Jake Tower
And here's the EveFucking joker lives and is the new Adam, wow, just wow. I still don't get how everything but the Normandy could escape

Check out that childbearing robo-vag
And here's the EveFucking joker lives and is the new Adam, wow, just wow. I still don't get how everything but the Normandy could escape
Kimberly Brooks said:The sessions I’ve had so far have been really simple, and Bioware’s not changing the ending, but it’s explaining and justifying it more.
Yeah green space magic making Jokers baseball cap become sentient and partially organic/synthetic hey it happens all the time round where I liveKimberly Brooks said:The response was not good. Maybe it was too much of a realistic ending?
In all honesty, after this fiasco, you think we'll even see another full console/pc Mass Effect game in the next few years or do you think Bioware just killed it for everyone?
Another thing I don't get, your team members live because they show up on the Normandy, but my squadmates were on the ground dead while I was walking towards the beam
You should probably compare ME1 ending to the ME3 one for a fair comparison.
But even then, ME1 ending is still miles better. I just beat it 5 mins ago. Still soo good with the soundtracks and epic cutscenes. I'd love to play a remake of it someday, same soundtrack, same story, just with better graphics and gameplay.
Little chances i know.![]()
Another thing I don't get, your team members live because they show up on the Normandy, but my squadmates were on the ground dead while I was walking towards the beam
Isn't there a cutscene where no one walks out though? Or is that only if your readiness score is abysmal?The game is supposed to de-prioritise dead characters and EDI if Destroy was chosen, but also tries to prioritise romanced characters and Javik in a way that sometimes makes dead characters walk out of the Normandy in the end. Only the two characters you had with you could die near the beam though.
If the game runs out of characters to walk out it'll pick Traynor as one of them, but I don't think it's possible to kill enough of them that there won't be a second one for the game to pick.
Isn't there a cutscene where no one walks out though? Or is that only if your readiness score is abysmal?
I think that's tied to Earth getting scorched rather than the amount of characters dead, yes.
EDIT: Although both are tied to EMS, obviously.
Another thing I don't get, your team members live because they show up on the Normandy, but my squadmates were on the ground dead while I was walking towards the beam
Having the main character die is just a cheap way of getting emotion. Shepard doesn't need to die... again.
In all honesty, after this fiasco, you think we'll even see another full console/pc Mass Effect game in the next few years or do you think Bioware just killed it for everyone?
I just love creative fiction. That is: EA making another ME and anyone giving a fuck. Haha, that'll happen.
(allthough I can picture a scenario where you start on an 'advanced' planet, uncover some plot featuring machine-hybrid overlord -Titans, whatever- and basically spend some time going on this world and eventually offworld to be transported to a place where these things are building the 'now' equivalent of mass relays.
You uncover their origins and reaper tech (maybe even Harbinger back from the dead, now free to do whatever it is a free reaper does, right?), which is of course the Quarians. Whether the Geth have a role in this is irrelevant: the Quarians would rebuild them in a day anyway. Wiping them out means NOTHING.
That's the thing about this ending: now the whole universe has to follow these alternate rules, because if they don't, then genocidal casper - F-ING GOOOOOOOD, did I overdo it?- was (is?) wrong about fucking everything.)
Note that their galaxy neatly dissapears from the map at the end, yet no reaper invasion. Sequel bait, right there.
It could work, but they shouldn't call it ME4 or even ME for that matter. You would simply have to learn during the game(s?) that this is ME reborn. Shepard might even turn up as a villain at some point (who else?), but ghost child stays out.
But the ME franchise and name is dead. Really dead.
You should probably compare ME1 ending to the ME3 one for a fair comparison.
But even then, ME1 ending is still miles better. I just beat it 5 mins ago. Still soo good with the soundtracks and epic cutscenes. I'd love to play a remake of it someday, same soundtrack, same story, just with better graphics and gameplay.
Little chances i know.![]()
Electronics Arts has emerged victorious relatively unscathed from an investigation brought on by complaints over Mass Effect 3.
CVG reports that the UK agency Advertising Standards Authority's investigation into complaints over the title's claims that "decisions you make completely shape your experience and outcome" ruled that while the players' choices "did not influence the outcome to the extent claimed by EA," the three final choices were "thematically quite different" and those choices presented three endings that contained "a large number of minor variations in the end stages of Mass Effect 3, and that those were directly impacted by choices made by players earlier in the game(s)."
The overall conclusion of the investigation ruled EA's claims about the malleability of the game may have been a bit exaggerated, but the overall scope of what they delivered was not "misleading."
"Whilst we acknowledged that the advertiser had placed particular emphasis on the role that player choices would play in determining the outcome of the game, we considered that most consumers would realise (sic) there would be a finite number of possible outcomes within the game and, because we considered that the advertiser had shown that players' previous choices and performance would impact on the ending of the game, we concluded that the ad was not misleading."
Regardless of the decision, BioWare has announced a future "Expanded Cut" DLC that will "expand on the variety of consequences of player choices and degrees of success."
