporate thinking behind this, but from a consumer perspective this is both devious and terrible. Batman was a fun game too, and it sucks balls. Lesson learned....
Surprised this didn't make it to the thread -
Surprised this didn't make it to the thread -