Call of Duty is a legitimate quality franchise. Should blops II be docked points just to stick it to the man?
Those 8s and 9s are deserved every year
Blops and MW3 were like 6/10s at best for me. Why are they so deserving?
Call of Duty is a legitimate quality franchise. Should blops II be docked points just to stick it to the man?
Those 8s and 9s are deserved every year
I just happen to think that Call of Duty hasn't been a "quality" franchise since 2007.Call of Duty is a legitimate quality franchise. Should blops II be docked points just to stick it to the man?
Those 8s and 9s are deserved every year
Blops and MW3 were like 6/10s at best for me. Why are they so deserving?
Because they arent fundamentally broken?Blops and MW3 were like 6/10s at best for me. Why are they so deserving?
I just happen to think that Call of Duty hasn't been a "quality" franchise since 2007.
My opinions on the Call of Duty franchise are single-player campaign only.And we on the other side do think it has been a quality franchise.
I like how both sides are being intentionally obtuse about this, because it's pretty worthless to even argue this. Well at least I hope y'all are being intentional lol.
I loved Blops, hated MW2 and MW3, but either way they're extremely polished, full-featured games. You might be sick of the formula (I am, to a degree), but they do what they do really well. Same goes for sports games.
Because they arent fundamentally broken?
Or maybe they actually have a lot of good ideas, but no time to implement them properly?I am not sick of the formula. I'm not sure what "fully featured" means in this case vs. MoH 2010/2012, but I don't really agree that polish is enough to hide uninteresting encounters. That's -all- these games are now and the quality of the shooting setpieces has been slipping in each iteration. I think they're just running out of ideas. BlOps was a series of disconnected hallways + 60s/70s tropes, and MW3 was just a disaster.
Or maybe they actually have a lot of good ideas, but no time to implement them properly?
I can only imagine that a yearly dev cycle is a total bitch. I almost feel bad for them. I just hate Activision for their bastardization of a franchise I used to love. The almighty dollar trumps artistic vision and integrity.
I want another Call of Duty game with balls, not this "safe" BS they've been cranking out year after year.
See, here's where the disconnect between people who play Call of Duty for the campaign and those who play for the multiplayer happens.I don't think a yearly dev cycle is as much of a detriment to the Call of Duty series as you might think, at least from a design perspective. The games aren't being made by the same studio every year. Infinity Ward makes the game one year then it is handed off to Treyarch for the next, then back to Infinity Ward. What isn't known is exactly how much development is done by, say, Treyarch during the period that Infinity Ward is making their product. Pre-production for sure, but I'm curious what else.
I also get the impression from Infinity Ward of arrogance in their game design. They seem to ignore a number of changes to their formula that Treyarch comes up with that are well-received by the playerbase. An example of this was Modern Warfare 3 going back to the same unlock system where every single thing, aside from weapon attachments, was tied solely to your rank, with many perks and weapons not unlocking until very high levels. Black Ops 1's unlock system was more generous, spreading out weapon unlocks more evenly and it allowed you to select your perk loadout and weapon attachments right from the start with the only requirement for unlocking being playing a few matches to earn enough credits to purchase them. I loved that system as it allowed me to create my character build before my level hit double digits and play how I wanted to play, not be forced to grind using perks and equipment I didn't want until I hit level 50.
Blops and MW3 were like 6/10s at best for me. Why are they so deserving?
Oh, hell no. They absolutely can when the plot and story-telling devices of the game are ignored to the point of disgust. Modern Warfare 3 is polished yes, but it's also completely dead inside.Both games' gunplay and polish can't be ignored.
Oh, hell no. They absolutely can when the plot and story-telling devices of the game are ignored to the point of disgust. Modern Warfare 3 is polished yes, but it's also completely dead inside.
Looks awesome.
How is the campaign? worth the price?
Looks awesome.
How is the campaign? worth the price?
Blops and MW3 were 9/10 and 8/10 respectively for me. Both games' gunplay and polish can't be ignored.
Just finished the campaign. Same as 2010, starts really slow but picks up towards the middle. I didnt enjoy this one as much as 2010 however.
Have a question which I will spoiler, don't read it if you haven't finished 2010 and Warfighter.
ThanksHow does rabbit die and in which game? I really can't remember it happening. I'm referring to the last moment when Dusty says for Mother, for Rabbit. Mother was executed, what happened to Rabbit?
Just finished the campaign. Same as 2010, starts really slow but picks up towards the middle. I didnt enjoy this one as much as 2010 however.
Have a question which I will spoiler, don't read it if you haven't finished 2010 and Warfighter.
ThanksHow does rabbit die and in which game? I really can't remember it happening. I'm referring to the last moment when Dusty says for Mother, for Rabbit. Mother was executed, what happened to Rabbit?
Finished the campaign tonight.
Honestly, I'm bummed it's been so savaged by critics. I thoroughly enjoyed it and wish Danger Close would be given a chance to continue building their JSOC MoW world, although it's difficult to imagine that happening now.
It looked and played extremely well on my PC, and while it was definitely of the CoD mold (again), it's miles beyond in terms of all those little touches of authenticity.
I've said this a couple times before, but I'll say it again -- if you liked MoH (2010)'s campaign, ignore the reviews and pick this up. It's of similar quality IMHO (I'd even say better -- the gunplay and the graphics are both markedly improved). Some people seem to dislike the globe-hopping aspect, but I liked the greater variety.
Because they arent fundamentally broken?
Loving the SP, was expecting some rough edges but must say am not seeing them yet.
One point, why lock the game save?
Been playing this morning on living room ps3,copied the save from the cloud, did a few mission and SWMBO decided she wants the tv. Ok copy save back to cloud, to the other ps3 i go.
Can only download this save once in any 24 hours, WTF.
Quick question: What was the last checkpoint you saved at when you quit playing?
I quit on ps3 1 before the last breach before themission. Went to other ps3 downloaded save, resumed the breach anddrivingmission. Played some more, saved to cloud and went on other ps3. Message appeared.driving
Dont worry, im playing MP on one, SP on the other
Loving it tbh.
Bloody wife's fault anyway![]()
Still enjoying the hell out of the SP campaign.
The graphics or the game?
Gaming is in good shape if people are okay with a trashy campaign like that. They can fire all the incompetent story writers and programmers, just get the intern handing out mail to write it on his lunch break and whip up some AI code.
I feel like I should stand up for the SP campaign. After the worst opening levels in a military shooter ever, it really picks up and I am having a ton of fun with it.
I don't think the quality is all that far behind the COD SP campaigns so if you like them (and I do) there is no reason why this should not entertain you.
Still better than Call of Duty. Unless of course you're determined to shit on this game at every turn regardless. There's fun to be had if you know what to look for. You apparently do not. So quit being a drama queen and just saying the game is bad. If that's all you have to say about it, then don't say anything at all. It gets tiring, and the scores tell enough as it were.
Who gives a fuck if it's better than Call of Duty. Call of Duty isn't the only game in existence. Why are people constantly harping on about Call of Duty whenever someone mentions this game is bad? Some sort of inferiority complex? Sure it's riding off the back of CoD but still isn't the only comparison point.
I still disagree however, this campaign takes the cake as the worst FPS campaign I've played in years. BF3 had that honour before but this just swept in and stole it away. Pure and utter garbage.
And this is a discussion forum, ignore me if you don't like my opinion.
So much wrong with this post. You're right, it is a discussion forum, so if someone compares one military FPS to another, there is nothing wrong with that.
And nice going telling people they can't talk to you unless they agree with you, when your stupid ass post itself was replying to a post YOU disagreed with.