There is one hidden in an investigate option. I think it's on Mars.
Damn, that has to be the one I missed. Thank you.
There is one hidden in an investigate option. I think it's on Mars.
Hey I like that idea, cosmic gardening. Actually it's been referred to several times ingames how humans are special because of their diversified genetic code. It would've been good too : the Reapers harvest aliens because it's their reproduction mode.
But well, we got the tsundere reapers instead.
But what's the point? They'll have a dumb plot to kill everyone for reasons we can't understand -- something like they kill humans because humans are too cool for the galaxy.
I suppose they can go the DA rout:The Darkspawn (Reapers and their husks) are not all gone and there is a new threat of Templars vs Mages (Soldiers vs Bionics).
But what's the point? They'll have a dumb plot to kill everyone for reasons we can't understand -- something like they kill humans because humans are too cool for the galaxy.
I suppose they can go the DA rout:The Darkspawn (Reapers and their husks) are not all gone and there is a new threat of Templars vs Mages (Soldiers vs Bionics).
What was the basic premise of DA2? You're some random person that becomes . . . used by the doucheWell yeah, for all the problems Dragon Age 2 had I thought the basic premise of it was far more interesting than the usual "evil unleashed on the world, go be a hero and save it".
In the Mass Effect trilogy the success of the story telling for me was in solving conflicts just like that - geth vs quarians, turians vs krogan vs salarians (those and the personal relationships). The bigger-than-everything-threat of the reapers is where it actually all fell apart in each of the three games, and I wouldn't mind seeing that kind of premise gone from future Bioware games, doing that is not their strength.
Well yeah, for all the problems Dragon Age 2 had I thought the basic premise of it was far more interesting than the usual "evil unleashed on the world, go be a hero and save it".
What was the basic premise of DA2? You're some random person that becomes . . . used by the doucheinto starting a war?Anders and the Templars/Mages
I agree, however, that Bio's strength is now in the compartmentalization of their plots, not the grand arcs, except I feel that they did do a good job in ME and DAO.
But what were they struggling against though? After 10 years, you'd imagine that you would get to know these people intimately, yet you don't.To be honest I was disappointed that the plot of DA2 escalated at all. I was quite happy when it was the tale of a few people and their struggles, when all I could think was, woo, time for everything to get "epic".
It was an all-around failure of catastrophic proportions.Well, in theory, DA2's premise is one of those Bioware "here is an ambiguous situation, decide who is wrong or right" subplots. It's just underdeveloped and tied to a boring as hell "Hawke is a total badass who becomes a popular, ineffectual badass." story.
But what were they struggling against though? After 10 years, you'd imagine that you would get to know these people intimately, yet you don't.
What was the basic premise of DA2? You're some random person that becomes . . . used by the doucheinto starting a war?Anders and the Templars/Mages
I agree, however, that Bio's strength is now in the compartmentalization of their plots, not the grand arcs, except I feel that they did do a good job in ME and DAO.
To be honest I was disappointed that the plot of DA2 escalated at all. I was quite happy when it was the tale of a few people and their struggles, whenall I could think was, woo, time for everything to get "epic".the chantry blew up
I liked the idea of exploring what kind of effect mages have on society. Of course that went to hell in the end, but it also presented some very interesting situations in the game before that.
Yep, 100% agree. This is a problem that affects most game stories too.
bioware is very good at fucking up interesting situations or doing the bare minimum.
"what if your character died and then came back to life to work for terrorists"
Yeah, Kai Leng was terrible. More than badly written, he wasn't written at all. I haven't delved into any of the extended fiction beyond the games, so I had absolutely no clue who he was. Supposed to be this incredibly tough opponent for my Shepard and his ultimate rival. Really, I was just sort of confused as to who the dude was. Showed up out of nowhere.Pretty much all the character interactions are really well done. Though a lot of the ME2 squad ones are too brief.
It's mostly just the enemies that are horribly written. I mean... Kai Leng...
its like working for the navy! Only more crazy people on board.
