I know people on the team too. Nobody doubts that people work hard, but that doesn't automatically guarantee great results nor should we give a game a great score just because people worked super hard on it. Most of us know it's super hard to make games and it sucks when the end result aint great, but developers gotta take that on the chin.
Spoiler alert, but still...
There is also a mission halfway through the campaign of this game where you and your squad have set up on the bow of a ship to take aim at a gang of Somalian pirates who have taken an American captain hostage.
After a minute of dialogue, one of your squadmates launches a flare. One of the pirates pops up out of cover, marked in red, and you shoot him. There is no way to fail this- if you shoot at the other pirate, you kill the marked pirate. If you shoot at the front of their boat, you kill the marked pirate. If you shoot at the sky above them, you kill the marked pirate.
After you kill him, a cutscene occurs before going to the next mission.
This is an entire mission.
i'm loving the homerun mode in multiplayer. feels just like socom.
Played for a number of hours last night with 4 friends.. had a blast. Not sure why the game is getting so much hate for the multiplayer. Playing with friends is sure fun and it kept us together all night which was nice.
Anyways in case anyone was wondering what the hardcore mode was like I uploaded a video with my thoughts
Hardcore - Combat Mission
That was a very odd beginning to the game. Hope it gets explained.
They do, if I understand it correctly.
I'm not exactly sure why they had to bomb the truck, but they did, and there was a much bigger secondary explosion that they weren't expecting. That was caused by the PETN the truck must have been carrying. Thus begins the search for the rest of it, I guess.
If you're talking about the tutorial, then no, not really. It's just a means of introducing the bad guy, who is apparently from MoH 2010, but I can't remember.
You have a strange rating scale if a 5 out of 10 is a completely broken game. What's a 1 mean then?This game probably isn't all that much worse than other games that get 7.5's.
Now, I'm not saying it is good, but I find it hard to believe that it can be 5/10.
5 out of 10 games are often completely broken, not just bad per se, but fundamentally flawed games that are painful to play, this does not seem to unplayable.
You have a strange rating scale if a 5 out of 10 is a completely broken game. What's a 1 mean then?
-When you're in the customize gun screen, why is it fucking BLACK so I can't see my gun? Unless you go down and select the paint option where he puts it on the table, the gun is in the air and is surrounded by this stupid fucking blue cloud of bullshit, and then there's blackness, to the point where you can't see SHIT. Makes me think it's a glitch, but is it a glitch if it happens 100% of the time? Fucking stupid.
-I have never played an FPS other than this one, where I lose a large majority of the firefights that I truly believe I should have won. I don't know what it is, but whenever I'm head to head with someone, they seem to put me down all the time, even when I have the jump on them. And it's not because I "suck", I'm a pretty decent FPS player and have had no problems with COD or BF3. In this game, a one on one faceoff feels like luck to me.
-When you enter a match, during the countdown it allows you to change your class/weapon if you want. Cool. But then you go to change your class/gun, and are tweaking shit (in the shit-tastic menus) for the match you're about to play, and it fucking SPAWNS you anyway in to the match in a few seconds. Amazing.
-I need to mention the unlocks thing again. No rhyme or reason to anything in this game. I've been playing for the past 3 days, and I've only unlocked 3 guns for my specops soldier. It doesn't make any fucking sense. You start using guns with scopes and have to UNLOCK iron sights. Everything is ass backwards. You never know when/what you're going to unlock, EVEN if you go to the Battlelog website. There is NO section to see what upcoming unlocks are. I would love if a developer of the game actually revealed how the unlock system works, because I just don't fucking get it.
Okay, I LOVED MoH 2010. I just don't dig this game. Ps3 version impressions.
-Like it already hasn't been stated enough: The Menu/UI interface is utter trite. I can't wrap my head around it, and I've been playing it for a few DAYS now. It is way too fucking confusing and counter intuitive, I have never seen a mess of menus like this in a game before. Never.
-I have never played an FPS other than this one, where I lose a large majority of the firefights that I truly believe I should have won. I don't know what it is, but whenever I'm head to head with someone, they seem to put me down all the time, even when I have the jump on them. And it's not because I "suck", I'm a pretty decent FPS player and have had no problems with COD or BF3. In this game, a one on one faceoff feels like luck to me.
