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Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread |OT2| Taste the Rainbow


There is some speculation that the Catalyst's blast did not detonate the relays in an explosive way. That the relay's energy was first used, and then the device destroyed.

They could have answered so many things so easily, but they decided not to.

That's all it really is. SPECULATION*jazz hands*.

This also depends if the Normandy was in the relay or not. This is where lore gets broken one way or another. If the Normandy was in the relay, which means Joker went full chicken and abandoned your ass. Not to mention the way the Relay travel works implies that travel is instantaneous. So that whole escape scene would be impossible. Now if the Normandy was just in plain old FTL then it implies a Arrival type explosion as it physically affected the Normandy. Thus the rest of the Sword fleet and probably most space ships in general are fucked.

The writers if they try to explain this are flat out going to break the lore one way or another.


The Lost and Sopranos comparisons aren't fair. Those are not interactive forms of entertainment. Also, neither property was expected to continue after the ending, so speculation can work, and questions and interpretation can be fun. You also didn't have to pay 60 bucks and be lied to about all your questions being answered.
That Sopranos ending was just as horrible as this Mass Effect 3 ending. It is the only thing that has ever made me feel as bad as far as entertainment goes. I hate it when these creators try so hard to be artsy. That being said, I hope Bioware does not do a "remake" of the intended ending. It would be even cornier in my opinion. A kind of where are they now, or a quick epilogue explaining things in more detail would suffice. It also needs to be free. Something like that weaksauce mission when you collected all the dog tags for your fallen comrades on the normandy.


There is some speculation that the Catalyst's blast did not detonate the relays in an explosive way. That the relay's energy was first used, and then the device destroyed.

They could have answered so many things so easily, but they decided not to.

Catalyst: If you use this device the relays will be destroyed
Shepard: But won't that destroy every system with a Relay!?
Catalyst: Not in this case. The energy stored in the relay is expelled to disperse the signal. They will merely break apart and cease functioning.

That's all it really is. SPECULATION*jazz hands*.

This also depends if the Normandy was in the relay or not. This is where lore gets broken one way or another. If the Normandy was in the relay, which means Joker went full chicken and abandoned your ass. Not to mention the way the Relay travel works implies that travel is instantaneous. So that whole escape scene would be impossible. Now if the Normandy was just in plain old FTL then it implies a Arrival type explosion as it physically affected the Normandy. Thus the rest of the Sword fleet and probably most space ships in general are fucked.

The writers if they try to explain this are flat out going to break the lore one way or another.


Normandy scene plot hole is HUGE.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
That's all it really is. SPECULATION*jazz hands*.

This also depends if the Normandy was in the relay or not. This is where lore gets broken one way or another. If the Normandy was in the relay, which means Joker went full chicken and abandoned your ass. Not to mention the way the Relay travel works implies that travel is instantaneous. So that whole escape scene would be impossible. Now if the Normandy was just in plain old FTL then it implies a Arrival type explosion as it physically affected the Normandy. Thus the rest of the Sword fleet and probably most space ships in general are fucked.

The writers if they try to explain this are flat out going to break the lore one way or another.
I'm aware of that, and it's certainly a big issue with the concept that the relays don't detonate and destroy everything.

Catalyst: If you use this device the relays will be destroyed
Shepard: But won't that destroy every system with a Relay!?
Catalyst: Not in this case. The energy stored in the relay is expelled to disperse the signal. They will merely break apart and cease functioning.

High level bullshit! Rage!
There is some speculation that the Catalyst's blast did not detonate the relays in a destructive way. That the relay's energy was first used, and then the device destroyed.

They could have answered so many things so easily, but they decided not to.

IIRC the codex entry that references possible destruction of mass relays says it could be catastrophic. And it was so in Arrival. But not all crashes end in fiery death and in the control ending I most recently got it looked like an internal dismantling of the relays, like local explosives blasting the door of an escape pod or what-not.
IIRC the codex entry that references possible destruction of mass relays says it could be catastrophic. And it was so in Arrival. But not all crashes end in fiery death and in the control ending I most recently got it looked like an internal dismantling of the relays, like local explosives blasting the door of an escape pod or what-not.
You see, we are SPECULATING on stuff that shouldn't be. The relays exploding should be explained.

