Critics shouldn't have to pander to the mass market, they should be the Avantgarde of the medium
Yes, you're right, PC gamers are so high above the fray of subpar "mainstream" games.RPS is a PC site so they're not shackled by what mainstream "gamers" want thankfully.
Almost 24 hours of MP played, at Rank 64 now. Since I'm going for the achievements I switch guns and sometime classes after 20 kills with a main gun. It's making for a different play style almost every match! Haters can hate but I'm having fun!
Such a huge waste of time.
So, why am I shooting this guy again? Because hes there? Oh, OK.
That makes PC Gamer AND RPS two sites to comment on the, "I don't want to shoot the first bad guy in the game," thing. I realize that these games are on-rails, brainless clusterfucks but isn't this just going a little too far in our criticism?
Do you know other games that force you in one spot and can't move asking you to stealth headshot an enemy?
I agree. Would it really make much of a difference if you could alert the guy first? And do one really need to be told to begin with that you're fighting terrorists? I think that is pretty much implied regarding the name and theme of the game. Maybe it could be possible to have an option to sneak around the guy, but it isnt much to complain about that specific thing, in my opinion.That makes PC Gamer AND RPS two sites to comment on the, "I don't want to shoot the first bad guy in the game," thing. I realize that these games are on-rails, brainless clusterfucks but isn't this just going a little too far in our criticism?
Critics are not the Avantgarde though...<snip>
Played the MP for a while last night--starting to gel with me a bit after getting a feel for the maps/weapons. Still not sure what I think of it yet, but enjoying it.
Really pisses me off that you can't filter OUT hardcore servers. You can specify them, but that's it--and there are so many that aren't labeled as HC as well.
Server browser blows, and it also looks like there is barely anyone playing.
I appreciate the sentiment. I try.Fucking great post, man.
Getting 20 kills with each sniper was a bitch. Almost done with the multiplayer trophies!
Oh, I can imagine. The CS5 is basically useless on so many levels. It took three shots to kill a guy in Hardcore! for cry'n out loud!
I wouldn't touch a sniper that's not the TAC50 in this game. 3-4 body shots to kill on some of them! Ridiculous. Many curse words were yelled.
Is it bad that I had more fun with 007 Legends than with this game?
Getting 20 kills with each sniper is going to end me, I swear. I'm lucky if I get 2 kills in a match with one of those things. Sometimes I have to shoot someone in the body 4 times for them to drop. Anyone got any tips?
If i had to suggest some weapons for use outside the so-called OP ones, it would be the ones i play with (i am now level 73 and have played extensively with all classes, which was fun) :
spec ops and pointman : AK 103 (because of the 7.62 caliber and kobra optics)
sniper : TAC 50 (for one shot kills...what i don't get is why a single shot doesn't down a demolition class player, the TAC 50 shots anti-armour rounds and can penetrate thicker layers of armour)
heavy gunner : PKP Pecheneg
assaulter : H&K GK3A4 (also because of 7.62 and that sound ;o)
I agree. Would it really make much of a difference if you could alert the guy first? And do one really need to be told to begin with that you're fighting terrorists? I think that is pretty much implied regarding the name and theme of the game. Maybe it could be possible to have an option to sneak around the guy, but it isnt much to complain about that specific thing, in my opinion.
MOHAA might have some more freedom however, that is true. I guess maybe this is what the guys mean. But there isnt a huge difference from what i can remember from MOHAA. It is hard to get lost, and you're pretty much always pushing forward. There arent many alternative routes, and there are also some scripted/triggered events.
Speaking of MOHAA, this is one of my favorite FPS of all time. I played online multiplayer for years. The rifle-only servers were the most fun onesGame design for FPS games have changed quite much in the last 10 years. I wonder if making a game similar as MOHAA today would be just as fun.
Just finished all of the multiplayer trophies. Thank Godddd. Seems like it took forever. Now I only have some single player trophies, but those are so easy, I'll get them in time. Right now I don't feel like playing this game anymore lol.
i'm finding the campaign to be really fun so far. just rented this today and didnt expect much.
Issues aside, it ooozes atmosphere and authenticity.
I actually really enjoyed the storyline of the SP and the MP isn't too bad either.
Goddamnit, there really needs to be a idle time-out on the servers. It's one thing to not have a buddy, it's another thing to have an idle buddy. I lost a hotspot game because two guys on the team were idle (snipers of course) and they both weren't doing anything for the whole match. So much frustration...