- The maps look like SHIT in multiplayer. Not only do they look like shit, they ARE shit. They look shittier than Resistance 2 maps. The saturation of the walls, shadows, buildings, the ground, EVERYTHING is retarded. Everything is darker than it should be. It's hard to spot enemies because of this, which is surprising given how static these shit levels are. Every map is literally a bunch of hallways, akin to every SINGLE PLAYER FPS that comes ut nowadays. I never thought I'd see the day when "corridor shooter" would refer to the multiplayer portion of a game. Guess I was wrong. The maps are too tight. Oh, and why do I spawn into objects/spawn outside of the map/spawn in the ground 20% of the time? You've gotta be fucking kidding me.
-I need to mention the unlocks thing again. No rhyme or reason to anything in this game. I've been playing for the past 3 days, and I've only unlocked 3 guns for my specops soldier. It doesn't make any fucking sense. You start using guns with scopes and have to UNLOCK iron sights. Everything is ass backwards. You never know when/what you're going to unlock, EVEN if you go to the Battlelog website. There is NO section to see what upcoming unlocks are. I would love if a developer of the game actually revealed how the unlock system works, because I just don't fucking get it.
I usually don't trade in games but I'm seriously considering it with this one. This game needs one hell of a patch to pull it out of the ditch it's in right now...
I'm curious, what's your role at Danger Close? You can tell us because Monkey Pants and Codecow from Visceral have told us what they do.
Oh man.Anyone feeling that bf3 input delay on ps3? I sure am. Forcing 576 or 480p doesnt seem to do anything like in bf3.
Haha, I mentioned earlier that I am a programmer/software engineer. In all honesty I am no longer employed by EA (I left for personal reasons) so I can't chase down tech support issues and stuff but I can relay things to my friends there if they are not already reading this thread.
Oh man.This is what I feared. I really don't know what the hell is up with this engine and PS3 when it comes to input lag.
Bad Company 1 & 2 and 1943 didn't suffer from this at all. Something somewhere went wrong when they switched to Frostbite 2.
...I am better than decent at pretty much every damn FPS on the planet but I'm dying left and right. I don't think I've ever died so much when I caught someone completely sleeping, hit markers all over the place, they get up, run behind a wall pop out and kill me like instantly. Clearly the game works for them but I'm not having a lot of fun right now. I'm giving it a couple more days to grow on me but right now I am not pleased.
I don't know anything about that bug, sorry. Did you mean you got dropped from a game or did you fall out of the world?
this... it kept happening 7 times in a row regardless of where i spawned, i wasn't the only one that it happened to... i saw other people walking around outside of the map
WAIT! So it's a BUY or DON'T BUY?
It would only be a bad tag if popular opinion of MOH: Warfighter turned out to be positive. As it stands, my own personal impressions of the game are among the vast majority. I don't mind the tag at all, it's accurate and rests with the majority, so it's not like I'm some kind of pariah on the game.Btw that tag is like a bad tattoo. Gonna follow you to the grave lol
Yeah, it's certainly not shovelware. I've kind of been ignoring review scores for awhile now.Yeah, I thought Arthur Gies' review was a bit too critical. This game is pretty awesome in multiplayer. I don't see it as a 4.5...but whatever. I hope the game still catches on and people aren't too deterred. That $30 price if you have BF3 Premium hopefully helps some familiar players make the jump.
It would only be a bad tag if popular opinion of MOH: Warfighter turned out to be positive. As it stands, my own personal impressions of the game are among the vast majority. I don't mind the tag at all, it's accurate and rests with the majority, so it's not like I'm some kind of pariah on the game.
I may have the tag, but I'm not even the biggest hater of this game out there, that must say something. Read any professional review, this game is getting panned. They hate it more than I do and I'm the GAF poster boy for hating this game.
To be fair I did make a rather large amount of overwhelmingly negative posts, dripping with extreme sarcasm and hyperbole, spanning multiple pages of this thread on Tuesday. No surprise.Guess it means you were the loudest in the room so got noticed. haha thats cool though. At least we know where yours came from. Unlike some of these other more "interesting" tags folks got.
Spoiler alert, but still...
There is also a mission halfway through the campaign of this game where you and your squad have set up on the bow of a ship to take aim at a gang of Somalian pirates who have taken an American captain hostage.
