omg and Banjo Kazooie, too. careful on it tho, looks like a 15 mb'erDieH@rd said:Leaked Mass Effect has just hit the interwebz. 5.86GB :-/
Naeblish said:Wasn't it 6.5 gig?
SnakeXs said:Yeah, but wasn't Oblivion bigger? And I'm pretty sure ME has a bit more audio/dialogue than Oblivion does.
bendak said:The 360's hardware is specially built to be able to decompress game data on the fly without a performance hit.
bendak said:The 360's hardware is specially built to be able to decompress game data on the fly without a performance hit.
gofreak said:... of course there's a performance hit. Decompression costs CPU time.
This game looks nice btw, I don't know where I'm going to find the time. This could make for a good 'new year's lull' game to take me through to spring if it's nice and long.
bendak said:Yeah but this CPU time is outside of the normal specs.
bendak said:So the developer can make their game, then compress when its all done and not see a performance hit.
Borys said:Are we really going through the same "omg! iso size is small! something-something-blu-ray-somehting"-debate that was present when Oblivion hit again?
Jesus :lol
gofreak said:Compression time is obviously not a run-time cost. Decompression is.
Anyway, back to Mass Effect...
Ghost said:Na i think its more like "Good luck with the sequels" discussion this time around because they've maxed out DVD-9.
Na i think its more like "Good luck with the sequels" discussion this time around because they've maxed out DVD-9.
Hunter D said:A guy on my FL has been playing this from sunday morning till now. Why can't NYC kmart be like NJ kmart.![]()
I'd be doing the same thing if it weren't for work.Hunter D said:A guy on my FL has been playing this from sunday morning till now. Why can't NYC kmart be like NJ kmart.![]()
Hunter D said:A guy on my FL has been playing this from sunday morning till now. Why can't NYC kmart be like NJ kmart.![]()
Odrion said:Holy shit, a million times better than Jade Empire. Although I'm becoming finnicky about the color of my character's hair and weither or not Vanguard was a good class to choose.
Odrion said:Holy shit, a million times better than Jade Empire. Although I'm becoming finnicky about the color of my character's hair and weither or not Vanguard was a good class to choose.
Hunter D said:A guy on my FL has been playing this from sunday morning till now. Why can't NYC kmart be like NJ kmart.![]()
Odrion said:Holy shit, a million times better than Jade Empire. Although I'm becoming finnicky about the color of my character's hair and weither or not Vanguard was a good class to choose.
What happened to the link?
The guys you know have a connection to the industry. The guy I know just walked into kmart and picked it up.Eric WK said:Yeah, I've had two people playing it. One's a current journalist and one's an ex-journalist so it makes sense, but it's definitely making me envious.
Is the kmart close to NYC?TekunoRobby said:I just walked into Kmart and picked it up and I'm a journo. I got it early and I don't have to do a review, weeeee.
TekunoRobby said:I just walked into Kmart and picked it up and I'm a journo. I got it early and I don't have to do a review, weeeee.
L0st Id3ntity said:What happened to the link?
Well, I think all the classes has all the types of guns, but only the soldier can shoot an automatic without it fucking up.Jtyettis said:What classes have an automatic?
·feist· said:Can we get a 1920x1080 version?
Odrion said:Well, I think all the classes has all the types of guns, but only the soldier can shoot an automatic without it fucking up.
Jtyettis said:What classes have an automatic? said:Soldier
Soldiers are combat specialists ideal for the front lines of a firefight. Soldiers begin the game trained with skills in both pistols and assault rifles, they have improved health and the ability to wear medium combat armor. As you progress through the game you can unlock assault training, skills with shotguns and sniper rifles, become able to perform first aid on yourself and party members, and wear heavy combat armor.
Starting Talents:
* Pistols
* Assault Rifles (Exclusive)
* Combat Armor (medium to start,
upgrading to heavy)
* Fitness
Unlockable Talents:
* Shotguns
* Sniper Rifles
* First Aid
* Assault Training (Exclusive)
Engineers are tech specialists. Using the holographic OmniTool they can decrypt security systems, repair and/or modify technical equipment, disrupt enemy weapons or shields and heal their party. Even though they begin the game with only pistols and the OmniTool, engineers can unlock the ability to wear light armor and to reverse engineer enemy technology. They can also learn to put up protective shields and to heal the party.
