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Medal of Honor: Warfighter |OT| of Knock Knock, it's Tier 1





Everything is tsundere to me
Critics shouldn't have to pander to the mass market, they should be the Avantgarde of the medium

Critics are not the Avantgarde though. Critics who believe themselves as such have heads too big for their own good. Anyone can be a critic and everyone is. This is the first thing you have to learn as a critic, that anyone can pass judgement on a piece of medium as good or bad or something in between. What a true critic's job is not to say if something is "good" or "bad", it's not to provide their taste in media (because as a critic, you should probably always assume that your taste is shit). Rather, being a Critic means to search for the intrinsic values of a game, how effectively they get them across, and determine who might like it. What critics instead do in the game industry is tell us what values they liked out of it. A good critic will be able to recognize if something they did not enjoy will be enjoyed by others. I have seen no reviews that say "If you're sick of the typical CoD multiplayer formula, this provides a good remix, but those looking for an in-depth single player shooter should wait for Metro: Last Light next year." I haven't seen any review truly recognizing the game's strengths, which it has many. Unfortunately, they aren't apparent upon a simple surface look.

The RPS review was on the single-player, which of course wouldn't stand up to serious scrutiny without the multiplayer aspect. Yet people still enjoy these sorts of games, so it's the responsibility of the critic to recognize what people would enjoy in the game, even if it is not them. These things were glossed over for a bunch of pissant whining about linear FPS campaigns. Reviewers aren't the Avantgarde. I would even say they aren't even real critics. They're a bunch of enthusiast journalists giving their opinions. This is why the games industry is considered so childish and immature. We can't be arsed to actually think critically not just about our games, but also on the reasons people play them, and while all the criticism within the RPS article is for the most part spot on and warranted, what do you have to say to the people who did find it fun due to satisfying gunplay and occasionally interesting level and gameplay design?

RPS is a PC site so they're not shackled by what mainstream "gamers" want thankfully.
Yes, you're right, PC gamers are so high above the fray of subpar "mainstream" games.

By the way, sorry for the late post, I was kind of in the midst of a blackout due to a certain Sandy fucking my city's power grid. I'm still not up, but a friend downtown is.


Almost 24 hours of MP played, at Rank 64 now. Since I'm going for the achievements I switch guns and sometime classes after 20 kills with a main gun. It's making for a different play style almost every match! Haters can hate but I'm having fun!


Almost 24 hours of MP played, at Rank 64 now. Since I'm going for the achievements I switch guns and sometime classes after 20 kills with a main gun. It's making for a different play style almost every match! Haters can hate but I'm having fun!

I think I'm pretty much the same as you in terms of rank and playtime. I made a pretty big mistake though, seeing as I'm going for trophies too:

I played with Spec Ops exclusively for like 22 hours playtime, thinking I needed to max it out in order to unlock all weapons with that class. I had no idea that switching classes contributes points to your overall weapon unlock progress. :(

Such a huge waste of time.
What MoH Warfighter can learn from MoH Allied Assault

I only played Allied Assault recently, so this rang true for me.

"Warfighter wrestles me for control because I can’t tell its story competently."

This kind of design in other games pretty much means the designer doesn't trust the player. They assume every player is that dude in Half Life 2 who runs around and jumps on stuff, not paying attention while story beats are happening.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
That makes PC Gamer AND RPS two sites to comment on the, "I don't want to shoot the first bad guy in the game," thing. I realize that these games are on-rails, brainless clusterfucks but isn't this just going a little too far in our criticism?

So, why am I shooting this guy again? Because he’s there? Oh, OK.

That makes PC Gamer AND RPS two sites to comment on the, "I don't want to shoot the first bad guy in the game," thing. I realize that these games are on-rails, brainless clusterfucks but isn't this just going a little too far in our criticism?


Do you know other games that force you in one spot and can't move asking you to stealth headshot an enemy?


That makes PC Gamer AND RPS two sites to comment on the, "I don't want to shoot the first bad guy in the game," thing. I realize that these games are on-rails, brainless clusterfucks but isn't this just going a little too far in our criticism?

