The Nature Roy
S1kkZ said:music is awesome, i hope there will be a soundtrack.
S1kkZ said:music is awesome, i hope there will be a soundtrack.
The Nature Roy said:
Silicon Knight said:EGM scores:
mass effect: 9, 9.5, 9
The Nature Roy said:Can anybody answer approx. how long it takes to get the requisite # of kills with a certain weapon/ability that allows you to specialize with it even if your class doesn't?
I want to use a Vanguard who can specialize with the assault rifle. I'm thinking about using a soldier until I get enough kills to open up that possibility and then starting over again to use my preferred character. However, I probably won't do this if I have to get 7 hours into the game first or whatever.
Okay, now there's a review thread.Tieno said:Lets not shit up this thread with review scores discussion. No matter the score, it always gets ugly.
Thanks man. Most high profile PS3 game threads turn to shit and it almost drives me mad. I hope it doesn't happen to this one as it has been fairly interesting with some good and informative impressions from people here.Mr. Spinnington said:
Yep, and they are tied together. Once you get an achievement for a weapon/skill you can pick it as an extra ability when you create a character. You are only allowed to pick one, however, no matter how many achievements you have earned.JayDubya said:Woah weird. I dunno, first I heard of this.
There are achievements for 150 kills with a given weapon, though.
I'd imagine somewhere between 15-20 hours for the main quest and up to 40 hours depending on how much sidequests and exploring you do.Duderz said:How long is this game supposed to be?
I may end up skipping Assassin's Creed for this.
The Nature Roy said:Yep, and they are tied together. Once you get an achievement for a weapon/skill you can pick it as an extra ability when you create a character. You are only allowed to pick one, however, no matter how many achievements you have earned.
I was just wondering how long it would take to score those 150 kills, say if I used the assault rifle exclusively.
The Nature Roy said:I was just wondering how long it would take to score those 150 kills, say if I used the assault rifle exclusively. said:* Pistol Expert - Register 150 Pistol Kills - 10G
* Shotgun Expert - Register 150 Shotgun Kills - 15G
* Assault Rifle Expert - Register 150 Assault Rifle Kills - 15G
* Sniper Expert - Register 150 Sniper Rifle Kills - 15G
* Lift Mastery - Use biotic Lift 75 times - 15G
* Throw Mastery - Use biotic Throw 75 times - 15G
* Warp Mastery - Use biotic Warp 75 times - 15G
* Singularity Mastery - Use biotic Singularity 75 times - 15G
* Barrier Mastery - Use biotic Barrier 75 times - 15G
* Stasis Mastery - Use biotic Stasis 75 times - 15G
* Damping Specialist - Use Damping Field 75 times - 15G
* AI Hacking Specialist - Use AI Hacking 75 times - 15G
* Overlord Specialist - Use Shield Overload 75 times - 15G
* Sabotage Specialist - Use Sabotage 75 times - 15G
* First Aid Specialist - Use medi-gel 150 times - 15G
* Neural Shock Specialist - Use Neural Shock 75 times - 15G
Tieno said:I'd imagine somewhere between 15-20 hours for the main quest and up to 40 hours depending on how much sidequests and exploring you do.
Duderz said:Between school and work and other games and a social life, where will I find time for all these games?![]()
Nab said:And a question which I expect few if any will be able to answer:
If you do the new game thing and start over with weapon things unlocked... Are there limits to those things?
I mean, if you start over with a new class and choose to take some of the unlocked skills to beef your guy up a bit at the beginning, do you take them in the PLACE of the usual default skills (like, take a fully levelled up shotgun thing and put it in place of one of your biotic powers), or in addition? (putting crazy weapon stuff on top of all your engineering/biotic powers)
If it's in addition you could really make a beast of a character...
Duderz said:Between school and work and other games and a social life, where will I find time for all these games?![]()
Thanks. I've been torn between soldier and vanguard anyway, so I'll probably start as a soldier and decide when I get to that point whether or not I want to continue on or start over.Sallokin said:It's going to take you at least 5 or more hours to get that many kills. I mean you spend minimum 1.5 - 2 hours in the Citadel alone at the beginning of the game.
Tieno said:I'd imagine somewhere between 15-20 hours for the main quest and up to 40 hours depending on how much sidequests and exploring you do.
Same. The recent reviews of AC have turned a must have into a 'only if it's going cheap or I'm in a mood to spend'.Duderz said:How long is this game supposed to be?
I may end up skipping Assassin's Creed for this.
