Since 11/27/07:
37 Total Weeks of Next Gen sales.
31 Total Weeks of post-holiday sales.
Trends are generally determined by the last 4 weeks of data. Averages are determined by total sales divided by the number of weeks posted above. Outside factors are considered (such as big releases, holidays, etc) when determining current trends and establishing predictions.
Trend results are not an average.
360 - Established Trend: 2k. Next Gen Avg = 6,106. Post Holiday Avg = 3,774.
Wii - Adjusting Trend: 60-78k. Next Gen Avg = 90,546. Post Holiday Avg = 72,104.
PS3 - Slowing Trend: 17-25k. Next Gen Avg = 24,511. Post Holiday Avg = 17,284.
Expectations for Next Week
Expectations are predictions only, and are based upon trends, outside factors, and sales history. Previous week's success rate included for accountability.
360 - 2.5k <-- within .8k the previous week. This will seemingly never change.
Wii - 70k <-- within 5k the previous week. Looks like a return to the 64-75k shipment cycles. I expect sales to remain cyclical for the time being.
PS3 - 17k <-- Within 3k the previous week. Will sales continue to slide to pre-minna golf levels (9-13k) or will they establish a new mesa from which to peer upwards? (15-25k) I'm going to guess somewhere right in the middle for the next 4-6 weeks (10-18k).
Significant Notes:
● The Wii has extended its lead to
2,286,902 over the PS3.
● 88,553 consoles sold this week. Wii had 73.54% of all console sales.
● The Wii only outsold the PS3 3.05:1 this week. Iwata is ashamed.
● The 5 million Wii watch party continues...expected to cross the 5 mil. mark before 01/01/08.
● The PS3 has actually gained market share for THREE weeks in a row!! (21.85% -> 21.95% -> 22.05% ->22.09%) -- Should be noted that this is at the expense of the 360, as the Wii is still gaining as well.
● The Wii has had 67% market share for over 3 months now, but still hasn't reached 70%. Is this the plateau that this market will accept?