I agree. Would it really make much of a difference if you could alert the guy first? And do one really need to be told to begin with that you're fighting terrorists? I think that is pretty much implied regarding the name and theme of the game. Maybe it could be possible to have an option to sneak around the guy, but it isnt much to complain about that specific thing, in my opinion.

MOHAA might have some more freedom however, that is true. I guess maybe this is what the guys mean. But there isnt a huge difference from what i can remember from MOHAA. It is hard to get lost, and you're pretty much always pushing forward. There arent many alternative routes, and there are also some scripted/triggered events.

Speaking of MOHAA, this is one of my favorite FPS of all time. I played online multiplayer for years. The rifle-only servers were the most fun ones :) Game design for FPS games have changed quite much in the last 10 years. I wonder if making a game similar as MOHAA today would be just as fun.


Everything is tsundere to me
Man this game is just so slick when playing, but there are some serious interface problems. First, I think the matchmaking is boned. I selected "All Hotspot" last night and it puts me in a hardcore TDM server. I'm like okay, it's late, I guess there's a small draw. I pull out and try again after a game. And another one. It put me into the same server three times. After matchmaking for Hotspot three times. I was confused, so I pulled up the incredibly limited server browser, and there, low and behold, without even filtering for it, were three hotspot servers with low ping and 19/20 players. No problems whatsoever (I prefer launching in-game since there are some loadout bugs from launching from Battlelog).

The GUI itself for things like selecting soldiers and weapon loadouts works fine with a mouse. Hate to imagine what it's like with a controller, but that's a different beast. No worse than BFBC2's awful load out selection at least. I want to be able to chat while dead, so I can remind my battle buddy to be a pal and heal every once in a while, since the voice-chat still seems borked (there's alot of noise in most people's mics and I don't think the netcode is very stable besides. At least have us set up the mics). The problem is that it doesn't explain anything. As a player I can't be expected to know what an LLM01 is and then have to guess what its mechanical addition to the game might be. I can guess what a few things are, but when the "statistics" chart shows two attachments to be identical when they are clearly NOT identical (such as the Folding Stock with Mag Bag and Standard Stock with Recoil Pad on the AK-103. The former gives you an extra mag in game, and the latter presumably reduces recoil, but you wouldn't know that by looking at the stats!), I kind of have to wonder what the heck the rest of everything else is supposed to do so I know if I should choose between a Compensator or a flash hider, or a collapsed stock versus no stock/buffer tube cover. There are alot of very interesting gameplay possibilities, I just wish I knew what any of them were! I appreciate that it's not all super-simplified, but I'd also appreciate just a little handholding because, despite my fantasies in game and full facial hair, I am in fact not a real Tier 1 Operator.
Played the MP for a while last night--starting to gel with me a bit after getting a feel for the maps/weapons. Still not sure what I think of it yet, but enjoying it.

Really pisses me off that you can't filter OUT hardcore servers. You can specify them, but that's it--and there are so many that aren't labeled as HC as well.

Server browser blows, and it also looks like there is barely anyone playing.


Looking for a fireteam buddy to play a few rounds on Warfighter till our team wins. Trying to get the Buddy achievement on Xbox. I'd ask here before getting a random from one of the boosting sites.


Getting 20 kills with each sniper is going to end me, I swear. I'm lucky if I get 2 kills in a match with one of those things. Sometimes I have to shoot someone in the body 4 times for them to drop. Anyone got any tips?


Everything is tsundere to me
Played the MP for a while last night--starting to gel with me a bit after getting a feel for the maps/weapons. Still not sure what I think of it yet, but enjoying it.

Really pisses me off that you can't filter OUT hardcore servers. You can specify them, but that's it--and there are so many that aren't labeled as HC as well.

Server browser blows, and it also looks like there is barely anyone playing.

That's because the server browser blows. I get more results for almost-filled servers by narrowing my search by specifying gametype than I do not specifying at all. I also found I can't order the servers by ping or filter by region, so I end up with a few European servers. I think they want you to play using battlelog, but even that server browser doesn't show everything it could. Unfortunately, I think the in-game server browser is our only option. Joining in via battlelog is bugged, hotspot is a gamble if it even puts you in the gametype of your choice, and while I definitely do not mind hardcore (the lack of HUD kill confirmation is a nice change of pace and keeps you on your toes, plus the damage model is much more forgiving than say CoD or BF3) sometimes I just wanna play something with a minimap.