Or it could just Bioware's patented lack of oversight.
I know we are probably in the minority but are there any others that didn't think the game was that great prior to the ending. Here are my issues with the game

-Face import-way to crap on loyal fans

Cerberus-too much Cerberus made the Reapers take a back seat in the main story. Not to mention, how do you have so much Cerberus overload with hardly any Illusive Man!?

-Scanning-still atrocious

-side quests-not interesting at all..most fetch quests that I'm currently igonoring.

-Lack of RPG elements-I still hate the leftover points..still hate the armor customization and still hate the gun customization. The Rpg elements were still way too streamlined. I wanted a cleaner ME inventory..nothing less

-Lack of Reaper interaction
-No Harbinger
-Terrible character additions:the characters weren't really bad but they didnt make sense to the main story besides Javik
-Javik as DLC.. HUGE mistake or money grabbing ploy. I'm surprised more aren't upset by it

-ME2 irrelevance: So all that time I spent making saves was for nothing. Bioware couldn't even give Miranda new gear? I have to assume she was one of the most popular LI's for male Shepards in ME2 and that is the treatment we get?

-No way to tell where you stand with a LI in ME3. So that means I have to start over just because of unclear dialogue choices? I feel I screwed up just by sticking with Miranda when the clear better LI is Liara or even Ash. So that is 50 hours down the drain. I guess that is what youtube is for.

If this was truly the last game in the series, why couldn't there have been a fail safe to recover a lost relationship?Especially when you pick a LI like Thane, or Jacob and find out you get the shortest scenes ever. So that means another 50 hours down the drain because you can't "sex" any one else. Weak....

-Tali cop out-She was never my LI but WOW Bioware...WOW.. no more words for that

-No Krogan squad member-inexcusable

-Blantant marketing lies-"multi-player not needed for the best ending"

-squad member AI: I felt I was solo in most battles

-LIttle Aria interaction:again you choose to add characters like Vega instead of fleshing out a great character like her. She would have been a great squadmember.

-Citadel being the only hub-world.
-Citadel becoming boring because of the fetch quests

-The horrible final mission. Horrible horrible horrible. Banshees and Brutes, Banshees and Brutes...

-Inconsistent reaper vulnerability: How do you paint the reapers as being virtually impossible to kill most of the series yet they can be killed by a thresher maw, a good shot to the eye or a missle. Ok so why send a whole fleet to battle reapers in space when you can just fight them on the ground with laser pointers and well placed air strikes? Doesn't seem like an entire galactic fleet is needed for that.

That's all I have for now off the top of my head. I would rate ME3 a 6/10. Such a low point in the series and this is without the ending being factored in the score. I bought the collector's edition to ME2 and 3, day one and felt like I was robbed. I think most of mine and most fan's anger is because of all the time we invested into these games now seems like a waste. So I have to admit, this is my last Bioware game for a while but more than likely ever. I dealt with all their buggy, mediocre games that had moments of greatness for too long. Time to give my money to a more consistent developer. ME3 was just the straw that ...you know how it goes.



Normandy scene plot hole is HUGE.

Not to mention if the Normandy is in FTL, there is no way there is any planet matching the place they crashlanded on near Sol.

So logic would dictate that the Normandy was in the Relays but then they had to go from Sol to the Charon Relay which to my understanding takes hours. However then you have Jessica whatever(PR person for Bioware) stating that the Normandy wasn't in the Relays and was in just plain old FTL, not that she has a fucking clue what she's talking about, thus implying Arrival type explosion.

Oh man.


Can someone explain this to me? Im talking to a friend about it and maybe theres something Im just not getting.

