Well, not quite there yet.
But only 22 reviews counted for Andromeda so far, let's see where it goes from here.
Are we really counting this?
And it's also very close...
Well, not quite there yet.
But only 22 reviews counted for Andromeda so far, let's see where it goes from here.
Well, not quite there yet.
But only 22 reviews counted for Andromeda so far, let's see where it goes from here.
Amazon with prime gives you a discount up to two weeks after release.
I still don't think it's worth it. Especially with pricing over time collapsing lately.
I don't get "Preorder culture" personally. This isn't 1998 where EB Games would get 15 copies of a game from poor retail channels. There's.literally no reason to preorder a game unless it's a slam dunk sure thing you want. We don't buy release night tickets months in advance for any movie we have a inkling to see, and there's some actual scarcity there since theaters are finite physical locations. Why do for games?
As for reviews, 75 is just "not for everyone". Find someone who's reviews on science fiction and RPGs you trust, and defer to them.
An example, my view don't align much with Jim Sterling on anything but survival horror. So when he has an opinion on something in that genre I listen. When he has an opinion on a different genre, I tend to hold the opinion lower because I know we can wildly differ in opinion.
Worse still, your agency in these conversations is limited. Sure, you can periodically select from up to four dialogue options, but these frequently boil down to "be optimistic" or "be realistic." On paper, this system improves over the rigid renegade/paragon dichotomy of the original series, but in practice, the various options felt only superficially different. And regardless of what I picked, my inputs only rarely impacted the outcome. Even when I tried to be rude, characters generally found a way to shrug it off.
I would call it more of a missed opportunity than a problem, but crafting is often the only way to get the weapons and armor you actually want, which means hours of scanning objects to accrue research points and many headaches dealing with the messy UI. Even bare essentials like comparing weapon stats can be tricky or even impossible.
Smh, not like you contributed anything better than the dude with this post. If an opinion hurts you that much (lol @ "edgy," this forum will never know how to use that word), just ignore it fam.So edgy. Wow. Clap.
But thanks for the drive by shit post tutorial.
WTF! Bioware made a Sonic game?
WTF! Bioware made a Sonic game?
What are you implying here?
What kind of bullshit is this?
You think he was payed to give us his impressions?
Because if not you should just shut up.
Shinobi is a ME fan. he gave us his impressions after 3 hours.
End of fucking story.
WTF! Bioware made a Sonic game?
Artificial incentives in order to suck gullible, hype-influenced gamers into uninformed purchasing decisions. That kind of stuff wouldn't happen if it wasn't for gamers succumbing to hype and pre-order culture as easily as they do.Digital preorder lets you preload and play right when it unlocks.
For physical pre orders there are some online stores like Simplygames in UK who ship the game early and 99% of the time you'll end up getting the game before release. Sometimes even upto a week before release.. I got Halo 5, MGSV, Mankind Divided from them a week before launch.
$36 for a game on day one with the ability to return or not pick up the item is worth the risk usually. It's $12 cheaper than on Amazon Prime.
Wonder how it will sell. GAF is a vocal Minority after all
Check out his twitter, he's full on. He's walking that real fine line at this point.He's an influencer on the biggest enthusiast gamers board and on his personal and very successful twitter. Integral to the promotion and hype creation on the game here for a long time. I know it, you know it, Bioware knows it.
I'm sure he's not a paid shill, but how close you have to be with a developer to draw a line between "a fan" and "a marketing tool"? Draw a line, everybody sticks to it, I'm fine with whatever.
Let's make the most of this trainwreck.
Can it dethrone KOTOR2 as the worst Bioware RPG?
Checked out some of the romance bedroom stuff on Youtube.
... I think I see where a lot of their focus went.
It is hard to express my disappointment with using DA:I as a template properly lol. I have a boxed copy of Balder's Gate I purchased on launch, with its old school giant manual describing the stupid THACO system lol. I have been a Bioware super-fan since then. I even was OK with DA2. But DA:I was the first Bioware game that I could not finish. It was incomprehensible to me that people liked that game. I could not find a single redeeming quality about it.
The controversial opinions are flying fast in this thread
I think the huge variety of opinions about which ME game and which DA game was the best, all for different reasons, is a good reason to still check out Andromeda though. I'm the weird creature that thinks ME2 was the worst entry in the series for being the least RPG-like entry, with the blandest over-arching story, but a solid action game with a great cast. And judging by all the reports about the gameplay being great in Andromeda but the story and writing being lacklustre... well that's the same summary Mass 2 has, and most gamers loved it more than the other two entries.