This game has a lot of really great depth, I just wish I could see it more often behind all the UI problems it has. I think that's been my greatest complaint. It's not even that the UI is difficult, it's that it's insufficient. Thankfully, UI is a minor thing that can be altered. I can't imagine how bad it would be if the gameplay was broken. I'm loving that it's solid.

Fucking great post, man.
I appreciate the sentiment. I try.


Everything is tsundere to me
Getting 20 kills with each sniper was a bitch. Almost done with the multiplayer trophies!

Oh, I can imagine. The CS5 is basically useless on so many levels. It took three shots to kill a guy in Hardcore! for cry'n out loud!


Oh, I can imagine. The CS5 is basically useless on so many levels. It took three shots to kill a guy in Hardcore! for cry'n out loud!

I wouldn't touch a sniper that's not the TAC50 in this game. 3-4 body shots to kill on some of them! Ridiculous. Many curse words were yelled.


Everything is tsundere to me
I wouldn't touch a sniper that's not the TAC50 in this game. 3-4 body shots to kill on some of them! Ridiculous. Many curse words were yelled.

The LaRue is fine too though. The Semi-Auto stuff comes across well on it and it retains the full 2.0x sniper rifle head multiplier. Everything else is just 1.3x to the head, which is impressive in this sort of situation. It's strange that BF3 has a more lethal damage model with faster flying projectiles. It's how close the maps are that makes it seem otherwise. Still, I don't think I'll be getting 500 kills with any of the sniper weapons any time soon.


Everything is tsundere to me
Is it bad that I had more fun with 007 Legends than with this game?

No. They're two different games that do two different things. Maybe 007's arena shooter feel is more your speed. This game really has more appeal to gearheads and mall ninjas in terms of aesthetic, and the gameplay itself is a different speed than most other modern military shooters. Not slower and long range like BF3, but not frantic run-around-with-akimbo-1887s like CoD is either. It's somewhere in between, but in the same general model.


Getting 20 kills with each sniper is going to end me, I swear. I'm lucky if I get 2 kills in a match with one of those things. Sometimes I have to shoot someone in the body 4 times for them to drop. Anyone got any tips?

Although it didn't change the stats for the guns but I found kills easier when I switched the muzzle of the crappy sniper guns from stealth to loud. That or I was getting better at head shots.

5 sniper guns left for the gun pins achievement now!


Neo Member
I like when someone actually posts a review that goes against the stream and i like it even more when those people are right.

Let me start by saying i am french and in very close (family) connection to what happens within french special forces (First RPIMA, sadly not represented in this game, though it was originally advertised that the french "FS" as we call them would be).

This game has been made with real operators, and it shows.
The level of authenticity of the campaign is staggering. Of course this is a game, and you can expect to just bulge in and win singlehandedly against 50+ trained soldiers in a close firefight, even if you have your "buddy" at your side.
But most of the situations portrayed are not only fun, graphically very accurately portrayed, from the recoil of the weapons to the amazing audio fidelity, the stances and movements of the fireteam, the little things like the corner covering, the death animations of the AI...
The singleplayer is a thrill ride but going through the hardcore mode (and completing it) was as close to the real thing as can be.
I found the AI to be using tricks, rushing you with close range weapons, or lurking and waiting to headjob you from a distance. I found their use of grenades to be to the point as well, forcing me out of cover more often than not.

Yes, there are glitches here and there (those guys pushing you out of cover is embarrassing), but this game shows so much love and respect for real life operators, and is drop-dead gorgeous (thanks frostbite 2.0) and deafening with surround sound and a good sub.

The multi is just as thrilling, because it offers so much variety and authenticity as well...some cheevos are glitched (like i completed all tours and got nothing), the menus might seem a bit convoluted at first glance, and as mentioned you have to know what a flash hider, a muzzle brake, or the difference between a suppressor and a silencer to pick the right combinations.
The work done on the optics is amazingly accurate.
The sniper damage is all but realistic though, and putting a suppressor on a sniper rifle will not reduce the lethality of the projectile, rather shorten its effective range.