-TIM incorporated Reaper tech into his body so that he can use it to control the Reapers. This also allows him to control Shephard and Anderson.
-Why does he seem to have near-full control over them instead of the subtle indoctrination control that we've been seeing since ME1?
-While under TIMs control, how is Shepard still able to convince TIM to kill himself? In that scenario, why wouldnt TIM just make Shepard shut his mouth? Hes able to do anything else he wants but he just lets Shepard yap on until he realizes that he should kill himself instead?
You see, we are SPECULATING on stuff that shouldn't be. The relays exploding should be explained.

Or it could just Bioware's patented lack of oversight.

Indeed, and you won't often find me falling into the trap of speculating for them, possibly joining the throngs entertaining the writers as they eat popcorn at their keyboards reading.

This thing with the mass relay explosions seems one of the easier things they could have clarified...or at least tried.
Can someone explain this to me? Im talking to a friend about it and maybe theres something Im just not getting.

-TIM incorporated Reaper tech into his body so that he can use it to control the Reapers. This also allows him to control Shephard and Anderson.
-Why does he seem to have near-full control over them instead of the subtle indoctrination control that we've been seeing since ME1?
-While under TIMs control, how is Shepard still able to convince TIM to kill himself? In that scenario, why wouldnt TIM just make Shepard shut his mouth? Hes able to do anything else he wants but he just lets Shepard yap on until he realizes that he should kill himself instead?

Just keep speculating. It'll all make sense years from now. There will be essays written about it. It will be amazing.
Incoming speculation and lots of it

Ambiguatron from Something Awful said:
I just caught up on the last few pages of discussion and it boggles my mind that there are people still defending the ending and claiming that the total fuckification of galactic civilization is some kind of crazy fanwanking like the Endor thing.

You know what the end of ME3 is like? It's like this. You're watching movies about World War II. The first one is about Pearl Harbor, the next one is the Dirty Dozen, and the third movie is a series of battle set pieces that ends with the hero being forced to choose between merging with the Nazis and maybe controlling them, blowing up all internal combustion engines, or use magic to make everyone part Aryan Superman.

That's not the point I'm trying to make, though. You want an epilogue? Here's your epilogue.

The local cluster is fucked. There isn't enough shit there for everyone to eat. Oh, yeah, everyone is cheering once the Reapers start dropping, but when they realize they can't leave, shit is going to get tense. The Krogan are going to be mighty pissed there's fertile females waiting back home that they aren't banging. The Turians and Asari are going to want to get back to Palaven and Thessia to try to rebuild their civlizations. If the quantum entanglement communicators are down, they don't even know if all Reapers everywhere are dead; their homeworlds might be being Reaped at this very moment. We, as the player, are informed of this but nobody told the huge fleet of warships around Earth.

You've also got a big contingent of Krogan on Palaven now. If I was the Turians I'd want to boogie back home straight away.

While we're at it, this fragile alliance has been completely decapitated. The Council is gone, the Citadel is gone, the alliance and bureaucracy that kept the peace have been wiped out. Commander Shepard is either dead or buried under some rocks somewhere, and the fleet isn't loyal to Earth, they're loyal to Shepard. If Admiral Hackett or whoever is in charge of Earth now starts barking orders, the aliens aren't going to listen.

Oh, and the Quarians. The Quarians are going to be pissed off. Really pissed off. They just got their homeworld back, and now they're stranded as far away from it as they can get. They've also got the gear to travel long distances and survive in space- something that everyone will be desperate for, especially the Turians, for whom the Quarians have the only long term supply of food. That is, assuming the Quarians didn't chuck all of their space farming shit off their ships as soon as they got Rannoch back. I'm sure they didn't, but the Quarians are the sort of morons who would do that kind of thing.

So, one of two things is going to happen. The alien races are going to be "fuck this noise, and fuck you humans, this is your fault" and boogie from the Local Cluster hoping they can make it back to their homeworlds on the fuel that they've got or that they'll luck out in hitting part of the infrastructure the Reapers didn't destroy during the events of the game or before. Or, they're going to realize they don't have enough supplies and start shooting at each other. It's hard to be sure who would start it, but I'd bet it would come down to either the Quarians and Turians allying to try to get as much fuel and spaceship parts as they can before they scuttle any unnecessary ships and run away, or the Turians attacking the Quarians for food.

