Why isn't this her default look already?
Don't see it. Swift is just a tall thin blonde with nothing distinct about her appearance.
Number 1 in these lists is usually just about the best headline for the time.
They didn't even try to hide it that this is "Top 100 White Girls 2015"
I guess I should commend them for remembering Lupita by spot 12.
What the? She appears very different here. It's like another women on the cover.
Sienna Miller? Really? I can understand not knowing some of the later ones.
Pretty ugh this. Swift at #1 nest looking celeb is an absolute joke. It's a relevance/popularity contest.
Yup. Truly hideous.
I mean, obviously, she doesn't deserve to be in the top 250!
Tao Okamoto is. But yeah, I noticed she was pretty much the only one.Someday there will be one Asian on there.
Maybe two or three because six percent of population...)
Someday there will be one Asian on there.
Maybe two or three because six percent of population...)
I think Swift is far more beautiful.Taylor Swift over J Law? What a bullshit list.
How can Nina Dobrev not be #1
As always, the winner of the 'Most Hottest' list is someone who's the most popular at the time.
It's from the same shoot. I assume Maxim just bought rights to reprint the photos.
She's hot, not number one hot for me, but I don't care.
Jennifer Lawrence in top 3, often number 1 in those lists always makes me laugh really hard though. Am I missing something?
How can Nina Dobrev not be #1
a Top 10 with out Scarlett Johansson or Jessica Alba... list sucks
What has Sienna Miller done lately to get in the top3?
She was gorgeous in Layer Cake but that was over 10 years ago. Didn't know she was still acting.
Why isn't this her default look already?
What has Sienna Miller done lately to get in the top3?
She was gorgeous in Layer Cake but that was over 10 years ago. Didn't know she was still acting.
Is this "hot list" a list about "Girls that are hot" or a a list about "Artists that have good managers and marketing team"?
More accurately - Relatively Attractive Women That Are Popular at This Moment: A ListShould be renamed - Famous Attractive Women: A List
The reality is there are many "hotter" women out there then essentially anyone on the list. We just don't know their names because they're not famous.