Is there a different link? I think imgur may have compressed it, because it does that with JPGs.I never saw this posted here, but for anyone who obtained the CE soundtrack without tags, there's actual coverart from bioware:
Just in case there was someone here without it![]()
DLC "Ending" Proof. Oh boy.
I believe I had both options, but I don't want to restart that mission only to get there.Was just watching some ending videos on YT and I'm wondering..was anyone able to choose the last Paragon/Renegade option during TIM confrontation? I haven't seen anyone be able too.
I maxed out my paragon and I think the only renegade option I took was against Kai Leng. What was the point of adding them if you can't use them?
Was just watching some ending videos on YT and I'm wondering..was anyone able to choose the last Paragon/Renegade option during TIM confrontation? I haven't seen anyone be able too.
I maxed out my paragon and I think the only renegade option I took was against Kai Leng. What was the point of adding them if you can't use them?
So, I just watched it all: Angry Joe gets major props for how he approached that video. I think his last point is the most important: If IT is true, gamers still have a valid reason to complain. The ending exists in the state it does solely in order to sell us DLC that will elaborate upon said ambiguity. I still think the notion of EVERYTHING leading up to that moment means nothing because you become indoctrinated feels like a cop-out. I'll keep an open mind, but remain a cynic until Bioware proves otherwise.
Same here. Must. Repress. Cynicism.God dammit, I was in the acceptance stage, had come to terms that it was just a shitty ending and to move on. But after watching that video...sigh.
So, I just watched it all: Angry Joe gets major props how he approached that video. I think his last point is the most important: If IT is true, gamers still have a valid reason to complain. The ending exists in the state it does solely in order to sell us DLC that will elaborate upon said ambiguity. I still think the notion of EVERYTHING leading up to that moment means nothing because you become indoctrinated feels like a cop-out. I'll keep an open mind, but remain a cynic until Bioware proves otherwise.
Same here. Must. Repress. Cynicism.
That is the best coverart I think I've ever seen for anything.
Anyone watched the Angry Joe Top Ten reasons why the ending sucked? Nice compilation of complaints from the fans. Even the ending defense force should take a look at it.
Wait, what?I saw his list and while I agree with it, he's missing the point of the ending. The ending is a reflection by Walters not only on the state of science fiction as a whole but also on individual authors. It's a fantastic ending in the analysis it brings.
Wait, what?
Seriously, if the alleged ending is true it contrasts so starkly with how the rest of the series has unfolded. By nature I want to scream: terrible video game writing, but maybe we're all wrong. If the writers can deliver that missing piece -- that panacea -- in the DLC (ignoring the moral implications of such a cheap ploy) maybe all of us here will have to sit down and feast upon some crows.The comments :lol.
Yes. Thank you, Bioware for turning this sci-fi space opera into a a psychological and moral tug of war with robots inside the protagonist's head, and going full on Kojima with my 4th wall so that I pick the Renegade option on my Paragon character for him to live and wake up from his space magic trance.
Yes, quite. Very Asimovian in nature, if I may say.Walters was obviously using a mixture of parody and satire through the different endings to point at people such as Clarke.
I had both options available for the three times I was able to choose. The last thing I said to him was "What if you're wrong?" and then he started second guessing himself. That's when he pulled a Saren and killed himself.
That's another thing I was sort of upset about in the game is that they lacked many of these options. ME2 had so many of them.
Walters was obviously using a mixture of parody and satire through the different endings to point at people such as Clarke.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.Walters was obviously using a mixture of parody and satire through the different endings to point at people such as Clarke.
Walters was obviously using a mixture of parody and satire through the different endings to point at people such as Clarke.
I actually really enjoyed that ending. Failing to see what the negative fuss is about, did people not want shepard to end up dead ? Were they not happy with the amount of closure ? I mean.. I'm not sure, maybe I'd be more disappointed had I not chosen the 3rd option ? Ending all synthetic life would lead to shepards death, the reapers death, edi's death, the geths death and so on. Controlling them , well who knows, I guess that might have been interesting to watch.
Or does the dissapointment stem from the ending I actually got where synthetic and natural life is combined and the normandy crash lands somewhere after getting hit with the pulse ? I'm not sure what people are actually pissed off about here.
There is absolutely no way Bioware intentionally wrote the ending to fit with indoctrination. I think the theory fits nicely in the game universe and a sincerely hope Bioware takes it and runs with it making a proper ending DLC, but LOTS OF SPECULATION more or less kills the notion that Bioware somehow planned this.
Not sure if serious. :/Walters was obviously using a mixture of parody and satire through the different endings to point at people such as Clarke.
Seriously.Man, my ME2 crew is not doing well so far - all survived the suicide mission, but so far I lost Thane, Legion, Miranda and Mordin in 3. (though Mordin's death was quite glorious)
Who?Walters was obviously using a mixture of parody and satire through the different endings to point at people such as Clarke.