Yeah, so the Sol System is either going to be abandoned, leaving the humans that can't get out with the Alliance fleet to starve, or they're going to start shooting at each other in rage and desperation over being deprived of their government and only means of long distance transportation.

If the Geth came and are somehow active, it wouldn't surprise me if some asshole accuses them of being in on it and we get a war with them, too. Admiral Dickhead vas ShootashipwhileI'mstillonit will probably get on the horn and start screaming that the Geth have betrayed us and sided with the Reapers yadda yadda yadda, because apparently to be a Quarian admiral you have to have your head up your own ass.

Okay, so the solar system is fucked. Pockets of humanity will probably survive, since we went all willy nilly with the colonies and at least a few of them are on pretty nice garden worlds.

Now, for the rest of the galaxy. The Krogan DMZ is fucked. If you didn't cure the genophage (good job, you bro-betraying, bro-murdering monster, even though you probably did the right thing in context of this ending) they'll die a slow death in their radioactive hellhole and the surrounding planets. If you did, Wrex ain't there, and they're going to start killing each other. That's okay, because once word got out the 'phage was cured, you could probably hear Krogan fucking fifteen light years away. So the Krogan will break up into clans until the toughest one takes charge and sees the situation. See, the Krogan were uplifted by the Salarians. They don't have a fleet, they don't have shipyards, they've got what they've got. So, any FTL capable ships in the DMZ are going to be attacked by Krogan and their crews butchered. Thanks to Commander Shepard, the Krogan are either going to starve, kill each other off, or come boiling out of the DMZ very slowly and clumsily and go on a conquering spree. Good job, Shep!

Now, let's talk about the Asari. Their culture is dead. Thessia is destroyed, and we're told in-game it couldn't survive without colonial support. Since the Asari are so long-lived, there's comparatively few of them and without the Turians backing them up, the structure of the Citadel government, and the fear of Asari commandos showing up to ruin your shit, they're just hot blue chicks in a cruel world they don't understand. They're either going to end up going extinct, or every Krogan warlord worth his salt will have a few Asari slavegirls chained to his big metal throne thingy.

Speaking of the Turians, it's a good thing that, comparatively, they're pretty close to the Krogan DMZ, it'll make it easier for whoever rallies the Krogan to strike off in their direction seeking revenge. Assuming they can get their ruined homeworld and infrastructure going again, and somehow maintain their military without galactic trade, they'll have to hope the fleet makes it home before the Krogan get there from other direction. They'll also have to hope, for that matter, that the weakened, leaderless forces left on Palaven will be able to hold off the berserk Krogan they've got there once it becomes obvious that their relay just blew the fuck up for no readily apparent reason and everybody is stranded.

I don't feel bad about the Terminus systems, because fuck Batarians, really. All the cool hives of scum and villainy like Omega are pretty much dead. You can't run a place like that without trade, the whole point is a gathering spot for lawless travelers to gather, and while there will be plenty of lawlessness there won't be much travel and people won't be swinging around the ass end of nowhere to see some Asari strippers, they'll be trying to carve out a grim existence in a world that's totally collapsed around them.

Oh, and the Yahg are apparently on their way to spaceflight. That's going to be cool, can't wait!

So even if the galaxy manages to survive being trapped in small areas with each other all of a sudden, there necessarily must be infighting over now supremely limited resources. I bet its' going to be cool living on one of the rare worlds that's either self sufficient or actually produces a surplus of something valuable, waiting for the day the skies will darken with ships full of ravenous aliens ready to ruin some shit.

Yeah, they're in no place to rebuild. Place ho hope in the power of technology, forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

Unless you chose the synthesis ending, in which case in the distant future the galaxy will be ruled by a species of sentient hats who worship Joker as a god.

