BRB, taking a showerDirty dirty Banjo. You got robbed! 😁
BRB, taking a showerDirty dirty Banjo. You got robbed! 😁
What I get out of this thread so far is that shinobi is the only player alive that liked the game, all the reviews are dire and that there sure is a lot of people, without having played it themselves, are wallowing like gluttons in their own confirmation bias.
I'm sure the game is problematic but damn, it's always a drama scene with this shit.
The story stuff sounds..oof that was the one thing that might have gotten me to grab this
The game that made me become a CaG with every game except for mainline musou titles. Going to wait for a price reduction or price error before purchasing this.I learned my lesson with Brink back in 2011, never preordered since. I wish more people learned their lesson earlier.
Too late! An outlet already has that angle covered!Can't wait for the "they are only trying to validate their purchase" arguments pop up when other people come out positive on the game.
Can't wait for the "they are only trying to validate their purchase" arguments pop up when other people come out positive on the game.
I blame all of the people that gave DA:I GOTY awards and praised that pile of garbage to no end. A shit-tier CW fanfic romance sim with decades old MMO elements should not EVER be used as a template for future games.
Here, my game of the generation so far:
Now what?
This shit IS subjective and unless you are a reviewer you don´t have to put a score on it.
Shinobi enjoys it - for HIS reasons.
Checked out some of the romance bedroom stuff on Youtube.
... I think I see where a lot of their focus went.
As it's been said before, reviews are all subjective. How much are you willing to look past the technical issues? How much of an imprint does the new cast make on you? How much do you enjoy the game play? What your time spent with a game or series meant to you is how you will ultimately judge this game. A review "score" is nothing more than a subjective number of someone's opinion. I think most of us are susceptible to it in one way or another.
Technical issues are an exception to this. There is no arguing that poor animation, pop in and poor frame rates are not only a detraction from the game experience but are issues in and of themselves that could (and should) have been corrected before release. And seeing some of these animations boggles my mind in how the devs thought releasing it in this state would be okay.
But the real question is how much do these issues really detract for the experience for you? We do live in a time where 7's are considered average some average and by many people as bad. There is something to be said when a the previous games in a series ranked higher but ultimately it comes down to your investment in the Mass Effect universe, what the world and lore of Mass Effect means to you, that will ultimately determine if it's a 7, 5 or 9 to you. It's what you get out of it.
Here, my game of the generation so far:
Now what?
This shit IS subjective and unless you are a reviewer you don´t have to put a score on it.
Shinobi enjoys it - for HIS reasons.
I got a switch.Same here. Wouldn't be nearly as disappointing if I could find a Switch.![]()
Frostbite butt physics have come far?Checked out some of the romance bedroom stuff on Youtube.
... I think I see where a lot of their focus went.
I agree, just the Internet amplifying issues to the point of complete dismissal. From the 10 hours I played, yes it does have some minor issues but there is a real gem here.What I get out of this thread so far is that shinobi is the only player alive that liked the game, all the reviews are dire and that there sure is a lot of people, without having played it themselves, are wallowing like gluttons in their own confirmation bias.
I'm sure the game is problematic but damn, it's always a drama scene with this shit.
Saying "It's reviewing really well internally / in mock reviews" during pre-release window and close to release is hyping up the game because it feeds into hype of fans and those waiting for it with thirst.
And people were expecting this year to be a repeat of 2010 with a showdown between Mass Effect and Red Dead for most GOTY awards.
And people were expecting this year to be a repeat of 2010 with a showdown between Mass Effect and Red Dead for most GOTY awards.
Read the reviews you are underselling how negative they areReviews are great to okay so that's not bad. Guess I'll just need to deal with the jank animations.
Saying "It's reviewing really well internally / in mock reviews" during pre-release window and close to release is hyping up the game because it feeds into hype of fans and those waiting for it with thirst.
I blame all of the people that gave DA:I GOTY awards and praised that pile of garbage to no end. A shit-tier CW fanfic romance sim with decades old MMO elements should not EVER be used as a template for future games.
