I don't think anybody expected MH3 to do PSP numbers other than a few member in the initial MH3->Wii announcement but those people aren't media create regulars and don't know the phenomenon of MHP and the resurgence of the PSP in Japan.
Most people though did expect it to reach 1 million by now. Which it has not. The average LTD prediction was like 1.2 -1.4 mil.
Is this a bomba. Probably not but it is disappointing since it did have a massive price collapse in the standalone version by its second week. Plus with an ad campaign and current popularity magnitudes higher than it was when it was on the PS2. Just outselling the PS2 versions doesn't say much.
Really doesn't say much about Wii's software selling ability either way, maybe a little on the negative side.
What gets me though is that people use this as a shining beacon of Wii's ability to sell games. Which is something I'll call out. (Which I have done a few times as many of you know). It did OK, nothing remarkable, nothing great, nothing well.
The first Taiko, first Deca Sport, heck even FF4 are much greater examples of third parties doing well on the Wii because they greatly over performed on the Wii.