Pathetic. Your decisions amount to which companions show up on the magic intergalactic telephone at the end of the game. There's not even a decent battleship fight in which you can see the results of your exploits. That "investigation" is a joke.Mass Effect 3's UK Investigation Rules Endings Were 'Thematically Quite Different'
ASA BS said:"Whilst we acknowledged that the advertiser had placed particular emphasis on the role that player choices would play in determining the outcome of the game, we considered that most consumers would realise (sic) there would be a finite number of possible outcomes within the game
It may not be quite dead yet but it is getting there, the latest Xbox activity chart shows ME 3 is only at 15, it isn't even in the top 10 and was beaten by arse old games like GTA 4. There are precious few ME fans left I really think you are underestimating just how damaging the ending of Mass Effect 3 actually is.And Mass Effect is no where near dead. If anything, it's yet to reach its peak. The multiplayer mode is surprisingly popular, Bioware fans will gladly purchase the next game, and gamers will still buy their games regardless of an ending. The next trilogy with new multiplayer integration will most likely outsell the original easily.
It's been done. Played the PC version at 60FPS with HD textures, modded lighting, and 8x AA. Looked super nice.
Is it just me or do the environments in ME1 look a ton better than ME2? The scope is so much larger and even the textures look sharper minus the character models.
Some day when I get a good computer I'm going to replay ME1 on the PC. It looks gorgeous.
I beat it back in the day with a 7600GT on Core 2 Duo, so my guess is that anything low-end today will wreck the hell out of it.60 FPS, high resolution and mods for those who want it, it's very nice, especially when i hear the 360 version has a lot of technical issues. I wouldn't touch it even if someone paid me for it.
I don't think you even need a beast of a computer to run it. But don't trust my words, since my computer is a beast. :lol
The skyboxes in ME1 are so beautiful compared to ME2, i dunno where the guys who did them went after ME1, but they clearly didnt stay for ME2. You dont get something as nice as this in ME2 :
And the few times you see planets on the sky in ME2, they're so damn blurry it doesn't look good at all. What happened Bioware? Why you stop caring for skyboxes?The decent ME2 ones that come to mind is the one from the mission we recruit Tali and Grunt's loyal mission but still doesn't come close to that.
The only thing that is as good as what's in ME1 is the Palaven's moon in ME3. Sadly, that's just one zone.
Edit : Forgot about the Shadow Broker ship in ME2. That's two i guess lol.
What happened Bioware? Why you stop caring for skyboxes?![]()
I beat it back in the day with a 7600GT on Core 2 Duo, so my guess is that anything low-end today will wreck the hell out of it.
Since ME1 on PC has come up, anyone else having the same audio glitch I am? There's a rhythmic "tick" in the audio.
That's just Indoctrination kicking in
I guess the IT is actually confirmed
Sometimes you go too far
Then you come back and totally redeem yourself
That's just Indoctrination kicking in
I guess the IT is actually confirmed
The more you think about the ending and what it means for the universe and how schizophrenic it is, you will come back with more to say.These are the major things crossing my mind now, probably more to come later.
Why the fancy name? It's just fridge logic.We have noticed a phenomena which I like to call Delayed Critical Response
You can do whatever with Liara until after the Citadel attack, when she appears near the two shops on the far end of the marketplace area. The first conversation with her has a dialogue choice where you pick if you want to *actually* romance her or just be friendsEspecially since I didn't even achieve a romance with anybody! I was gunning for Liara the whole time, but by the time her home world got fucked, I felt like all the mojo was gone. I don't know what went wrong. My final thing with her was just that mind altering edge of the universe type thing we did together, it was weird. I was expecting a Judge Dredd type sex scene, tbh. Weird weird weird. Did not know you could sleep with more than one person either. I passed on Miranda (who I got in 2) to keep it monogamous for Liara and I get this?? Crazy.
Just finished the game. I don't crazy hate the ending or anything, I understand some of the hate, but to me, nothing abut Reapers/Collectors or what have you has ever made much sense to me, so finding that this ending had to tie all their bs together and ended up coming off even worse for it logically isn't a big deal to me.
How long do I have before I envision a rainbow choice ending to my life? Will Marauder Shields be there?
What the hell, I thought I picked the romance option? How did that get passed me.You can do whatever with Liara until after the Citadel attack, when she appears near the two shops on the far end of the marketplace area. The first conversation with her has a dialogue choice where you pick if you want to *actually* romance her or just be friends
Also agreed on kai leng, nothing Bioware intended for him to be succeeded.
This thread exists because we allow it to exist. The cycle must continue.
Seriously seeing this thread makes me depressed, just thinking about the ending and dreamchild and spacegeezer makes me frustrated at bioware and EA all over again.
Yeah green space magic making Jokers baseball cap become sentient and partially organic/synthetic hey it happens all the time round where I liveI have to be honest though my interest in the EC has increased. I can now say I cannot wait for the EC the reaction to it is going to be like a stream of brown excrement over anywhere and everywhere.
Given how Ashley's role in the ending is virtually nonexistent, I doubt the majority of actors who didn't follow/play the game even know (or care for that matter) what actually happened. So I can't even get too mad at her for that comment.