Now, none of that is going to be acknowledged. The real reason they went with this ending is to set the stage for an MMO. Doing the full scale Mass Effect galaxy as an MMO setting would be insanely resource intensive and difficult. Fucking the relay network gives an excellent excuse to gradually allow access to various systems through expansions. The relay to Tuchanka has been restored! Download the Wrath of the Krogan expansion today! Putting everyone in the same system provides an excuse to have all of the races present in a game where you can't leave the local cluster or have very limited travel options. In this context, the ending makes perfect sense.


Not to mention if the Normandy is in FTL, there is no way there is any planet matching the place they crashlanded on near Sol.

So logic would dictate that the Normandy was in the Relays but then they had to go from Sol to the Charon Relay which to my understanding takes hours. However then you have Jessica whatever(PR person for Bioware) stating that the Normandy wasn't in the Relays and was in just plain old FTL, not that she has a fucking clue what she's talking about, thus implying Arrival type explosion.

Oh man.

You're underestimating how much of a chicken Joker was. He got to the relay well before the shockwave, jumped a couple of systems, and *then* got into FTL to avoid the space-magic.

See? Everything from Bioware makes perfect sense....

Of course, if you go with the indoctrination theory, then you have to think why the hell is Shepard dreaming all that.


Can someone explain this to me? Im talking to a friend about it and maybe theres something Im just not getting.

-TIM incorporated Reaper tech into his body so that he can use it to control the Reapers. This also allows him to control Shephard and Anderson.
-Why does he seem to have near-full control over them instead of the subtle indoctrination control that we've been seeing since ME1?
-While under TIMs control, how is Shepard still able to convince TIM to kill himself? In that scenario, why wouldnt TIM just make Shepard shut his mouth? Hes able to do anything else he wants but he just lets Shepard yap on until he realizes that he should kill himself instead?
He could only dominate shepard for so long. Shepard is a strong dude. He probably has the strongest will of any fictional character since Jack Bauer.


You're underestimating how much of a chicken Joker was. He got to the relay well before the shockwave, jumped a couple of systems, and *then* got into FTL to avoid the space-magic.

See? Everything from Bioware makes perfect sense....

Of course, if you go with the indoctrination theory, then you have to think why the hell is Shepard dreaming all that.

That still doesn't fix it as it implies the explosion of the Relays caused an Arrival type explosion.


Damn I missed the cutscene. Was that cut? Or do I need more War Assets?

You need to marry the Rachni Queen, become her king, and move into Buckingham Palace to get the N7 bear fur hats.

BTW, your avatar is totally from the Maelstrom ride in Norway at Disney World right?

Yup. The Maelstrom ride, where you learn that you can be anything in Norway, so long as it's a viking, a cruise director, or an oil rigger. Three choices. Wait a minute... the Maelstrom is the ME3 ending!


Funny beacuse I thought journalism 101 was not having a personally beneficial financial conflict of interest with the subjects of your stories.
Yeah, dude is a total D-bag.
I don't really have a horse in this race since I haven't finished ME2 or 3 but I really get the feeling that he isn't even attempting to look at this from any perspective other than his own. The more I look into the situation the more I side with the upset but respectably behaving fans.


Incoming speculation and lots of it

Just to add to why the galaxy is fucked:

There is no equivalent in human history in regards to what the Reapers did. You're talking destruction of large amounts of the population, infrastructure, trade, communication, and government. It would take thousands of years for society to recover if it ever did.