The villian in Mass Effect Andromeda feels a lot more determined and passionate than any of the main characters.
He feels like a convincing individual with motivations and beliefs.
If you ask me I would rather be on his side, even that means I am the bad guy.
At least it's a lot more interesting than these generic, tryhard, bland, soulless teenage movie stars.
Machinima likes it and basically says "buy it".
It's interesting how some sites actually say most is very good here and those same things are shitted on in other reviews.
This quote from the IGN review is pretty greatChecked out some of the romance bedroom stuff on Youtube.
... I think I see where a lot of their focus went.
And my stars, do they ever get naked. Im not just talking about Liams apparent allergy to shirts, here. You have plenty of romance options for either gender, including same-sex and interspecies, and when youve gone out of your way to talk to them and run errands for them (which often involve blowing up robots or killing outlaws) to kindle the flames of your budding relationship, youre treated to a full-on R-rated sex scene the likes of which the Mass Effect series has never seen before. My wifes reaction as I sealed the deal with human biotic commando Cora was to state, matter-of-factly, that, This is porn. And it looks weird. Shes not wrong on either count especially since male Ryder appears to have painstakingly removed every hair on his body below the neck but Id call it tasteful porn thanks to the context of the conversations leading up to it.
It seems to me that Bioware is simply too afraid to push the envelope and evolve and experiment. Instead they rely on the same formula they developed in KOTOR and has been adding whatever is popular at the time to the formula while having teenage romance and Chosen One narratives for the last 17 years.
I agree with you to an extent, but I think Dragon Age: Inquisition isn't a good example. The character writing in DA:I is as good or better than DA: Origin, and the critical path is a lot of fun. The existence of too many throw-away quests is a genuine problem, but it doesn't take away from the core of fun that Bioware successfully crafted.
Maybe Rockstar will do it, but I can sense a Red Dead Redemption 2 slip to 2018 tbh.
Well, not quite there yet.Officially Bioware's lowest rated game.
What have you done EA...
yeah, i've been thinking about 2 games i loved this gen: mafia 3 (68) & mad max (69)...
yeeeeah see, to me, only ME2 is worthy of those 9+ scores. ME1 and 3 though? I just can't agree with that. Mid to high 8s? For sure. Great fucking games.
Seems like your enjoyment will depend on...
- Fan-factor of Mass Effect
- Tolerance of busywork
- Ability to look past bugs
yeeeeah see, to me, only ME2 is worthy of those 9+ scores. ME1 and 3 though? I just can't agree with that. Mid to high 8s? For sure. Great fucking games.
I blame all of the people that gave DA:I GOTY awards and praised that pile of garbage to no end. A shit-tier CW fanfic romance sim with decades old MMO elements should not EVER be used as a template for future games.
Haven't posted this in a while but man these scores are polarizing:
Seems like your enjoyment will depend on...
- Fan-factor of Mass Effect
- Tolerance of busywork
- Ability to look past bugs
seems like it is the first ME to be reviewed fairly
It's been 4-5 years since GTA V though.
It was a smart move to make this a one-off title instead of calling it Mass Effect 4, in case of failure. However, I don't think of this game as a full failure. I think of it as a good attempt from a team who just wasn't quite ready yet to make a game of this magnitude. They possibly could have used more time or more help from a different time. Not sure which.
Those of you trying to throw the original trilogy under the bus to justify your purchase/investment, that's not cool at all and does a disservice to a great set of games. Be as open minded(positively and negatively) as you are when you go buy tickets to see a movie. Not every movie you see will be an A+ work.
There are too many different Bioware teams now for this to mean something anymore.
Worst game I've ever played. 9.5/10
What are you implying here?
What kind of bullshit is this?
You think he was payed to give us his impressions?
Because if not you should just shut up.
Shinobi is a ME fan. he gave us his impressions after 3 hours.
End of fucking story.