"Push" wasn't the right word, I suppose. I meant the "brand awarness", I think it was easier for N to launch a Wii successor (initially) than a Wii U one: the perception of "nintendo home console" in the mass market was stronger back in the days, to me.
How Switch is actually promoted on Nintendo.com:
Switch and Play.
Freedom to have fun. Wherever. Whenever.
Nintendo Switch is designed to go wherever you do, transforming from home console to portable system in a snap. So you get more time to play the games you love, however you like.
I bolded what I think express the raison d'être behind the Switch concept.
Nintendo named the console to make it immediately appearent how easy and quick it is to set up your gaming session "Wherever, Whenever, However you like".
These are Koizumi's words
But what does he know, it's a home console.
I'm not so sure that PR words (that the vast majority of the mass market will never hear) is more prominent than actual
- Pricing (Switch price isnt' the price of a handheld device. at least not the price of a successfull one. the 3DS struggled to sell at 25000Yen, for example)
- Software (I'm not sure that Zelda BotW could be seen as a flagship icon of the classic portable gaming in Japan. Like, at all)
I think most of you (except Chris) are forgetting about the Wii U version of Zelda. I'm thinking that it could add 100-150.000 units to the Zelda total sales so if the Switch launch is strong it won't be difficult to sell 500.000 LTD between the 2 versions.
I agree: Zelda Wii U will sell "something", boosting the global sales of the title.
So you're expecting a 250k opening at best, when all consoles released the last 6 years (except xbox) sold more than 300k at launch.
PSV, WiiU and PS4, all of them, collapsed after launch and had a horrible first year. I can understand, and you might have a point, if you think that Switch will bomb like these systems on its first year. But all of them sold more than 300k at launch. I don't know why should be different for Switch.
PSV - 324.859
WiiU - 308.142
PS4 - 309.154
You might say that it was holiday season for PSV and WiiU. But seeing how Vita collapsed during week 51, 2011 (Dec 19 - Dec 25) I don't think holiday season had any effect on that system. And of course, PS4 was released in February and still sold >300k with Knack and a multi spin off Yakuza game as potencial games.
The only scenario I see Switch selling less than 300k at launch is if Nintendo doesn't ship enough copies at launch. And after Wii U, Wii and 3DS launches, I don't know why would they ship less than 300k.
Even if you expect Switch to collapse right after launch, I think opening sales shouldn't be different than other launches.
Yes I expect the console to sell less than the latest launches did.
Maybe it will sell more than 250k, but let's face it: between a 308k and a 250k, we could easily end in the middle with 270k and would still show some issue for the product, imho (not moving goalposts, Orgen

I still stand with my prediction of 250k)
The reasoning is that the console
As a home:
isnt' launching near holidays (unlike the Wii U)
isn't launching with a 2D Mario (that in Japan is way stronger than 3D Zelda)
is launching after the Wii U that hurted the perception of a Nintendo home console of being able to "stay" interesting for awhile (let's call it brand awarness)
Ins't launching with a Wii Sport game, easily understandable looking at a TV advertising (you actually have to PLAY games like 1,2 Switch to test the HD Rumble feature out)
isn't launching with a strong "promised" support as the PS4 one (Nintendo brands will be there, but so far we had the confirmation of just FE coming "from the portable side of things"; the only third party games coming are Minecraft and DQXI, both widly available on other systems too; there is no "Final Fantasy/Resident Evil/Everything we need and want will surely come to this console" situation here)
As a portable:
isn't launching at a "portable" price (even the 3DS didnt', and costed 5000Yen less)
ins't launching with any meaningful portable IP (nor we see any coming in the first 9 months),
So I'm doubtful about the actual picture for the Switch in Japan, especially at launch
man, is hard to have a different opinion compared to yours, GAF ;D