"what if you were allowed to determine the most politically powerful individuals in the galaxy based on your own agenda"
What if there were a group of massive sentient robotics, and they had a plan to harvest organic life?"what if you were allowed to determine the most politically powerful individuals in the galaxy based on your own agenda"
Most of the Mages (100%) wereI liked the idea of exploring what kind of effect mages have on society. Of course that went to hell in the end, but it also presented some very interesting situations in the game before that.
Its like being a power tripping idiot that makes everyone else an idiot and whines when people actually demand things like proof and evidence rather than dreams and vague premonitions.
I just realized all of these end in sex, just like a fortune cookie."what if you encountered the last of a race sentient psychic insects that once waged war against the galaxy."
"what if you encountered the last of a race of sentient psychic insects that once waged war against the galaxy."
You have a really interesting conversation about singing and than the next time you meet it results in meaningless numbers for a meaningless game mechanic that definitely wont affect the ending in any way. Also you never get one of the insects in your party cause that would be too cool.
If you kill her, you met her zombie robot sister instead. Still no party member.
"what if you met a completely unique form of robotic life that grew more intelligent in unison and governed and thought by consensus"
Not that this really matters given all the other issues but...
Didn't they say that multiplayer was explicitly not required to get the 'best' ("best") ending?
I did damn near everything I could in the game and still was only around 6k or so iirc... -50% for no multiplayer
The ipad app technically isn't multiplayer.
I hate this generation of gaming
"Shepard is hero. Go buy dlc." What could you possibly hate about that?
Oh, I will say that pure Renegade in ME3 was basically a 30 hour dose of pure depression injected in my veins. Is the Paragon path worth replaying it for?
Some of that shit was harsh (but Renegade FemShep is still the RealShep)
Also ME3 is objectively a worse game without Mordin as a companion
Really every game is worse without Mordin as a companion
We need this gif with Shepardrapeface on it.What if you were a pilot and got stranded with your navigation system, who's actually now your new robo-girlfriend, and your Commander's current love interest?
Got that in multi-player once. Annoying as fuck, as the trooper was somehow invulnerable for most of his non-decent.-Infinitely descending Cerberus troops (AKA frozen in their "slowing descent" pose)
I disagree. I liked him quite a bit. He was this mysterious adversary (not your ultimate rival... Reapers>TIM>Kai Leng), and there was enough chatter when he showed up that indicated he was a wellknown assassin, and how awful it was that Cerberus had recruited him. That's more backstory than Boba Fett.Yeah, Kai Leng was terrible. More than badly written, he wasn't written at all. I haven't delved into any of the extended fiction beyond the games, so I had absolutely no clue who he was. Supposed to be this incredibly tough opponent for my Shepard and his ultimate rival. Really, I was just sort of confused as to who the dude was. Showed up out of nowhere.
I disagree. I liked him quite a bit. He was this mysterious adversary (not your ultimate rival... Reapers>TIM>Kai Leng), and there was enough chatter when he showed up that indicated he was a wellknown assassin, and how awful it was that Cerberus had recruited him. That's more backstory than Boba Fett.
I disagree. I liked him quite a bit. He was this mysterious adversary (not your ultimate rival... Reapers>TIM>Kai Leng), and there was enough chatter when he showed up that indicated he was a wellknown assassin, and how awful it was that Cerberus had recruited him. That's more backstory than Boba Fett.
I disagree. I liked him quite a bit. He was this mysterious adversary (not your ultimate rival... Reapers>TIM>Kai Leng), and there was enough chatter when he showed up that indicated he was a wellknown assassin, and how awful it was that Cerberus had recruited him. That's more backstory than Boba Fett.
So to get away from ending chat, let's tally up all the glitches we got.
I got:
So to get away from ending chat, let's tally up all the glitches we got.
Doesn't help that he was a total pussy in battle in every way except having ridiculous amounts of shield to take down. Then an unstoppable killing machine in cutscenes.
Kai Leng is pathetic. The 1st time you face off with him, he ran away. The 2nd time, he had a jet fighter shooting at you. The 3rd time, he had a room full of Nemesis and Phantoms to attack you.