I am sure that the PS3's pricetag alone isnt the only reason for the low PS3 hardware sales, but i still belive that a pricetag of 39,900 Yen (or something like that) are still one of the bigger reasons for the low PS3 sales.ethelred said:The PS3's price tag isn't really a relevant bullet point at this juncture. In the beginning, it could be argued that no one wanted a PS3 because it was too expensive. Now no one wants a PS3 because its years of stagnation under a crippling price point have left it devoid of the kind of quality games that made people actually want the PS3's predecessor.
So the price point is still, like, at the root of its problems, but it's so distant and far removed now from the present reality of why no one wants a PS3 that it doesn't make any sense any longer to mention it when explaining why no one wants a PS3.
A pricedrop alone isnt necessarily enough for the PS3 hardware sales to increase much on a weekly basis, i agree, but i am interested to see how the situation will be when the PS3 Slim is being released, taking into account that the PS3 Slim rumors are true.
I think that this PS3 Slim and PS3 pricedrop situation cam be compared to the Monster Hunter 3 for the Wii situation. Some people (including myself) wonder if MH3 will lead to that developers will make more "core" games for the Wii. If the PS3 Slim gets released with a pricetag of 29,900 Yen or something, could this lead to that the developers will make more PS3 and Xbox 360 (multiplatform games) games?
No problemethelred said:But thanks for mentioning it anyway.![]()
EDIT: I added some text.