If i had to suggest some weapons for use outside the so-called OP ones, it would be the ones i play with (i am now level 73 and have played extensively with all classes, which was fun) :
spec ops and pointman : AK 103 (because of the 7.62 caliber and kobra optics)
sniper : TAC 50 (for one shot kills...what i don't get is why a single shot doesn't down a demolition class player, the TAC 50 shots anti-armour rounds and can penetrate thicker layers of armour)
heavy gunner : PKP Pecheneg
assaulter : H&K GK3A4 (also because of 7.62 and that sound ;o)

The graphics and audio are crisp in multiplayer, but i doubt the engine is the same as the single player portion of the game, as even the sound of the weapons are very different.
PKP is a good example. The amount of sound glitches in the multi is annoying to no end, as there are a lot of audio cues to locate flanking ennemies and whatnot.
As compared to BF3, i like how the hand guns and especially grenades work, a M67 grenade has an effect radius of 15m, and in confined space, you are very likely to die if you are located within a 5m radius (as show in the setpiece where preacher hides behind a thick wooden table in solo campaign).
The flashbang is another story completely...

In a nutshell, awesome game, authentic gameplay and audio, perfect weapon feel (provided you lower camera sensitivity a few notches)...oh i forgot, excellent in-game cinematics vs. lackluster CGI sequences (zombie girls anyone ;o) that seriously ruined the empathy i had for preacher and mother, as compared to the first game, which i also loved (for its single player)

I don't get all the hate, i know the game in and out, went through the campaign 3 times (normal, hard, hardcore), and will probably do it on harcore just for fun.

Well, this was my wall of text, but i am sure there are many people in my line of work that might have played the game, and might think it deserves a medal for being so different, and so likeable despite its technical shortcomings.
Oh, and since medal of honor came out, i stopped playing call of duty, it feels like paintballing endless bullies to me, nothing near a real op.


Everything is tsundere to me
If i had to suggest some weapons for use outside the so-called OP ones, it would be the ones i play with (i am now level 73 and have played extensively with all classes, which was fun) :
spec ops and pointman : AK 103 (because of the 7.62 caliber and kobra optics)
sniper : TAC 50 (for one shot kills...what i don't get is why a single shot doesn't down a demolition class player, the TAC 50 shots anti-armour rounds and can penetrate thicker layers of armour)
heavy gunner : PKP Pecheneg
assaulter : H&K GK3A4 (also because of 7.62 and that sound ;o)

Because then the demo really would never be able to engage the sniper. The PDWs they roll with are completely inaccurate outside of 20m. You still get an OHK on the head. Personally, I think that the TAC50 is an overpowered weapon in general. It scopes too fast and it kicks too little. The kick and spread at range make engagement all but impossible. It's just so frustrating that one guy can hold down an entire lane just through the TAC50. I'm not saying nerf the damage, but it IS a .50 BMG. Firing one of those standing unsupported accurately is horseshit. Give the thing a ton of spread when standing and firing it unsupported. Less when crouching, none when prone. I mean, you can't fire a weapon like that accurately, it's just too much kick. Then maybe I wouldn't have to engage and avoid snipers that shoot outside of my Assault range because they can just peek their head out and pop a shot off without a second word.


Neo Member
tac 50 i only use supported - with the 5-25 magnifier - firing that weapon unsupported would dislocate ur collarbone or create serious bruising but kick back is there -- but i have 2 agree with you there because the game allows it - sniping requires a stable position and some kind of support unlike pdw u can fire from the hip - coriolis effect is a bitch 2


Just finished all of the multiplayer trophies. Thank Godddd. Seems like it took forever. Now I only have some single player trophies, but those are so easy, I'll get them in time. Right now I don't feel like playing this game anymore lol.


