I'm debating between Soldier and Infiltrator.JimtotheHum said:given the different types of character described- lets start a poll of what everyone is gonna be in mass effect...ie Soldier, Engineer, adept....
I think Im leaning towards Sentinal....
Cornballer said:I'm debating between Soldier and Infiltrator.
chespace said:Finished Mass Effect on Saturday night. Clocked in at just under 40 hours and thoroughly enjoyed it. The game will probably be a bit shorter for most of you, but I did just about every single sidequest I could find (and ended up getting the "completionist" achievement). There were still a TON of planets I did not visit/scan, FYI. The ending sequence/battle was :O
I'd like to play through this again with a male biotic only character, but TOO MANY GAMES!!
I shall revisit Mass Effect next spring.
Big-E said:Same here but I think I am leaning more toward Infiltrator.
BenjaminBirdie said:Would you qualify the ending as a "cliff" "hanger"?
masterkajo said:I guess I'll be playing as Infiltrator. It just seems to suit my style of gameplay the most.
Big-E said:Same here but I think I am leaning more toward Infiltrator.
methodman said:Same here. I've always loved sniping in every game I play.
chespace said:Not a cliffhanger in the HL2 or Halo 2 sense where the game basically ends mid-scene.
At the end, the universe is a very different place from when the game started and while this chapter is finished, you realize there is much work to be done.
I would love to see everyone post pictures of the character they create. That would be really interesting to me. So do it!
BenjaminBirdie said:Sooooo exciiited!!
I finished HL2 last night and this switch in my head has flipped and now I'm just really dying for more story driven videogaming. Mass Effect looks like it'll be a perfect fit.
chespace said:Your story/characters/dialogue/exposition cup will runneth over with Mass EFfect.
In a good way I hopechespace said:Your story/characters/dialogue/exposition cup will runneth over with Mass EFfect.
Kobun Heat said:Unboxing pron of the Limited Collector's Edition.
watership said:Is this the one that's totally not available in Canada? Because that would make sense. Canadian games like Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect shouldn't be available here in special editions. Makes sense.
BenjaminBirdie said:As much sense as red blooded American LEs like Forza Motorsport 2 not being available in the U S of A.
chespace said:Marketing moves in mysterious ways.
masterkajo said:I guess I'll be playing as Infiltrator. It just seems to suit my style of gameplay the most.
Naeblish said:Still your goty che after finishing it (besides forza2 ofcourse)?
Good to know. Maybe I'll go w/ soldier, then. What would you switch to if you were starting over?PistolPete said:I chose Infiltrator and now I regret it. The sniper rifle is hard to use due to the sway of the crosshair, and the opportunities to use it are too few and far between. I find myself wishing for the use of a shotgun or assault rifle more than anything else. Im forced to use a pistol most of the time. Too late to start over too (already 10 hours into it).
Kobun Heat said:Unboxing pron of the Limited Collector's Edition.
Mr Che is much more of shooter guy (COD, Rainbow Six, etc)Naeblish said:Still your goty che after finishing it (besides forza2 ofcourse)?
chespace said:Your story/characters/dialogue/exposition cup will runneth over with Mass EFfect.
Quincey said:I was looking at those wired picures and it had the control scheme on the back of the manual, How do you take cover?
Doesn't sound any worse than HL2.cybropm said:Went to my friends house who works at a Wal-mart. they got some in last night.
The game looks amazing and you feel kind of like your in a Battlestar Gallactica type movie.
The thing that bothers me though is sections of levels take a little too long to load. You will be walking around and then it pauses fore like 5 to 8 seconds. Some areas it loads like that every ten to twenty steps. SOOO ANNOYING!
Does the game have a function to let us share our avatars, or are you talking off-screen shots here?chespace said:I would love to see everyone post pictures of the character they create. That would be really interesting to me. So do it!
chespace said:Also, the pistol can become super powerful later on too, depending on the model and ammo you equip.
I have no idea what cooldown management is, mezzing or fire key, but it sounds cool.LukeSmith said:Originally, I was disappointed with the Pistol, as an Adept it is the only weapon I can use, however now, having a decent pistol with some pretty sweet mods, it is an excellent weapon when my Biotic abilities are on cooldown, and Marksman is a pretty sweet ability.
One of the things I am really digging about the combat is, if you've played WoW, there's a lot of Cooldown management to maximize party DPS (damage per second). Using specific ability combos to focus fire key foes while using mezzing abiltiies like Stasis to give you time to recharge key abilities or control somewhat hectic crowds reminds me a bit of 5 player party situations from WoW dungeon crawls, except instead of 5 people, it's 3 and instead of random newbs screwing up, I get to screw everything up [I like to micromanage my guys, they'll do their own things if you let them and with reasonable success, but as I've leveled and handpicked their abilties, I have a pretty good idea of what I want character X to do in a given situation].
Tieno said:I have no idea what cooldown management is, mezzing or fire key, but it sounds cool.
Kobun Heat said:Unboxing pron of the Limited Collector's Edition.
Lonestar said:You know what I like?
Not paying attention for all the months leading up to this games release. Just now reading anything about it, and I've only really got 1 week to wait for what seems like a great game.
Ignorance is Bliss, sometimes!
Chu-Fye! said:OMG!!!!
GOTY without a shadow of a doubt!!! Mario galaxy WHOOOOO?????
This game is tooo much.
Man the character custumisation options are awsome.
The music in this game is AWSOME!!!
Just wait till you hear the score.
The story opening is soooo much already.
Now i believe and understand what the reviewers were saying.
Frack it.. Back to playing!