I mean, I agree it could be a success... Obviously a game that exists on a platform has a better chance for success than one that doesn't. I'm just wondering if there's any reason to think MH for PS4 would actually be some mega-hit in Western markets.
I don't think anyone thinks it would make it a mega success.
Basically the flow of events here has been:
1.) Monster Hunter started out as a relatively successful console series in Japan.
2.) Monster Hunter exploded on handhelds in Japan.
3.) Capcom kept the console games going for a while, but eventually ditched them in favor of just focusing on handhelds.
4.) Capcom started having some overseas success, with Monster Hunter 4 doing over a million copies in the West.
5.) Capcom makes a statement to their investors that they're investigating releasing on home consoles to help capitalize on their growing Western success. They don't say they're dumping handhelds during this statement. They just say they're looking at releasing on consoles because they represent 90% of the Western dedicated device market, and thus they feel being handheld only is potentially holding their sales back. This statement lines up with the era when we're moving off the 3DS, meaning that any platform they target will require graphics that would be perfectly fine on a large television.
6.) Lots of people get very upset about this. Some think this means they're going PS4 only, because clearly Capcom wants to lose their domestic audience. Some think it's some kind of trick answer to dupe their investors, because haha, they really mean the Switch, which is a handheld *and* a console, instead of talking about the two consoles that have a combined 70+ million unit install base overseas. Others suggest that maybe they intend to release on both to target the two difference audiences they appeal to. This is combined with a lot of tension about why there haven't been tons of Japanese game announcements for the Switch when Japanese publishers had pretty limited support announced for the previous four (somewhat) relevant hardware devices released in the region until at least 9-12 months after launch, and up to 18+ months for some devices. Capcom is mostly, but far from 100% predictable, so this is the current boiling point of tension for the greater question of Switch support. We also see this with "What version of Dragon Quest XI is the Switch getting?", and whatever else is today's game that was announced for platforms that aren't the Switch. There's similarly a lot of tension over the wind down of the Vita. Today's game was God Eater 3, which didn't get any platforms announced, but is getting a series of pre-reveal anxiety about what platforms it will be on on both the Vita wind-down and Switch wind-up fronts.