The only one and people said it was decent.
The all-options-are-good thing shouldn't really surprise anyone anymore, it sucks but so many games do it now because the overwhelming majority of people pick the good options so it's not worth the extra work.Like, take this from the Gamespot review:
That's just....the worst.
Why would you just cut the paragon/renegade and then not come up with something great to replace it.
Oh, goodie. Also from the GS review:
I was afraid of this....
So EA released another mediocre game. I'm shocked. I wouldn't blame Bioware though they probably needed more time to work on the game and they know it. I would blame EA for rushing it out before the end of their fiscal year.
yeah, i've been thinking about 2 games i loved this gen: mafia 3 (68) & mad max (69)...
It is hard to express my disappointment with using DA:I as a template properly lol. I have a boxed copy of Balder's Gate I purchased on launch, with its old school giant manual describing the stupid THACO system lol. I have been a Bioware super-fan since then. I even was OK with DA2. But DA:I was the first Bioware game that I could not finish. It was incomprehensible to me that people liked that game. I could not find a single redeeming quality about it.
Well, EA gave them five years. How is that their fault?
After the biggest impact that the original trilogy was for the industry. Can we say that Andromeda can join the list of failed titles of a franchise?
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex
Sonic 2006
Gears of War Judgement
Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
God of War Ascension
Metal Gear Solid 4
I'm so sad for the fans that waited for a Resident Evil 4.
Shinobi has always been a hype man, don't know why people are angry. Doesn't mean he's a shill or disingenuous, he is just very passionate about games and shares that.He's an influencer on the biggest enthusiast gamers board and on his personal and very successful twitter. Integral to the promotion and hype creation on the game here for a long time. I know it, you know it, Bioware knows it.
I'm sure he's not a paid shill, but how close you have to be with a developer to draw a line between "a fan" and "a marketing tool"? Draw a line, everybody sticks to it, I'm fine with whatever.
Let's make the most of this trainwreck.
Well, EA gave them five years. How is that their fault?
After the biggest impact that the original trilogy was for the industry. Can we say that Andromeda can join the list of failed titles of a franchise?
Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Smh, not like you contributed anything better than the dude with this post. If an opinion hurts you that much (lol @ "edgy," this forum will never know how to use that word), just ignore it fam.
Edgy is an English slang term used to describe things, behaviors or trends which are provocative or avant-garde,[15] and is often used to describe things that are dark and gothic in nature. It is commonly used as an insult on 4chan and Tumblr for someone attempting to be badass by acting emo or overly contrarian.
Well, good thing I cancelled my preorder of the collector's edition. Good job ea ya made a new dragon age 2.
lol yeah.
One could say it gives Andromeda's facial expressions a run for their money!! /s
Breath of the Wild's frame rate dips to 20 on regular occasions on the Switch. Everything is subjective.Outlets that gave this game a 9/10 should explain how they do not focus bugs in their reviews. Disgusting.
We know next to nothing about the development ATM, as something has clearly gone wrong somewhere.Well, EA gave them five years. How is that their fault?
After the biggest impact that the original trilogy was for the industry. Can we say that Andromeda can join the list of failed titles of a franchise?
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex
Sonic 2006
Gears of War Judgement
Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
God of War Ascension
Metal Gear Solid 4
I'm so sad for the fans that waited for a Resident Evil 4.
Well, EA gave them five years. How is that their fault?
What are you implying here?
What kind of bullshit is this?
You think he was payed to give us his impressions?
Because if not you should just shut up.
Shinobi is a ME fan. he gave us his impressions after 3 hours.
End of fucking story.
It think it's from the fact that they are basically replacements for all of those characters you mentioned. We played them for over three games and now it's seemingly more of the same. It looks like they barely even tried to do anything different. Even if Liam is better than Kaiden he is Kaiden. Why trAvel 2 million light years to just give us the same squad?
If you preordered based on an impression of the first 3h of a game you have only yourself and your own stupidity to blame. People need to take responsibility instead our outsourcing the part of their brain that can think critically.If I was someone who preordered based off of his impressions (I'm not because that's not an intelligent thing to do at all, but still), I'd be pretty salty.
Where are you getting new releases for 36?
Is this game really the hill some people want to die on.