BenjaminBirdie said:Wow. I just added together Electronics Skill and Space Wrecks in my head.
Oh my.
BenjaminBirdie said:Wow. I just added together Electronics Skill and Space Wrecks in my head.
Oh my.
I believe it equals 'awesome'.BenjaminBirdie said:Wow. I just added together Electronics Skill and Space Wrecks in my head.
Oh my.
Mudo said:I will definitely try a more Biotic-centered class next though, they have some very cool powers/abilities, and you get a tank (Soldier) early on to alleviate me not being one.
GhaleonEB said:I believe it equals 'awesome'.
[ sit forward ]BenjaminBirdie said:Wow. I just added together Electronics Skill and Space Wrecks in my head.
Oh my.
BenjaminBirdie said:If this game includes even one moment of an abandoned hulk of a space ship whose engines, lighting, and readouts hum to life because of MY superpowered hack skillz I will officially fucking die.
Preferrably with a few sutters at first and then VRRRRMMMMMMMM.
"Nice one, Shepard. Can we go home now?"
[Wrex, you absolute douche. Let me have my moment.]
Sallokin said:Well I don't think you'll die, most of salvaging/hacking stuff I've come across (non electronics skill related of course) has essentially been a button pressing mini-game that if done correctly yeilds you items but no change to the actual object you were targeting save for perhaps an opening door/compartment
Sallokin said:Well I don't think you'll die, most of salvaging/hacking stuff I've come across (non electronics skill related of course) has essentially been a button pressing mini-game that if done correctly yeilds you items but no change to the actual object you were targeting save for perhaps an opening door/compartment
Tobor said:close enough.
NYC?Kodiak said:My toys R us apparently has the game and is selling it.
(Savannah, GA)
BenjaminBirdie said:Yeah I could go for a classic door slide.
[Oh no, do you hear them Artoo, they're dying]
Sallokin said:There is a very cool side quest at the Citadel where you'refollowing a backhacked computer signal throughout the Wards and Presidium that eventually leads you to a sentient AI termial that threatens to blow you up should you move. It essentially turns into a game of "guess the button combination" to disarm his self destruct sequence but it was pretty awesome nonetheless.
It is time to accept that every next-gen console game has screen tearing. ACCEPT IT.Micromegas said:Screen-tearing in this game confirmed? No next-gen v-sync enabled?
Sallokin said:If anyone wants, I can rapid share a video or two of the galaxy map stuff later on in the day after I get off work.
JayDubya said:So I guess the pictures above confirm that Ashley = Soldier, Kaiden = Sentinel, Liara = Adept, Garrus = Infiltrator, Wrex = Vanguard, and Tali = Engineer. One party member for each class.
So now, I've got a question regarding how you use your party members' skills both in and out of combat.
So for example there's a minigame for using engineering to unlock stuff. Okay... can you access that game using Garrus or Tali or Kaiden?
I've never been too keen on hybrids myself, so I'm thinking Shepard, Liara, and Tali will be my favorite team.
Sallokin said:I suppose it depends on what you're doing in the game and which quests you're working on. For example, there's a computer in the Wards level of the citadel that my character, Ashley and Garrus couldn't hack due to low skills, but I switched Garrus out for Tali and I was able to. When I explore planets that have pirate strongholds on them (or any enemies), I always make sure to take a heavy combat capable team because I know I'll have to get out of the Mako and kick some ass.
Hope that helps.
JayDubya said:Yeah, I'm guessing if I'm going into a bigtime hot-zone on Veteran difficulty I'd rather have Garrus and Wrex instead of Tali and Liara. Or maybe take Ashley with Kaiden sitting back and healing.
As a Sentinel, I guess Kaiden can't wear armor at all or train in weapons skills, so I'm not sure how to best use him. Medic / Crowd control?
Also, do you the player get to fully customize all 7 characters and their skill points, or only Shepard's?
.Psychotext said:Bowing out of the thread for fear of spoilers. Will place pre-order in the morning.![]()
You are wise. I don't think I can do it - this thread is like crack to me! :lolPsychotext said:Bowing out of the thread for fear of spoilers. Will place pre-order in the morning.![]()
Shockingly low. But for once, I don't care.Silicon Knight said:EGM scores:
mass effect: 9, 9.5, 9
sh4mike said:Shockingly low. But for once, I don't care.
Almost worth the drive through the Caldecott Tunnel for me, but not quite.SSnake said:Heads up for the west coast...
I just went to kmart in Pleasant Hill, CA and they had it behind the glass.
They only had like three copies after I got mine, so good luck...
painey said:does it matter if you have 2 soldiers? When I play i plan on having the 3 humans as my party including a default Shepard, will this make the game harder?
They gave it an 11?L0st Id3ntity said:So now 9s are shockingly low!
Reviewers should go over 10s next year, I like what that Italian mag did with SMG. :lol
I definitely agree. In fact, it might not be a bad idea to get a review thread up sooner or later so people can bicker over there instead of here.Tieno said:Lets not shit up this thread with review scores discussion. No matter the score, it always gets ugly.
MaizeRage25 said:So, for those of you who have played the game, what is your opinion on the best player class to start off with?
Yeah, they don't seem pleased whenever I call. :lol It reminds me of the Simpson's episode where Bart keeps pestering the postwoman about his spy camera.Jugendstil said:Well, I broke down and called the Kmart at Ashland and Division and the guy in electronics said the game doesn't come out till the 15th. Huh. It sounded like he'd been getting a lot of calls about it. :lol
I have ordered my LE online. Not too bothered about getting it early.Dabanton said:Bah us Uk gaffers have to wait until the 23rd to get our hands on this hopefully a few of our stores screw up and we can get it early.![]()