It's not just the Reaper ships that are killing but the husks too. The husks are probably the main methods for rounding people up as the Reapers can't exactly get everywhere. It's also hard to deduct how long all of ME3 would have taken in real time. My guess is minimum of 6 months going to a year. The reason I'm stating that long is because of the Crucible. The way they described the project would require extreme amounts of time even in ideal situations. Yes there are more available resources than any other project in history but it would still be an enormous undertaking as you can see from the scale when compared to other ships or even the Citadel itself. So let's go with 6 months of the Reapers able to do whatever they want. On Palaven we know the Reapers took 3 million in the first day and 5 million in the second. Palaven wasn't also hit as hard as Earth and had a stronger military and populace protecting it. We know atleast that 9 million died on Earth in a week due to the intro trailer. I would actually argue that the 9 million dead is based solely around the London metropolitan area. The reason I state this is because of the lack of communications that Anderson and Hackett mention in ME3 itself so therefore the sniper in Big Ben would not have had access to the full number and probably neither would have Anderson. So the current London metropolitan population size is 13 million. Now there would obviously be an increase in the size of London but even if it increase to say 20 million(which I doubt just due to congestion issues), 9 million dead in a week is extremely devasting. Either way within two weeks you could state that most metropolitan areas are looking at over 50% dead if not higher. Now this would obviously decrease due to diminishing returns for the Reapers but you're definitely looking at billions dead on Earth alone. Now we know something similar is happening on other capital worlds so population numbers across the galaxy are going to be extremely diminished right out the gate. Not to mention colonies numbers being wiped out due to Reapers or nuclear suicide.

As for food supplies, there's going to be serious issues with that as well. The grocery stores as a viable supply source could easily be wrecked due to wreckage from the huge battle that happened right outside the atmosphere or the Reapers themselves destroying buildings simply by walking around. Yes it could possibly support a lower population but I'm sure a good amount of food is simply going to be buried in rubble. Then most of the farmland will be wiped out as well not to mention the people needed to actually farm the remaining the land. Yes it should be survivable but not without an extremely harsh transition period. Here's the kicker though, I was only taking into account humans with the above food calculations. Now Earth and possible nearby habitable planets(which there are pretty few) have to provide for the entire remaining fleet which can comprise of Krogans, Quarians, Turians, Rachni, Asari, Salarians, Drell, Hanar, and Elcor. Let's hope you didn't give those Krogans that genophage cure otherwise that population boom is now happening on Earth. Now since earth is obviously not a dextro-based planet, the Turians and Quarians have two main options. They either come up with some sort of food converter which would put even more of a strain on the limited food supply or they find a planet via FTL that could possibly work for farming purposes. This would also have to be organized relatively quickly due to having to provide for these large populations before they starve to death. Now for an average human being it takes 30 days before starvation kills you, I'm assuming a similar time span for the alien species except the Salarians due to a possibly faster metabolism. Hopefully in regards to water, humans have come up with a more effective means of converting salt water to fresh water otherwise that would become a serious issue as well due to the destruction of transportation centers. It's easy to forget even know how much civilization depends on trade due to specialization of economies.

As for the colonies, they're up shit creek without a paddle. Illium almost certainly depends heavily on trade, Omega definitely does and Noveria obviously. Even if they have the farmable land doesn't mean that a large portion of the population knows how to farm or even has the infrastructure or technology in place to utilize it. That's also excluding the amount of damage that Cerberus and the Reapers themselves did to these colonies. Then you have the lack of communication and government that might make it possible to reorganize in a timely manner. I would assume most of the government leaders are trapped on Earth.

Even with FTL it doesn't make the situation any less grim. This is because the distance is still so large. It would take 25 years to cross from one end of the galaxy to another and that's just a one way trip. Now to an Asari or Krogan that's not that big of a deal, excluding psychological issues of course from long peiods on a space ship, but for a human or Turian whose life span is 150, that's a good chunk. For a Salarian that's obviously a one way trip. Then there is supplying food for that long of a trip, something we in modern times are having issues with in regards to long voyages. It's very hard to plan for a 5 or even 10 year trip in regards to food supplies. Those time frames also only calculate in a direct trip not taking into account problems or temporary pitstops. It makes enforcement of government policies impossible even if communication is somehow reestablished.

As for reverse engineering the Reapers, you're looking at a good long while before this becomes even remotely possible. Scientists have absolutely no clue how the Blackstar, a Reaper weapon works. I believe the codex stated that all they could do was guess how it works. Now try that on a much larger scale. In the mean time the galaxy falls into chaos. Oh and I hope those scientists that worked on the Crucible are in the ships escorting it otherwise the brightest minds in the galaxy are trapped in the ass end of nowhere.