Starting Talents:
* Pistols
* Electronics
* Decryption
* First Aid
Unlockable Talents:
* Basic Armor (light only)
* Reverse Engineering (Exclusive)
* Shielding
* Medicine
Adepts are biotic specialists. Starting out equipped with pistols and light armor, the true strength of the adept is through the upgradeable implants that give them their biotic powers. These powers can be used to lift or throw objects, shield the party and disable or destroy enemies.
Starting Talents:
* Basic Armor (light only)
* Throw
* Barrier
* Warp
Unlockable Talents:
* Pistols
* Lift
* Stasis
* Singularity (Exclusive)
Infiltrators combine combat and tech abilities, and specialize in killing or disabling enemies at long range. Infiltrators are trained to use OmniTools, but the focus is on decryption and offensive abilities rather than healing. They can train with pistols or sniper rifles, and can learn to wear medium armor.
Starting Talents:
* Pistols
* Tactical Armor (light to start, upgrading to medium)
* Electronics
* Decryption
Unlockable Talents:
* Sniper Rifles
* Fitness
* Shielding
* First Aid
Vanguards are biotic warriors. They combine offensive biotic abilities and weapons training to quickly take down opponents, and are especially deadly at short range. They can train with pistols and shotguns, and can learn to wear medium armor.
Starting Talents:
* Pistols
* Fitness
* Throw
* Warp
Unlockable Talents:
* Shotguns
* Tactical Armor (light to start, upgrading to medium)
* Lift
* Barrier
Sentinels combine biotic and tech abilities. Typically they use biotic abilities and advanced healing skills to defend allies, though they can also disrupt opponents with biotic or Tech attacks. They are more efficient at tech and biotics than other classes, but at the expense of combat. Sentinels can only use light armor, and receive no advanced weapon training.
Starting Talents:
* Throw
* Barrier
* Electronics
* First Aid
Unlockable Talents:
* Lift
* Stasis
* Decryption
* Medicine
Agent Icebeezy said:The actual size of the game has been known for quite some time
gofreak said:Fourth core confirmed?
In case you take me you look at the CPU profiles of a few games that have been published in presentations etc. you'll often see even application specific decompression threads, whatever about library provided stuff
sangreal said:While I think DVD9 is fine, 6.74GB is most definitely not "well within the constraints" considering the max is 6.8GB
Zzoram said:Wait, DVD-9 maxes out at 6.8GB?!? I always thought it was 8.5GB. Wow, please elaborate.
Zzoram said:Wait, DVD-9 maxes out at 6.8GB?!? I always thought it was 8.5GB. Wow, please elaborate.
sangreal said:Yes, a typical DVD-9 maxes out at 8.5GB but the space allocated to game data on an Xbox 360 game disc is 6.8GB
Effective Game Disc Usage: Compression & Caching
Zzoram said:So they restrict the game to 6.8GB to ensure the slowest part of the DVD doesn't get used?
I thought it (also?) had to do with copy protection. (which has been cracked for a while now)Zzoram said:So they restrict the game to 6.8GB to ensure the slowest part of the DVD doesn't get used?
chespace said:Finished Mass Effect on Saturday night. Clocked in at just under 40 hours and thoroughly enjoyed it. The game will probably be a bit shorter for most of you, but I did just about every single sidequest I could find (and ended up getting the "completionist" achievement). There were still a TON of planets I did not visit/scan, FYI. The ending sequence/battle was :O
I'd like to play through this again with a male biotic only character, but TOO MANY GAMES!!
I shall revisit Mass Effect next spring.
sangreal said:From what I remember going back to the 360 launch in 2005, the rest is used for anti-piracy like DieH@rd said.
Which would be pretty funny considering how easy 360 discs are copied