Neo Member
I agree. Would it really make much of a difference if you could alert the guy first? And do one really need to be told to begin with that you're fighting terrorists? I think that is pretty much implied regarding the name and theme of the game. Maybe it could be possible to have an option to sneak around the guy, but it isnt much to complain about that specific thing, in my opinion.

MOHAA might have some more freedom however, that is true. I guess maybe this is what the guys mean. But there isnt a huge difference from what i can remember from MOHAA. It is hard to get lost, and you're pretty much always pushing forward. There arent many alternative routes, and there are also some scripted/triggered events.

Speaking of MOHAA, this is one of my favorite FPS of all time. I played online multiplayer for years. The rifle-only servers were the most fun ones :) Game design for FPS games have changed quite much in the last 10 years. I wonder if making a game similar as MOHAA today would be just as fun.

I think the idea is that rather then chose to kill the guy however you want or be super sneaky and avoid him, the game is taking control of your freewill and acting like a creepy voice in your head say "Shoot him in the head". It's not you who chose this route but the game, almost like mind control in a way.

As for MOHAA While the game was linear, a lot of area's were more open and less like a hallway.

I enjoyed the multi-player when I was younger. I remember being an ace with the Kar 98k in multi-player by sniping and getting first in death matches when playing Breakthrough. Jail was so much fun to play. It needs to be a multi-player option in a game.


Just finished all of the multiplayer trophies. Thank Godddd. Seems like it took forever. Now I only have some single player trophies, but those are so easy, I'll get them in time. Right now I don't feel like playing this game anymore lol.

I finished them all last night except win a match with a buddy. Thought it would only take 20 or so hours but ended up being almost 35 hours! I did have fun it just got frustrating late at night playing against rank 90+ opponents trying to get the 20 kills with those crappy sniper guns. I may re buy the game next year on PS3 and do it again though.


Everything is tsundere to me
Goddamnit, there really needs to be a idle time-out on the servers. It's one thing to not have a buddy, it's another thing to have an idle buddy. I lost a hotspot game because two guys on the team were idle (snipers of course) and they both weren't doing anything for the whole match. So much frustration...
Goddamnit, there really needs to be a idle time-out on the servers. It's one thing to not have a buddy, it's another thing to have an idle buddy. I lost a hotspot game because two guys on the team were idle (snipers of course) and they both weren't doing anything for the whole match. So much frustration...

Yes, some type of find/drop buddy feature would be nice.


Everything is tsundere to me
Oh nice, battlelog now tells you what you unlock for each weapon pin now, so now you don't have to guess which gun will unlock you what. Still doesn't tell you what half of them DO, but at least there's something.
Picking this game up for $29.99 on Black Friday. I don't care what review sites say, the only review that matters is my own. See you fellas on the battlefield!


Everything is tsundere to me
Wow, two hackers in a row. If anyone runs into someone with an [ADA] tag, chances are, he hacks. I'm sorry, but you just cannot hit shit at the ranges they were managing with a PDW. Same with LMGs.


Looks like there are about 3k players online right now. I don't expect it to go pass 10k.

Staaayy awwaaay.

Considering it's early morning in the US and middle of the afternoon in Europe, it's not that bad.

Game sold well enough to mantain a decent community for a while.


Well i finished this last night and have to say it was a real blast. Sure its got some issues, but these are Dev issues for me and nothing really that detracted from the experience.

The offline campaign, like the previous one feels gritty and warlike. Found the
sections to really good fun. Usually these type of segments are thrown in to a game and tacked on. It felt quite good. but you do, well i certainly felt part of the missions. It pushed the boundaries too especially Mission 2, that bit just felt a touch too far, but shows the boundaries being pushed given events over the years.

As for online, will start it is fucked up. The amount of disconnects is unreal. Now i know this is not my just me, as i jumped online yesterday morning and there was only 1 room. A disconnect straight back in and the room was gone :s. Few gun issues but hey all games have that.

But on the positive it is very good fun. When the games are good, you get some great on fire moments, the maps offer multi paths though a good team can still strangle the other side. I quite like hotspot mode which gives moments of ok which target but my fave has to be combat mission.

