ksamedi said:
Konami has many new IPs, and Square is working on some for the DS at the moment (and surely for the Wii/PS3 too). Capcom is working on Resident evil 50 too you know, i dont think Capcom deserves all the credit for producing new IP when most of the time they create sequals and ports.
Oh please, Square??? What new IP is Square working on the DS aside from It's a Wonderful World? You are not saying FFXII, FFCC, FFT, Front Mission, Mana, DQ, etc new IPs, right?
What major new IP has Square created during the past generation? Aside from Kingdom Hearts, which is as much of a new IP as Namco vs Capcom, the only notable original games I can recall are Radiata Stories, Drakengard and gosh, the Bouncer, and none of them are hardly in the caliber of the Capcom franchises created during the past generation.
ksamedi said:
Yes i do like Capcom but to say they are producing lots of new IP compared to other developers is not true. Capcom is like any other Japanese or Western developer, if a game sells well, they will create a sequal and milk it till it stops selling and then create a new IP.
Like I said before, they are indeed milking their successful franchises like there's no tomorrow but they are also creating a lot of new ones. New IPs are always a big risk, so when their new IPs become successful, of course they would milk them. How else do you think they recover from the bombed new IPs (i.e. Clover and most of the Gamecube 5)?
Sample of new IPs created in just the past few years alone: God Hand, Okami, Killers 7, Sengoku Basara, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Monster Hunter, Haunting Ground, Shadow of Rome, Red Dead Revolver. I haven't even included the the early last-gen stuff. To say that they are not producing lots of new IP compared to most developers is definitely wrong.