After a minute of dialogue, one of your squadmates launches a flare. One of the pirates pops up out of cover, marked in red, and you shoot him. There is no way to fail this- if you shoot at the other pirate, you kill the marked pirate. If you shoot at the front of their boat, you kill the marked pirate. If you shoot at the sky above them, you kill the marked pirate.
After you kill him, a cutscene occurs before going to the next mission.
This is an entire mission.
To be fair I did make a rather large amount of overwhelmingly negative posts, dripping with extreme sarcasm and hyperbole, spanning multiple pages of this thread on Tuesday. No surprise.
I think I recall saying something like "It's like the developers of MOH: Warfighter took the idyllic vision of fun and then did everything exactly the opposite of what would work towards that vision. It's the antithesis of fun."
I miss the days of storming Omaha beach in medal of honor![]()
Exactly, I would almost say that Spec Ops: The Line is my favorite game of the year despite the gameplay. Spec Ops isn't broken or anything, but it feels a little "loose" on the mechanics, but if you turn the difficulty down to Easy I feel the game plays better for it. Normal might be too frustrating to be enjoyable, since it's the story you're playing for.Hey it got you the tag, so in the end it all worked out haha. My copy should arrive in about 8h give or take. So will run through the campaign. Had found a cheap copy of Spec Ops: The Line also and picked that up since you mentioned it seemed more "authentic" so to speak with the script anyways of how characters talk and such. Was curious about that so wanted to see for myself.
I personally stayed away from it since to me looked like they were trying to go too much for over the top shock factor to garner reactions from people, rather than something a bit more realistic I suppose. Even though I get that the story / setting itself is supposed to be based off of the Heart of Darkness & Apocalypse Now sorta thing. Want to play the game to see if those initial impressions of mine from what trailers / dev vids gave me are wrong or not. Oh that and I hate cover shooters, but that takes the sideline in this particualr situation. lol
As we all know the world isnt black & white. Its grey. Not a lot of devs get that / are able to convey that sort of message without tipping the scales one way or the other.
Exactly, I would almost say that Spec Ops: The Line is my favorite game of the year despite the gameplay. Spec Ops isn't broken or anything, but it feels a little "loose" on the mechanics, but if you turn the difficulty down to Easy I feel the game plays better for it. Normal might be too frustrating to be enjoyable, since it's the story you're playing for.
Also maybe I was wrong in saying that Spec Ops is more realistic, because it's not, but it uses fantastical fiction to deliver a story that focuses on "realistic" issues in regards to war and the shooter genre itself. If that makes sense, maybe not until you play it. It's the best attempt atthat video games have given yet. After playing Spec Ops all other war games are just too disingenuous. XCom also makes an attempt, with your soldiers panicking in the middle of combat depending on the severity of the situation. I like things like that, I feel like games need to explore that area more, not just go for cool explosions and a superior body count like CoD, BF3, and MoH are so content to do.showing the complete and utter metal breakdown of a soldier in a fucked up war environment
Spec Ops has an identity so intriguing and interesting to me that all other modern war shooters just fall short for me. Spec Ops is the rare game changer that should make game developers look at what it did right and why it works so well and try to discern what they can take away from that.
Oh God, your post makes me think you're going to hate Spec Ops, but we'll see. It's not for everyone.
Well, the good news is that Spec Ops: The Line is nothing like its trailer or demo. The first 1-2 hours aren't anything special, but are necessary in building up to the final hours of the game, which are where it shines.I just hate false choices. And things that try to "shock" the general public into thinking its deeper than it really is. Which I know the case is not for yourself. But you get the idea.
Dont worry Im actually pretty objective, which is why I went through the trouble to hunt down a US copy for a reasonable price over here in Tokyo, just based off of wanting to see what you had said in regards to the game was indeed true or not.
As mentioned had always written off the game just based on the trailers, dev diaries and some gameplay footage I saw, one of which showed the scene which I had used the spoiler tags on.
What the fuck.
I keep spawning off the map. How can a game ship with a bug like that? That is gamebreaking.
Medal of Honor: FloorfighterWhat the fuck.
I keep spawning off the map. How can a game ship with a bug like that? That is gamebreaking.