But yeah, I agree it's most likely not going to sell well, like most other low budget JRPGs on the 3DS (e.g. Metal Max 4, Exstetra, Lost Heroes 2, Kinki no Maguna, Seisou no Amazones, Conception II, Hero Bank, UnchainBlades, etc).
Luckily, many other low-budget jRPGs sold really well: Culdcept, The Legend of Legacy, Medarot 7, Devil Survivor 2.
they need a price drop to sell like last year, remember the n3DS saved 2014 sales but its effect lasted just a couple of weeks.
and now with 4 different models on the market (3DS, 3DS LL, n3DS and n3DS LL) is selling less than a dead system like PSV
lack of games? maybe, but the system is already at saturated point, can't imagine AC or YW3 moving so much hw cause most of that userbase already bought the handheld
it's not "doom & gloom" cause numbers are in evidence, Q1 2015 wa pathetic if we consider the top seller 3DS game in the first 3 months of the year is a porting of a 1999 game; it's not selling like last year cause last year it was just 3DS, this year is 3DS + n3DS but numbers are similar or lower, in March never reached 30k or more weekly, something that happened in May 2011 for the last time
New 3DS effect is lasting until now; without these versions, 3DS would have sold much worse. New 3DS is what is helping 3DS to sell
almost on par with last year. Also, it's disingenuous to say that it's selling than a
dead system like PSV, because it only happened one week, where the latter had many releases. The fact is, a platform getting some games and with just 3.5m units in the market should sell better than a saturated one on a weekly basis; this shows how PSV is not healthy at all if people are even surprised that with some software is selling slightly more (according to one tracker out of three) than a platform that already has 18m+ units in the market.
3DS doesn't have to sell more than last year; it won't. It'll stay flat or barely decrease and that will done the work; it's a platform in its 5th year that sold 5m during the first three years (only DS had beaten that); if this year it will sell 2.5m it'll be perfectly ok.
Software, on the other hand, is doing pretty good. I don't get why Zelda should be stressed as a "1999 porting" (it's not: it's a remake of a 2000 game, btw), but the point is, 3DS has much more leftovers from holidays with respect to last year: SSB, YW, MH4G, PKMN (the former tow were released later so they have more steam this year). Also, 3DS is having on average, from 10 to 15 games in the rankings on a weekly basis, so I don't understand your worries.