Hitler Stole My Potato
Seriously neojubei, why the fuck do you even own a 360? Your schitck around here is incredibly annoying.
neojubei said:Thanks for being a jerk,
Well, I will wait for RPG fans get a hold of this game and give impressions of how well it is balanced. I'm still on the fence for this game.
That just killed it for me.
neojubei said:Thanks for being a jerk,
Well, I will wait for RPG fans get a hold of this game and give impressions of how well it is balanced. I'm still on the fence for this game.
That just killed it for me. I do not want to babysit my teammates, now I feel bummed out. This game does look and seem epic and something my sci-fi side would want to play, but if this is GRAW/Rainbow vegas stuff, then I have to leave it.
Im back from Gameworld (a games expo here) and Ive played ME for more than an hour. They had two Xboxes there with ME running on them, and of course I pushed everyone away from one and had a great time. Ive seen the character creation (didnt do it myself cause I didnt want to waste time, so Ive picked the iconic John Shepard) two guys on the other Xbox were having a contest at creating the ugliest femShep. I must say that if you want to create a fugly girl here, you can.
My impressions in short
You may have heard that this game is great. Its not true. Its BEYOND [Scooby-Doo] AWESOME!!!
Everything works like magic in this game. It is beautiful. I completely agree with all the Xbox staff there, this game should undoubtedly get GotY. Nothing like this has been done before. I love the conversation system, I love everything in it. Well, there are some problems, but well talk about them later. One of the guys working there said its the only game that actually looks as good as its trailers, and I have to agree with him.
Ive had the time to run through Eden Prime, look at the beacon, and do stuff at the Citadel (which is one of the most beautiful environments ever created in a videogame its simply stunning). The controls feel great, after five minutes youre already comfortable with them. The pace of the game is great too its slow and relaxing. Youll spent most of your time in dialogues and/or cutscenes.
Im not sure however this was the final version, but it looked damn final to me, except that THING NEEDS TO BE REBUILT (pathing maybe?) which you can see on every screen. Or maybe it had nothing to do with the game, maybe it was something with the screen itself, I dunno.
The problems:
The only ones Ive noticed are with graphics. Again, this might not be the final version, but Ill list them anyway.
Antialiasing should be mandatory for all modern games. It sometimes such a shame, because an otherwise beautiful picture is ruined by those jagged edges. This is where I start hoping this wasnt the final version. I just dont get it, why dont developers do at least 2xAA by default.
Shadow problems are unfortunately noticeable. As a lot of attention is centered around the faces of different characters, sometimes the picture gets ruined by some weird shadow which pops up (usually near the nose). It looks more like a torn black piece of paper than a shadow.
Oh sure, the film grain effect masks both the AA and the shadow issues. But then I dont like it. I turned it off and played without it.
Then a small issue that is out of the graphics field: you cant talk to any people but quest NPCs and merchants. I know its not that important, I know hearing the same generic phrases over and over (like in Oblivion) is kinda stupid, but the one fact that you just cant talk to pedestrians is disturbing for me. Its like theyre not alive and are there for decoration purposes only, like that tree over there. Not a major issue, but something that could have made the game even better.
I saw that some armour has tech/biotic protection values, which is nice.
I leveled up Shepard and the rest of his crew. Its quite easy, with accurate descriptions of what you get for every point spent. I got 6 xp points a level, so at first glance the progress is quite fast. Also, Charm and Intimidate are both limited to a maximum level of 3 points. So getting a max in one of them is quite cheap actually.
About weapons: it looks like I wont go Vanguard, simply because shotguns suck (at least in the beginning). The ones you get in the beginning (from traders, too) overheat after 2-4 shots. However, the assault rifle definitely rules. Pistols are great, too. Forgot to try the sniper rifle.
neojubei said:Thanks for being a jerk,
Well, I will wait for RPG fans get a hold of this game and give impressions of how well it is balanced. I'm still on the fence for this game.
That just killed it for me. I do not want to babysit my teammates, now I feel bummed out. This game does look and seem epic and something my sci-fi side would want to play, but if this is GRAW/Rainbow vegas stuff, then I have to leave it.