You only get to pick one and it's in addition to the regular skills. For example, you could pick an Infiltrator who can use a shotgun (and level up in it). The shotgun would start off at the beginning level, however, not fully loaded up.Nab said:And a question which I expect few if any will be able to answer:
If you do the new game thing and start over with weapon things unlocked... Are there limits to those things?
I mean, if you start over with a new class and choose to take some of the unlocked skills to beef your guy up a bit at the beginning, do you take them in the PLACE of the usual default skills (like, take a fully levelled up shotgun thing and put it in place of one of your biotic powers), or in addition? (putting crazy weapon stuff on top of all your engineering/biotic powers)
If it's in addition you could really make a beast of a character...
You only get to pick one and it's in addition to the regular skills. For example, you could pick an Infiltrator who can use a shotgun (and level up in it). The shotgun would start off at the beginning level, however, not fully loaded up.
Tieno said:I'd imagine somewhere between 15-20 hours for the main quest and up to 40 hours depending on how much sidequests and exploring you do.
Sounds right.Nab said:So... To unlock it for future characters you have to have used it a certain amount of times, basically. You pick one thing you've been good at with your current character and slap it on a new character in addition to the new characters beginner skills?
And alternatively you can jump right back in with the exact same character, can't you?
Stanley Woo from Bioware said:Get out and see your family and friends once in a while. The game lasts tens of hours, but family and friends can last you the reset of your life.
While Mass Effect is a single-player game, play among friends; for some, watching someone play a game is nearly as exciting as playing it themselves.
Talk to everyone, possibly more than once.
Play the way you want the first time out. follow the story, get involved in the relationships with other characters, the party members, politics and the galactic goings-on. Once you've finished the game once, then pause to pick and choose the way you want to go. Saving the metagaming and min-maxing to subsequent playthroughs allows a more "pure" game experience.
Avoid hints, spoilers, and tips on your first playthrough unless you're maddeningly stuck and have tried everything you can think of.
Form your own opinion on game features, game length, and controls after you play. After all, the platypus is an awesome creature but sounds really silly and dumb when you try to describe it. Like the opposite of any Pauly Shore movie.
Tell your friends and acquaintances. Spread the word of Mass Effect's awesomeness, but don't spoil anything for them. Get them to see the awesomeness for themselves!
Once the right forums are up, post your experiences and get all the secret, hidden, and hard-to-find info and features and places, so that the next time you replay it will be that much more epic.
Cornballer said:I thought this thread was amusing over on the Bioware forums - Request for Dev Tips on Maximizing Mass Effect Experience. Here's one Bioware employee's response.
Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is min-maxing?Zzoram said::lol
He's right though, min-maxing my characters in RPGs is often what kills the fun.
Stanley Woo from Bioware said:Get out and see your family and friends once in a while. The game lasts tens of hours, but family and friends can last you the reset of your life.
Doodis said:Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is min-maxing?
:lolnewsguy said:Nerdian slip?
Thanks, now I know. And knowing is half the battle.Zzoram said:Min-maxing is when you carefully plan out your level ups and attribute and skill point allocations with a specific end goal in mind that results in the most powerful character, as determined in advance. In Elderscrolls games, it requires a blank sheet of paper to keep tallys of what skills you've leveled up during your current character level.
JayDubya said:Yes, absolutely, and I would imagine the Liara one would play out almost entirely identically with a male or female Shepard.
A male Shepard can romance Liara or Ashley. A female Shepard can romance Liara or Kaiden.
If previous Bioware romances are any indication, one could turn down the scene or never express interest in any of your squad mates, thus preventing the scene from triggering.
Agent Icebeezy said:The fact of the matter is, since Kmart broke street date, the corporation as a whole is going to get fined in some kind of way. Like when Best Buy let go of Warcraft 3 early, they didn't get anymore until after Xmas. Since they have already broken street date, they should let all Kmarts sell the damn game.
L0st Id3ntity said:So now 9s are shockingly low!
Reviewers should go over 10s next year, I like what that Italian mag did with SMG. :lol
:lolBioware Dude said:Form your own opinion on game features, game length, and controls after you play. After all, the platypus is an awesome creature but sounds really silly and dumb when you try to describe it. Like the opposite of any Pauly Shore movie.
tegdf said:does anyone know when Gamespot, IGN and 1UP will put up their reviews for the game?
jet1911 said:There's a lot of "new" videos on Gametrailers.
Zzoram said:The close quarters one has a minor spoiler. Target practice has a bit of one too. Dang!