chespace said:oh my dear god, this game is amazing so
I haven't really followed Mass Effect through the stages, except the occasional screenshot, but jesus christ the graphics in this game are ridiculously good... and WTF, Bioware basically created a 3rd person shooter a la GRAW, complete with cover system.
then underneath that is a deep RPG with an intriguing story and really good voice acting.
only a few hours in so far so take these impressions with a grain of salt. but whoooa, 30+ hours of this sort of bliss? who knows, maybe it'll suck in the 20th hour.
I can see myself leaving COD4 in its wrapper until I'm done with Mass Effect.
I'll post more detailed impressions once I get further into the game.
That pic sold the game for me. That´s like i imagine huge alien planets, are there also weather effects like dust storms?chespace said:
chespace said:You can go anywhere. Seriously. Those mountains in the background, you can climb them.
Francias Castiglione said:Christ on a moon buggy! This game is immense.
Che: How are the physics on the buggy? Will we be seeing YouTube videos of crazy stunts or is it simply A-to-B transport (with boosters)?
godhandiscen said:Not trolling here, but I hope this is good from a shooter's point of view. I know this is an RPG, and asking for it to be a good shooter is sorta stupid, but besides Halo 3, I haven't experienced a great sci-fi shooter this year. COD4 is not sci-fi, and the Orange Box is lacking when it comes to being a shooter so this is my last hope for this year.
antiloop said:Sounds ace.
Would have prefered to play this on PC though. damn.
xbhaskarx said:WTF. How come no one has mentioned this until now?
Frenck said:I bet only some randomized planets are so open.
Ghost said:Why? 3rd person action combat would suck*, driving would suck*, even the conversation trees powered by pie menus would be less intuative. It's already awesome graphically so no need for a powerful rig, and you're going to be playing it for hours on end so it makes sense to do that in the most comfortable gaming position (ie couch)...yep, this game = better on console.
*suck = be worse than playing with a controller
While the combat stuff sucked grom the very beginning, in terms of role-playing the first 3 chapters in Jade Empire were probably the best RPG stuff I have played (Fallout was as good when I think about it). The latter chapters however were totally without substance, possibly because the game was rushed. I am full of hope for Mass Effect.Draft said:I'm actually starting to believe the hype. I hated Jade Empire SO MUCH that it was easy to ignore all the praise being heaped on Mass Effect, but I'm starting to believe.
Now I wish I could change the thread title to "Those mountains in the background, you can climb them." : (xbhaskarx said:WTF. How come no one has mentioned this until now?
Just pm a modMr. Spinnington said:Now I wish I could change the thread title to "Those mountains in the background, you can climb them." : (
oh my..chespace said:Whoever thought the Unreal engine couldn't handle huge outdoor areas deserves a :lol
Mr. Spinnington said:Videos
All Other Mass Effect Gamersyde Videos here, will link to important ones later THANKS BLIM!
GT - E3 2007 Trailer HD
GT - E3 2007 Trailer 2 HD
GT - Combat Trailer HD
GT - Transmission Cinema HD
GT - X05 Trailer HD
GT - Character Spotlight: Part 1 HD
GT - Character Spotlight: Part 2 HD
GT - Character Spotlight: Part 3 HD
GT - PAX 2007 Developer Walkthrough Pt. 1 HD
GT - PAX 2007 Developer Walkthrough Pt. 2 HD
GT - PAX 2007 Developer Walkthrough Pt. 3 HD
GT - E3 2K6 Walkthrough Part 1 HD
GT - Seth Green Voice Over Interview HD
GT - Themes and Combat Interview HD
GT - Gameplay Freedom Interview HD
GT - GDC 07 Skill Tree Interview HD
GT Interview 05 - "Create the ultimate science fiction adventure."
GT - Combat Gameplay HD
GT - Gunpoint Interrogation Gameplay HD
GT - Med Clinic Shootout HD
GT - Galaxy Exploration Gameplay HD
GT - Profile Reconstruction Gameplay HD
GT - E3 2007 Gameplay Trailer HD
GT - X06 Gameplay Montage HD
Midas said:Are games from Microsoft usually region free or not?
chespace said:Wow, and just to make sure I wasn't talking out my ass, I just drove to those mountains in the background and actually found some more minerals. Sweet.![]()
This game is like a modern day Starflight. Except infinitely better.
DAMN to the damn this game sounds fantastic : Dchespace said:And yeah, different planets have different climate effects. I went to one planet where it was having a meteor shower or something. Shit was raining down from the sky... of course, it wasn't like you had to dodge the meteors but it looked and sounded cool as hell.
UnholySpectacle said:Wow, I hope Seth Green's character does not have too many lines because his voice does not match the character at all. He also can't act without a physical scene and props to carry him.
I'm sure 90% of the actors will be good but that Seth Green video is laughable.
chespace said:I'll post more impressions and answer questions later today. Going to play more now.![]()
Dude, this game is too much. It just keeps throwing shit at you to do. I'm about 10 hours into the game and I've barely even touched the main quest.
To answer the question about the moon buggy physics... no it definitely isn't a canned go-from-point-A-to-point-B type of affair. Like I said, it's Warthog meets Scorpion tank and you have thrusters so yeah you are doing INSANE stunts the whole time. You can't ever flip over (although you come close and then the computer rights you up again) but you can do some pretty funny stuff.
Vehicular combat is also very satisfying. There's also a "hood view" for the moon buggy if you pull down the left trigger. Makes it REALLY immersive when you're exploring new worlds or an ancient ruin... driving slowly in hood view, right thumb on the right turret stick, looking independently of where you're driving... so awesome.
And yeah, different planets have different climate effects. I went to one planet where it was having a meteor shower or something. Shit was raining down from the sky... of course, it wasn't like you had to dodge the meteors but it looked and sounded cool as hell.
The characters are really good in this game too. I've already become attached to 2 of my characters, and because I'm playing a female character, I've already had one of my male Biotic engineers hit on me during one conversation. It was... uh, awkward. :lol
But it's the NPCs and the plot in this game that really does it for me and propels you forward. I've never really been a fan of Bioware's console RPGs (yeah, gasp, I know) because I felt they were trying to do these emotional, deep, cinematic dialogues, but it would always fall flat on its face because of the game's shitty graphics which couldn't support the kind of drama Bioware was going for. Plus, it didn't help that KOTOR had basically like 10 character models in the whole universe and you kept running into the same black guy or the same alien guy.
Well, that is NOT the case here... every character in the galaxy has been unique so far, and fucking WOW at the graphics/acting/voiceover for the most part. There has been some good writing and very interesting interaction with both my crew and the rest of the NPCs out there. Really awesome informational tangents and personal anecdotes. At first I was playing with subtitles on because I didn't want to miss any details or whatever, but after a couple hours, I turned them off and I swear to god it was like watching a gorgeous CG movie where you can somewhat control the outcome of events.
This is next gen RPG folks. Gonna go play now before the wife wakes up and makes me go to the farmer's market.
Me too, now.chespace said:Just another note. The music is fantastic. Total ambient '80s synth a la Vangelis, Cabaret Voltaire and early Front 242 (think Geography LP era). I need this soundtrack!