One of the guys working there said its the only game that actually looks as good as its trailers, and I have to agree with him.
BenjaminBirdie said:Rawr?
Tieno said:Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect are like two of my fantasies fully realised
and this pic just confirms that again
So long!neojubei said:Thanks for being a jerk,
Well, I will wait for RPG fans get a hold of this game and give impressions of how well it is balanced. I'm still on the fence for this game.
That just killed it for me. I do not want to babysit my teammates, now I feel bummed out. This game does look and seem epic and something my sci-fi side would want to play, but if this is GRAW/Rainbow vegas stuff, then I have to leave it.
Subarushian said:I chuckled too, but lets not go there in this thread.
Zzoram said::lol
You watched the video, you saw how it is, don't pretend to be surprised. Although it's GRAW style, it's not a real shooter, you don't need to be good at aiming and stuff as you have more aim assist than real shooters. Damage and accuracy can be improved by gaining levels and getting better weapons. You don't even need to use guns, just use the biotic powers, which require even less aiming, just pointing in the general direction of enemies.
You can set your AI allies to different combat profiles, where they can be aggressive or defensive, use both weapons and powers, or just one or the other. Party members that pass out during a battle will revive as soon as the danger is over, assuming someone in the party is still alive at the end, if they make it like KOTOR (which I'm sure they did).
Zzoram said:I suggest you at least wait for reviews, to see how flexible combat is for people who aren't good at shooters. Maybe listen to some 1UP podcasts after the game comes out, to hear what Shane has to say. Last I heard, he was interested but a bit intimidated by the combat, but he hadn't really played it, he'd just watched videos.
Zzoram said:Why are JRPG traditionalists so hostile towards RPGs with real time combat? If Mass Effect had swords, would it be more appealing to JRPG traditionalists?
SPEA said:So long!
neojubei said:I'll wait for reviews from RPG/non-shooter fans, but thanks for taking the time to help ease some of my issues with this game. I just hope the developers don't think everyone playing this game is expert halo/GRAW players.
neojubei said:I'll wait for reviews from RPG/non-shooter fans, but thanks for taking the time to help ease some of my issues with this game. I just hope the developers don't think everyone playing this game is expert halo/GRAW players.
Swords? I stayed far away from Oblivion, I even used a 10 foot pole.
I don't think you'll be doing a whole lot of aiming for heads or anything as the target looks to be a sticky target, i.e. you point and it locks on until you move it (someone can certainly prove me wrong though, but that's what it's appeared to me in all the combat videos that I've seen). It looks like it's not going to require quick reflexes or anything if that's your concern.neojubei said:I'll wait for reviews from RPG/non-shooter fans, but thanks for taking the time to help ease some of my issues with this game. I just hope the developers don't think everyone playing this game is expert halo/GRAW players.
karasu said:Archery in Oblivion is really fun though. The arrows really make those monsters fly when your Marksmanship in in the 70's.
Zzoram said:Oblivion's combat left... a lot to be desired. The leveling system was kinda wonky, you could get to like lvl 20 on nothing but Alchemy and Acrobatics and be useless in combat :lol
I definitely understand the worry though. For the longest time, I never played shooters because I couldn't aim. I used to stick to turn based RPGs and RTS games, and some turn based strategy like Civilization. Since then, I've played tons of shooters so I'm a lot more comfortable with the genre than in the past.
The only genre I'm actually still bad at is the Action stuff like DMC and Ninja Gaiden.
neojubei said:I'll wait for reviews from RPG/non-shooter fans, but thanks for taking the time to help ease some of my issues with this game. I just hope the developers don't think everyone playing this game is expert halo/GRAW players.
Subarushian said:The game is not a twitch shooter. If you notice at the end of the recent combat video when he snipes the turret, the crosshair is waving across the screen. This is because his characters skill in snipers is low and thus he is pretty inaccurate. Your accuracy and potency in combat is directly related to your skill level, which is the essence of a common RPG. This is a similar system to what was used in Deus Ex, which was an alright game...
