I just tried one of the new endings by shooting the Citadel-child-ghost thing...what ? Why do I feel trolled ?
Interesting. So they weren't as comfortable about it back then.As for the last point of the video, in ME there were some scrapped sound files for an actual romance between male Shep and Kaidan.
As for the last point of the video, in ME there were some scrapped sound files for an actual romance between male Shep and Kaidan.
Actually, since they removed the idea, they didn't animate the models so femshep appears during the sex scene.There's also a sound file where male shepard refers to himself as a woman to liara. It doesn't necessarily mean they cut out the quest where he reveals himself to be femshep after all.
There's also a sound file where male shepard refers to himself as a woman to liara. It doesn't necessarily mean they cut out the quest where he reveals himself to be femshep after all.
I know they used stock photography in other places, but using a blown-up JPEG as the visual payoff for Shepard's relationship with his/her mentor at the climax of the series is kind of lame.
What's lame about it? Conversely, why is it better if they hand drew the earth?So I was replaying the ending last night to check out the DLC when I noticed something that completely shattered the illusion for me. There's really no reason why anyone should notice this, but I happened to be very familiar with this one specific image.
Here is a NASA picture I used while teaching myself After Effects:
Here's that tender moment between Shepard and Anderson:
Now that photo again, this time a little more closely:
I know they used stock photography in other places, but using a blown-up JPEG as the visual payoff for Shepard's relationship with his/her mentor at the climax of the series is kind of lame.
You may notice that in the Shepard lives ending, the love interest hesitates to place Shepards name on the wall, and instead looks up as though deep in thought. This is meant to suggest that the love interest is not ready to believe Shepard is dead, and the final scene reveals they are correct. As the Normandy lifts off, there is hope that the love interest and Shepard will again be together.
Would've rather had a game where I could be Space God Sheaper.
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BioWare’s Tully Ackland:
So, red = canonical, and sequel (dlc) confirmed?
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BioWares Tully Ackland:
So, red = canonical, and sequel (dlc) confirmed?
I don't see a problem with this, there is a difference between being lazy with a well known character and not actually being able to go into space to take your own picture of Earth.So I was replaying the ending last night to check out the DLC when I noticed something that completely shattered the illusion for me. There's really no reason why anyone should notice this, but I happened to be very familiar with this one specific image.
Here is a NASA picture I used while teaching myself After Effects:
Here's that tender moment between Shepard and Anderson:
Now that photo again, this time a little more closely:
I know they used stock photography in other places, but using a blown-up JPEG as the visual payoff for Shepard's relationship with his/her mentor at the climax of the series is kind of lame.
So I'm playing through ME3 on PS3 for the first time, I am really just doing it for the trophies and just to have one more run through, going through on a different system with a different character makes it a little easier to handle after all the fuss we have had over the bad ending.
I am going through Grissom Academy and David isn't there, now I know this is my paragon character and I wouldn't have given him to his brother, but for some reason it doesn't seem to have picked up my choice regarding him which is strange.
I don't see a problem with this, there is a difference between being lazy with a well known character and not actually being able to go into space to take your own picture of Earth.
Did you play Overlord on ME2 PS3? He wont show up otherwise. You said "different system", so i guess you didnt.
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BioWares Tully Ackland:
So, red = canonical, and sequel (dlc) confirmed?
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BioWares Tully Ackland:
So, red = canonical, and sequel (dlc) confirmed?
In the Giant Bombcast interview, Hudson specifically said that the team's mentality when making ME3 was that there is no 'canon'.
Yeah I don't really see the problem with using an image for something like Earth... I'm sure they used an image for Earth on the Luna mission in ME1.
Is the Extended Cut finally out for Europe/Australia? I couldn't find it on PSN store last night.
They did... and it was mirrored...
How the fuck do you fuck up what the Earth looks like?
Yup, came out earlier today, PAL updates are on Wednesdays around 4-5pm GMT.
They say a lot of things, like how our choices would originally matter or that we wouldn't just end up with an A,B or C ending choice, lol.
But seriously, I definitely see the issues, but I think that whatever 'canon' they need for sequels (I thought that I heard that they said any future ME games would not be direct sequels to this trilogy and would take place before the events of Shepard?) would just be the broad strokes, i.e. the lore (Quarians & Geth, Salarians & Krogan, Asari finding the Citadel first, biotics, etc etc).
According to the Final Hours app, Bioware has no interest in continuing the current ME universe. Aka you'll get prequels and spin-off but ME3 ending is irrelevant.
I take it you meant Bioware has claimed not to be making anymore ME games? That sucks but where did they say that 'cause I remember them saying they planned on expanding the universe even after ME3. Or is it just that everyone's disappointment has changed their mind?Since Bioware has claimed to be making anymore ME games, I don't feel it's really their call to decide what is canon and what isn't.
I take it you meant Bioware has claimed not to be making anymore ME games? That sucks but where did they say that 'cause I remember them saying they planned on expanding the universe even after ME3. Or is it just that everyone's disappointment has changed their mind?
Awesome, thanks.Extended Cut soundtrack available free:
I take it you meant Bioware has claimed not to be making anymore ME games?
I don't think they've ever claimed there wouldn't be anymore ME games. The Final Hours interview, which took place before all of the ending brouhaha, is where Casey's comment about any future games being set before or during ME3 came from.
Future ME3 DLCs not games.
The Final Hours app said:While there will definitely be more Mass Effect games and other stories told in the future, Commander Shepard's story has concluded.
Hudson isn't sure where the series goes next, but he's pretty confident that he never wants to tell any stories that take place in a post-Shepard era. "Whatever we do would likely happen before or during the events of Mass Effect 3, not after", he suggests.
I finished watching the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Think Tank" a couple of hours ago and there's an alien in that episode that looks very much like a Hanar. LOL if Bioware took the Hanar from that episode.
Bad shot but if you've seen the episode, you'd see it a lot better and the hell if that's not a Hanar!