Can someone explain this to me? Im talking to a friend about it and maybe theres something Im just not getting.

-TIM incorporated Reaper tech into his body so that he can use it to control the Reapers. This also allows him to control Shephard and Anderson.
-Why does he seem to have near-full control over them instead of the subtle indoctrination control that we've been seeing since ME1?
-While under TIMs control, how is Shepard still able to convince TIM to kill himself? In that scenario, why wouldnt TIM just make Shepard shut his mouth? Hes able to do anything else he wants but he just lets Shepard yap on until he realizes that he should kill himself instead?

Because all of this shit is happening in Shepard's mind, and none if it is real. I bet my 500k house on it.

Also, can I please get a game where to play as the Illusive Man and Cerberus. They are still the coolest part of the trilogy by far.
Even with FTL it doesn't make the situation any less grim. This is because the distance is still so large. It would take 25 years to cross from one end of the galaxy to another and that's just a one way trip. Now to an Asari or Krogan that's not that big of a deal, excluding psychological issues of course from long peiods on a space ship, but for a human or Turian whose life span is 150, that's a good chunk. For a Salarian that's obviously a one way trip. Then there is supplying food for that long of a trip, something we in modern times are having issues with in regards to long voyages. It's very hard to plan for a 5 or even 10 year trip in regards to food supplies. Those time frames also only calculate in a direct trip not taking into account problems or temporary pitstops. It makes enforcement of government policies impossible even if communication is somehow reestablished.
You also have to account for fuel. It takes a lot of fuel just to go to a different star in a cluster and since the Reapers were actively targeting fuel stations, coming across some is going to be a problem.

What gets me is that all of this speculation is not considering if the relays destroys entire systems.


Just a random question, where was the Crucible construction located that prevented discovery by the Reapers when literally everybody you talked to in the game knew of its existence?
Because all of this shit is happening in Shepard's mind, and none if it is real. I bet my 500k house on it.

Also, can I please get a game where to play as the Illusive Man and Cerberus. They are still the coolest part of the trilogy by far.

Want to make it a Ban bet that they don't use indoctrination in the end? How's this work I've just seen people talk about it.
Because all of this shit is happening in Shepard's mind, and none if it is real. I bet my 500k house on it.

Also, can I please get a game where to play as the Illusive Man and Cerberus. They are still the coolest part of the trilogy by far.

He is not indoctrinated. They don't even use the word in the production notes

[biod_end002_300timconflict_loc_int.end002_illusive_man_m_d.end002_illusive_ man_m_dlg]
1: Shepard enters the room and sees Anderson Slumped over a console.
2: Anderson doesn't respond at first, then turns oddly, stiffly around and takes a few struggling steps toward Shepard.
4: IM uses a bit of control mojo on Shepard.. jerking Shepard's arm towards Anderson.
5: Illusive Man kills himself.
6: Walks over and speaks quietly/persuasively to Shepard


You also have to account for fuel. It takes a lot of fuel just to go to a different star in a cluster and since the Reapers were actively targeting fuel stations, coming across some is going to be a problem.

What gets me is that all of this speculation is not considering if the relays destroys entire systems.

If the relays destroy entire systems then everybody is dead. No point speculating about anything. Unless whether there is a LOST style afterlife or if they're revived like Cylons.


That Sopranos ending was just as horrible as this Mass Effect 3 ending. It is the only thing that has ever made me feel as bad as far as entertainment goes. I hate it when these creators try so hard to be artsy. That being said, I hope Bioware does not do a "remake" of the intended ending. It would be even cornier in my opinion. A kind of where are they now, or a quick epilogue explaining things in more detail would suffice. It also needs to be free. Something like that weaksauce mission when you collected all the dog tags for your fallen comrades on the normandy.

Soprano ending was nowhere as bad as ME. All Soprano did was end without any a moral conclusion. It's kind of like a french movie ending. While I hated it more than most people on this forum (just check the old thread), I didn't think it ruin the story. Let's face it the last season was pretty bad as it was.