The ability to pause the combat and move the camera around as seen here (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24945.html), further takes it away from a twitch shooter allowing you to slow down what would be a frantic gun battle and plan your tactics as much as you want.
neojubei said:I wish people will stop using examples from games that I hate. I want to like Mass Effect.
Tactics? So I cannot just level up and throw a huge fire ball at my enemy?
neojubei said:I wish people will stop using examples from games that I hate. I want to like Mass Effect.
BenjaminBirdie said:It seems abundantly clear that the game is not for you. If the basic mechanics of the game, the ones that have been elucidated clearly by BioWare for almost a year now, do not appeal to you, the onus of getting you to like the game isn't on us or a specialized segment of the game reviewing community.
Zzoram said:What's Deus Ex like?
The biotics didn't look like you had to aim much. The power where you suspend people in the air, it looks like you toss a wave in the general direction. I assume eventually you get offensive powers that might be like tossing a huge fireball at an enemy, or at least I hope so
I agree that Oblivion had mega ugly faces :lol
Zzoram said:I don't think you can say that until the game comes out and we know everything. For all we know, there's a heavy sticky-aim option for lock on to enemies that we don't know about.
Zzoram said:I don't think you can say that until the game comes out and we know everything. For all we know, there's a heavy sticky-aim option for lock on to enemies that we don't know about.
neojubei said:Tactics? So I cannot just level up and throw a huge fire ball at my enemy? Can you level grind in this game?
neojubei said:Ugh!!! I think I will wait for reviews. I want to buy this game, but I do not want to jump into a game I paid 60 bucks for and might hate like Lost Planet, which was 70 dollars actually.
BenjaminBirdie said:He doesn't seem to like stuff like squad based combat. I don't think it's just the aiming thing.
Zzoram said:I thought the MP demo for Lost Planet was cool but didn't buy it. I played a bit of SP and was so lost/stuck.
You seem like the type that would like Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, and The Last Remnant. You read anything about those?
Zzoram said:You can take control of any of the party members at any time. You can customize how their AI works to some degree. It should be ok.
BenjaminBirdie said:I really hope he at least has Blue Dragon.
Subarushian said:I don't think you can actually take control of them. You can control how aggressive their AI is, and direct them to specific places or to attack specific enemies, but not direct control ala kotor.
BenjaminBirdie said:I really hope he at least has Blue Dragon.
neojubei said:Not after playing the demo on xbox live.
BenjaminBirdie said:Aw, man. You should've waited to hear from those RPG fans who've been actively jizzing all over the game since 2006 while at the same time wondering why MS and Mistwalker bothered to make such a non-representative demo of the game available to the public.
neojubei said:Actually I have and I still won't buy it, unless it was 15 bucks.
neojubei said:Actually I have and I still won't buy it, unless it was 15 bucks.
neojubei said:Ugh!!! I think I will wait for reviews. I want to buy this game, but I do not want to jump into a game I paid 60 bucks for and might hate like Lost Planet, which was 70 dollars actually.
Yea I'll wait for the game to come out and be reviewed. The videos really does not tell me much about the game mechanics.
BenjaminBirdie said:He doesn't seem to like Western game design.
AdrianWerner said:I've always wondered... are the quests integrated into gameworld? I mean...from videos it looked like you walked around in sort of RPG hub and when you took on the quest you were transported into separate combat level. Do you actualy explore, talk with NPCs etc on those missions? Also...how much non-combat quests are there in comparision to violent ones?
The first thing I though when Bioware unveiled ME was "oh... looks like Planet's Edge"ghostmind said:Anyone remember Planet's Edge - the old PC game from New World Computing?
That game was awesome. This game will be awesome. My GOTY.
Sorry, that sucks_leech_ said:What a perfect time for my 360 to die![]()
_leech_ said:What a perfect time for my 360 to die![]()
MWS Natural said:Head first into Lost Planet and hesitant about Mass Effect...I don't even have a gif to express how that statement sounded to me.
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