So 3 campaign playthru's, how many hours online, its Platinum baby ;)

Ive had that other one
in the house since launch and decided not to boot till i got this out of the way. Well i did last night, ewww so far i dont think its as clean as MOH (graphics) not talking effect just the look, am guessing MOH is a higher res? and the bit the shocked me was the running. It feels like you are swashing your arms back and fore fast but not moving fast as if your running in mud :s

Anyway the veteran in me is calling ;)


Neo Member
Apart from the part regarding the multiplayer (i play on xbox and using the quick match option under the find game tab (i recommend "real ops" that is the hardcore mode and a 7.62 mm mag assault rifle)...
...i agree with everything you said (see my recent post on this page).

Now what i like too is that being a black ops 2 buyer as well you point out that the game lacks in almost all departments compared to MOHW.
I have finished black ops 2 (and i did not buy it, a friend was already fed up with it after 1 week and asked me if i wanted to experience it)

I thought let us give it a go and compare.
FYI, i play on a widescreen led 3DTV in full HD.

Gameplay : the feel of all weapons is more or less identical, no recoil, no bullet drop, arcadey feeling, the movement of the player is awkward and not natural, no cover system, i did not see the point of the sim missions (meaning : had no fun with it at all), the AI is not impressive at all (scripted as hell, and so predictable).
Yes, the missions are varied (the escort / driving missions) but maybe except from the wingsuit part, none of them feels satisfactory to me...
Seen as an arcade game, the gameplay is smooth and varied, but i just find it boring as hell...killling countless bad guys has never been so dull (at least to me)

Where Black ops 2 shines is in the multiplayer modes (bots, split-screen) etc. but no coop in single player either, which was present in World at War, remember ? (dissapointing)
Zombie is cool, but i got bored of zombies in general.

Graphics : high res texture pack with frostbite vs old SD engine (not even 720p) with pathetic lighting effects (only the weapons and textures are relatively well done)...
No debate here, BF3 and MOHW blow all CoD out of the water...
The menus are ugly and feel low res (look at the SP and MP menus and background animations of MOHW, come on !)

Sound : this makes a huge difference in the feel of the game, as mentioned earlier...the guns in Black ops feel like air guns, no LFEs, little reverb, no shell dropping sounds, same reload sound since MW, everything recycled and ridiculous, even sniper rifles or shotguns sound wrong...the music (menu and in-game) is probably the most forgettable (if not downright irritating) of all games, remember the musics of MW and MW2, those were cool soundtracks with catchy themes...

After having played MOHW extensively both in SP and MP, i couldn't help but laughing at Black Ops 2...yet i understand why non veteran / non harcore gamer like it, but its makes me sick to see all reviewers getting money to crush MOHW...unfair !

MOHW is a great modern military sim shooter game / more fun, more authentic and a lot grittier than black ops 2, which is a game that could have been launched 4 years ago, nothing (except the absolutely bullshit scenario that barely hangs together) is up to date (sound, graphics, gameplay)...
There is a game for each audience, for sure, but at least call of duty could try to get up to speed from a technical standpoint, i guess we will have to wait for next gen HW to get this...


MoH HQ, probably the largest MOH fansite out there, is closing its doors because of how EA is handling the franchise.

Friends, fans, & devoted gamers,

While it's become difficult to make this decision, we feel it's perhaps the best. Medal of Honor was a fantastic franchise until the 'rushed cycled' was implemented into its development & marketing strategies. Let us take the time to explain why this is a terrible model for game development, and why we're shutting our doors. This notion may burn a few bridges, although that's not my goal, it may be what's necessary to get EA's attention. I have many friends inside EA and their respective studios, none of which enjoy the direction that Electronic Arts is heading with its company.

EA has admired the Call of Duty model for some time now, but they lack the loyal fan base to mock it. For those unfamiliar with the Call of Duty release model, there is a new title at the end of every year with two different development teams working on the rotating titles. To successfully implement this model, you need a fan base that will buy your game out of trust & loyalty that you've made a product that will no doubt be fun and a worthy investment. Medal of Honor 2010 was a reboot to the franchise & had one of the largest marketing campaigns to date. It utterly and completely failed consumers at launch and with post-launch support. Consumers, from that point on, were wary of EA's bad practices.