How active is the PS3 community in this game?
How active is the PS3 community in this game?
Looks like there are about 3k players online right now. I don't expect it to go pass 10k.
Staaayy awwaaay.
Friends, fans, & devoted gamers,
While it's become difficult to make this decision, we feel it's perhaps the best. Medal of Honor was a fantastic franchise until the 'rushed cycled' was implemented into its development & marketing strategies. Let us take the time to explain why this is a terrible model for game development, and why we're shutting our doors. This notion may burn a few bridges, although that's not my goal, it may be what's necessary to get EA's attention. I have many friends inside EA and their respective studios, none of which enjoy the direction that Electronic Arts is heading with its company.
EA has admired the Call of Duty model for some time now, but they lack the loyal fan base to mock it. For those unfamiliar with the Call of Duty release model, there is a new title at the end of every year with two different development teams working on the rotating titles. To successfully implement this model, you need a fan base that will buy your game out of trust & loyalty that you've made a product that will no doubt be fun and a worthy investment. Medal of Honor 2010 was a reboot to the franchise & had one of the largest marketing campaigns to date. It utterly and completely failed consumers at launch and with post-launch support. Consumers, from that point on, were wary of EA's bad practices.
Warfighter was promised to be revamped with Frostbite 2, complete with Micro-Destruction, an amazing interface, and better maps and gameplay. None of which were actually true. Let's review.
Micro-Destruction: A key factor in modern FPS games. It allows you 'chip away' the cover the enemy and provide a sense of realism upon a bullet hitting the surface of an object. In Warfighter, you can't even break a wooden pallet with your rounds.
Interface: The overall look of the game's menu system and in-game HUD. The user interface/user experience in Warfighter reflects that of an amateur Photoshop user. Semi-transparent boxes with white text fill the screen & are not something that belongs in a AAA title.
Maps: I met the map designers at the Danger Close studios in Los Angeles earlier this year. Needless to say, they seemed absolutely clueless as to what their job was. When I mentioned why the maps were so tiny and bland, the look on their face was priceless. They legitimately thought they had created maps gamers would enjoy.
Gameplay: Choosing your weapon and unlocks alone is a hassle to understand. There are the same weapons with different names, leaving only 1-3 actual weapons-per-class to choose from. The unlock system is amazingly ignorant as (Going back to the interface design) you are forced to use a scroll-based system to see what you've unlocked for a weapon, and even so, you can't tell what you've unlocked or not until you reach that specific item on the scroll system.
"But although the combat feels smoother online, poor visuals and bland map design sour the experience. When compared to the slick, refined content of its main competitors, on this evidence it seems unlikely the Medal of Honor series will survive without a major rethink." - The
"...just generally being a bad, boring game" -
"I'm here, unfortunately, to tell you that Medal of Honor: Warfighter is purely mediocre. Its average presence is further brought down by bugs, texture oddities and sloppy AI. It's best you avoid this one." -
The product was rushed in a terrible manner. There were rumors, now confirmed, that the executive producer was quietly removed from Danger Close approximately two months before release. EA proceeded to assume complete control and release the game without any leadership. The sheer fact that the Battlefield 4 beta text was larger than the text for Medal of Honor was a hint at what was to come of this game. Perhaps it's time for the 'major publisher' model to cease, or a change in executive leadership.
Whatever EA's future may be, we wish them the best of luck and hope to see the proper changes made to their products. Maybe with the largest Medal of Honor community shutting its doors, it may spark interested to take new paths. I would like to extend my gratitude to the community managers for Medal of Honor, Daniel Chin (No longer with Electronic Arts), and Seeson Mahathavorn who have done an outstanding job. The problem lies "mostly" within the upper management of Electronic Arts, not within the hard working people that make and contribute to the game.
Please share this page over Twitter. The more tweets we get, the stronger our message will become.
Joshua Bearden
Director of MOHHQ, BATTLEFIELDO, and the "Overpwrd" Community Network.
[email protected]
Cory Niblett
Director of MOHHQ, BATTLEFIELDO, and the "Overpwrd" Community Network.
[email protected]
Oliver Lumby
Director of MOHHQ, BATTLEFIELDO, and the "Overpwrd" Community Network.
[email protected]
MoH HQ, probably the largest MOH fansite out there, is closing its doors because of how EA is handling the franchise.
That's pretty damn bad. Really hope they get back on track with the series.