It didn't introduce any new plot element that invalidate the previous story. It didn't introduce any noice that made no sense. In order for the Sopranos ending as bad as ME, Adriana and Big Pussy would need to walk in in the last minute and start tap daning.

You can analyse it to dead I still think Mass Effect's ending is worst than any notorious bad ending I know.


Soprano ending was nowhere as bad as ME. All Soprano did was end without any a moral conclusion. It's kind of like a french movie ending. While I hated it more than most people on this forum (just check the old thread), I didn't think it ruin the story. Let's face it the last season was pretty bad as it was.

It didn't introduce any new plot element that invalidate the previous story. It didn't introduce any noice that made no sense. You can analyse it to dead I still think Mass Effect's ending is worst than any notorious bad ending I know.

I actually thought the Soprano ending was genius. I finished watching it a few months back and there was a great analysis on the ending and all the minor details that it seems most people missed.



he deserved it though!

We the "Vocal Super Minority" are so mean aren't we?

That still doesn't fix it as it implies the explosion of the Relays caused an Arrival type explosion.

Ahmm, okay, I should have inserted a sarcasm tag somewhere. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. Because of the "Shepard Lives" ending one could assume that relays didn't blow up Arrival style, but this had to be addressed in the dialog. The way that Shepard just says "ok" to the whole notion of blowing up relays is just stupid.




Now, none of that is going to be acknowledged. The real reason they went with this ending is to set the stage for an MMO. Doing the full scale Mass Effect galaxy as an MMO setting would be insanely resource intensive and difficult. Fucking the relay network gives an excellent excuse to gradually allow access to various systems through expansions. The relay to Tuchanka has been restored! Download the Wrath of the Krogan expansion today! Putting everyone in the same system provides an excuse to have all of the races present in a game where you can't leave the local cluster or have very limited travel options. In this context, the ending makes perfect sense.

So far, I haven't read anything about the ending that made as much sense as this.
If the relays destroy entire systems then everybody is dead. No point speculating about anything. Unless whether there is a LOST style afterlife or if they're revived like Cylons.
If the relays destroy every system they are located, then there is no use in speculating since a good chunk of organic life is now dead. Congratulations Shepard, you are the Reapers.


At least in my opinion the people in charge (head writer or the producer etc.) wanted it to end a certain way (high level concepts/death rebirth etc.) but created plotholes and inconsistances as a result. They basically shoehorned their vision into a structure that could not support it, biggest being joker's escape. I mean other than the mass relays exploding I was way more pissed about that whole Normandy fiasco.


If the relays destroy every system they are located, then there is no use in speculating since a good chunk of organic life is now dead. Congratulations Shepard, you are the Reapers.

It's not just organic life that dies, the planets and everything surrounding it is destroyed.

There is nothing left in the universe.

BioWare obviously didn't play their own Arrival DLC or they would have known this.
I guess Colin didn't take too kindly to that Forbes article:


I'm a casual listener to IGN and Podcast Beyond and I've always enjoyed hearing Colin's thoughts and opinions. But through this whole Mass Effect 3 incident hearing him whine about how he thinks everyone is entitled, how we shouldn't care because "HEY GUYZ GAMEZ R CHEEPER THAN EVA!!!", how if HE were in the industry he wouldn't allow anyone to alter his masterful artistic vision has made me realise how much gaming press, especially at IGN, is out of touch with their audience. I probably won't listen to another IGN podcast again.


If the relays destroy every system they are located, then there is no use in speculating since a good chunk of organic life is now dead. Congratulations Shepard, you are the Reapers.

Yeah, fuck you Shepard, instead of almost all organic life being dead, and the cycle continuing forward for the next million years where it will end over and over again only a good chunk might possibly be dead. You're such an asshole with your saving of generations and generations to come and eradicating the reaper threat.

As a note, I don't believe the relays exploding destroyed whole systems.
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