Warfighter was promised to be revamped with Frostbite 2, complete with Micro-Destruction, an amazing interface, and better maps and gameplay. None of which were actually true. Let's review.

Micro-Destruction: A key factor in modern FPS games. It allows you 'chip away' the cover the enemy and provide a sense of realism upon a bullet hitting the surface of an object. In Warfighter, you can't even break a wooden pallet with your rounds.
Interface: The overall look of the game's menu system and in-game HUD. The user interface/user experience in Warfighter reflects that of an amateur Photoshop user. Semi-transparent boxes with white text fill the screen & are not something that belongs in a AAA title.
Maps: I met the map designers at the Danger Close studios in Los Angeles earlier this year. Needless to say, they seemed absolutely clueless as to what their job was. When I mentioned why the maps were so tiny and bland, the look on their face was priceless. They legitimately thought they had created maps gamers would enjoy.
Gameplay: Choosing your weapon and unlocks alone is a hassle to understand. There are the same weapons with different names, leaving only 1-3 actual weapons-per-class to choose from. The unlock system is amazingly ignorant as (Going back to the interface design) you are forced to use a scroll-based system to see what you've unlocked for a weapon, and even so, you can't tell what you've unlocked or not until you reach that specific item on the scroll system.
"But although the combat feels smoother online, poor visuals and bland map design sour the experience. When compared to the slick, refined content of its main competitors, on this evidence it seems unlikely the Medal of Honor series will survive without a major rethink." - The Guadiarian.co.uk
"...just generally being a bad, boring game" - PCgamer.com
"I'm here, unfortunately, to tell you that Medal of Honor: Warfighter is purely mediocre. Its average presence is further brought down by bugs, texture oddities and sloppy AI. It's best you avoid this one." - technobuffalo.com
The product was rushed in a terrible manner. There were rumors, now confirmed, that the executive producer was quietly removed from Danger Close approximately two months before release. EA proceeded to assume complete control and release the game without any leadership. The sheer fact that the Battlefield 4 beta text was larger than the text for Medal of Honor was a hint at what was to come of this game. Perhaps it's time for the 'major publisher' model to cease, or a change in executive leadership.

Whatever EA's future may be, we wish them the best of luck and hope to see the proper changes made to their products. Maybe with the largest Medal of Honor community shutting its doors, it may spark interested to take new paths. I would like to extend my gratitude to the community managers for Medal of Honor, Daniel Chin (No longer with Electronic Arts), and Seeson Mahathavorn who have done an outstanding job. The problem lies "mostly" within the upper management of Electronic Arts, not within the hard working people that make and contribute to the game.

Please share this page over Twitter. The more tweets we get, the stronger our message will become.

Joshua Bearden
Director of MOHHQ, BATTLEFIELDO, and the "Overpwrd" Community Network.
[email protected]

Cory Niblett
Director of MOHHQ, BATTLEFIELDO, and the "Overpwrd" Community Network.
[email protected]

Oliver Lumby
Director of MOHHQ, BATTLEFIELDO, and the "Overpwrd" Community Network.
[email protected]

That's pretty damn bad. Really hope they get back on track with the series.


Everything is tsundere to me
MoH HQ, probably the largest MOH fansite out there, is closing its doors because of how EA is handling the franchise.

That's pretty damn bad. Really hope they get back on track with the series.

This a joke? Those are awful reasons. I can agree with being frustrated with EA's forced development cycle, but the game lacks polish, not micro destruction. It looks like there was just a list of features that either didn't make it into the game or just wasn't added into it due to design decisions. Their whole spiel on how the maps are "tiny and bland" and then being surprised when the developers think otherwise is blatantly indicative of this.

There are problems with the game, and they are right, the game was rushed and marketeered to a lackluster release. The removal of Greg Goodrich was crippling as well, likely because he spoke up at the pre-release problems, but going off and abandoning the community because the game doesn't fit their vision of the series is childish and petulant. Judge a game on its own merits, not the merits you wanted it to have. There's some trouble for the series if EA continues to manhandle the series like they're doing, but it's not the worst it could be just yet.
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