I think it fits quite well, indoctrination is a theme throughout the games, from 1 to 3. That's better than some Vent Kid/Catalyst last 5 minutes introduction.
Then they can wake Shepard up and make an ending that involves all the war assets you gained and picking the right ones to do the right things, like the suicide mission, and a confrontation with Harbinger, followed by actual closure to many of the characters storylines.
I refuse to ever believe the indoctrination theory. It'll just be a huge fucking cop out from Bioware to cover up their terrible writing.
Man, my ME2 crew is not doing well so far - all survived the suicide mission, but so far I lost Thane, Legion, Miranda and Mordin in 3. (though Mordin's death was quite glorious)
Also, the Geth did a complete 180 from "We rejected Nasira's aid, the Geth will find our own way" to "INJECT THE REAPER TECH INTO OUR CIRCUITTRRRRYYYYYYY!!!" and apparently VORCHA are in charge of the Blood Pack!?
Bioware did not give a shit about anything and it shows. Like someone murdered Mass Effect and grafted its face onto their own. Looks the same, plays the same, sounds the same, but god does ME3 feel fucking weird
I think it fits quite well, indoctrination is a theme throughout the games, from 1 to 3. That's better than some Vent Kid/Catalyst last 5 minutes introduction.
Then they can wake Shepard up and make an ending that involves all the war assets you gained and picking the right ones to do the right things, like the suicide mission, and a confrontation with Harbinger, followed by actual closure to many of the characters storylines.
Except that Pallin then found out that Udina was working for Cerberus and helped the Salarian Councilor escape after he was killed. Oops.
Oh wait, wasn't that only the second time that Pallin was killed in the series? Someone listed it out, and he's been killed like three times already.
1.)By the Geth in the Battle of the Citadel
2.)By Bailey
3.)By Kai Leng in the Cerberus attack
Also, the Geth did a complete 180 from "We rejected Nasira's aid, the Geth will find our own way" to "INJECT THE REAPER TECH INTO OUR CIRCUITTRRRRYYYYYYY!!!"
BioWare: If they didn't die last time, we're sure to get them this time!
I didn't lose any, except for the ones who did die in the story. THAAANE!
That Grunt scene was epic.
Grunt was perhaps my favorite character from ME2. There was something about his dialogue that always made me laugh/chuckle.
When it looked like he was going to die, I got so sad. Mordin and Thane had just died and they were my second/third favorite characters. I figured it was inevitable that he was going to die.
I was like a little kid on Christmas when he came out that cave.
When the quarians attacked the geth, it was either accept reaper help, or die. You'll find yourself dropping your philosophies when put into a life-or-death situation like that. No way to be self-determinant if you're dead.
I love the tautological and conspiratorial nature of Indoctrination Theory. All inconsistencies and ambiguities are simply the consequence of a greater and more deliberate frame work: IT. One can "explain away" literally any misunderstood facet of ME3 under the guise of Indoctrination -- and without much substance. But I think your final point is the most jarring and unsettling: Is this what EA and the gaming industry have come to? Disturbing their fans for the sake generating internet buzz? Does a 400+ page spoiler thread that is bigger than the official thread (and all subsequent discourse) justify employing tactics what we would easily deem as unethical? Our concerted anger may end up misplaced if the ending is redeemed, but it is definitely not unwarranted.Honestly, if the indoctrination thing is real, and this is all some sort of bizarre alternate reality game a la I Love Bees, created by Bioware to get buzz... then fuck them. That's worse than them just being lazy devs and making only one ending.
Remember that horror movie that came out recently where at the end it just says to go to a website?
Solution a) Bioware says the ending is the ending and we have to accept it.
Bummer, but oh well, it was still an awesome series.
Solution b) DLC ending, because the fans weren't happy with the ending.
Okay, like a director's cut... except it's the opposite, because usually director's cuts are changed TO the director's vision. Fine, sure, whatever, Tali-babies for everyone.
Solution c) DLC ending, because that was the plan all along! The people who bought the game were indoctrinated, and you're a real hero for figuring it out!
I can accept a) and b). But if c) actually starts becoming a thing... So movies, to find out the end I need to go to a website? For a game, to find out how it ends, I need to sit around and wait for the devs to do the "reveal..."
Because with the indoctrination theory, that's what people are saying. That Bioware is making us all play some sort of crazy alternate reality game.
Unless they say, "you're right, indoctrinated," and then release no DLC resolving the end. Then that means the game in fact doesn't end. Because he never left Earth...
Wow, this was awesome. Nice compilation of the theory. Wish it were true.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.![]()
Were the Reapers planning on wiping out the Vorcha? If not, the Take Back Omega DLC could be based around it becoming overrun with them after a large percentage of the other races were killed there. Shepard and Aria trying to get it back under control, maybe.