duckroll has informed me that next week's Famitsu will have:
1.) A 36 page feature on new Marvelous games.
2.) A 21 page first-half feature on Bandai Namco's TGS games.
3.) Separately, Dengeki PlayStation will have a 50+ page coverage of the Sony event.
Great, I'll be looking forward to the next famitsu news then.duckroll has informed me that next week's Famitsu will have:
1.) A 36 page feature on new Marvelous games.
2.) A 21 page first-half feature on Bandai Namco's TGS games.
3.) Separately, Dengeki PlayStation will have a 50+ page coverage of the Sony event.
Dengeki PlayStation will also have a "super scoop".duckroll has informed me that next week's Famitsu will have:
1.) A 36 page feature on new Marvelous games.
2.) A 21 page first-half feature on Bandai Namco's TGS games.
3.) Separately, Dengeki PlayStation will have a 50+ page coverage of the Sony event.
Dengeki PlayStation will also have a "super scoop".
You're welcome.Thanks.
I made a separate thread for all this here:
Wow. That is a lot of software that is nowhere to be found on PS4. A lot of the games that people were buying during the first six months of PS2 and PS3 haven't even been announced for PS4.
You've got:
-Japanese Wrestling game
-Armored Core (or any From Software game)
-Street Fighter (and EX3 was a shitty spin off. They couldn't even get a shitty spin off out?)
-Dynasty Warriors
-Japanese Baseball game
-Dead or Alive
-Kessen (lets just say Koei game)
-Ridge Racer
-Virtua Fighter (So many fighting games. What's going on with fighting games in 2014?)
-Mobile Suit Gundam
As far as I know, the only games announced for PS4 that are even remotely related to the list above is Tekken 7 (2015), Bloodborne (A From Software title, 2015), and Guilty Gear (A fighting game, 2014). I understand that with mobile/handheld domination in Japan, it's probably not worth the effort to even try and make sequels to the games listed above on PS4, but still. It's a damn shame.
Instead, during the first 6 months of PS4, the only games released that are really aimed at the Japanese market have been:
-MGS V demo (also on PS3)
-Yakuza (also on PS3)
-FIFA 14 (also on PS3)
-Final Fantasy XIV (also on PS3)
That's kinda pathetic.
Do we know if digital sales are in this week's issue?
They are, if I'm reading Hokanko's post correctly.
Prepare for Minecraft domination !
Freedom Wars - 9,00066,000 digital copies in July for Minecraft
Yokai Watch 2 - 40,000
Kirby Fighting Z - 20,000
Oreshika 2 - 15,000
I don't get the rest, though.
66,000 digital copies in July for Minecraft
Yokai Watch 2 - 40,000
Kirby Fighting Z - 20,000
Oreshika 2 - 15,000
I don't get the rest, though.
Freedom Wars - 9,000
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late - 6,000
Persona 4: The Golden - 4,000
1 171,647 Mpl90 1 34.10% Mpl90
2 237,566 hiska-kun 2 38.32% hiska-kun
3 342,409 Yeshua 3 43.80% Bruno MB
4 359,099 BlowoverKing 4 45.17% BlowoverKing
5 380,111 Road 5 51.63% XDDX
6 386,017 Tripon 6 52.83% Road
7 486,017 Ty4on 7 53.19% Yeshua
8 492,327 Bruno MB 8 53.26% FZZpure
9 494,228 theprodigy 9 53.30% Welfare
10 507,017 NamikazeBurst 10 54.11% ßig
11 621,017 zeromcd73 11 57.21% RalchAC
12 626,220 sörine 12 57.78% random25
13 631,017 Welfare 13 60.76% theprodigy
14 638,327 Orgen 14 61.20% astrogamer
15 645,709 FZZpure 15 61.82% 1st Course
16 656,017 1st Course 16 62.25% NamikazeBurst
17 730,327 XDDX 17 63.04% MasterSheen
18 750,017 MasterSheen 18 63.97% Tripon
19 781,017 random25 19 65.66% Jamix012
20 821,327 ßig 20 65.87% sörine
21 869,327 RalchAC 21 67.07% Ty4on
22 871,467 Jamix012 22 71.16% Atram
23 992,327 Eolz 23 71.29% zeromcd73
24 1,085,017 Atram 24 71.41% Eolz
25 1,092,017 astrogamer 25 71.53% Mr Swine
26 1,805,217 Mr Swine 26 76.00% Orgen
26 |FAMITSU |Atram |zeromcd73|random25 |1st Cours|Eolz |astrogame|ßig |Yeshua |MasterShe|Mr Swine |RalchAC |Welfare |BlowoverK|sörine |FZZpure |Jamix012 |Ty4on |Tripon |hiska-kun|NamikazeB|theprodig|XDDX |Mpl90 |Road |Orgen |Bruno MB
[3DS] Yo-Kai Watch 2 Ganso/Honke | 1738004| 800000| 1300000| 1100000| 1200000| 876000| 750000| 1000000| 1500000| 1111000| 65000| 1000000| 1200000| 1433000| 1241865| 1175345| 1000000| 1400000| 1500000| 1536876| 1350000| 1357900| 1080000| 1610320| 1444444| 1313000| 1300000
[WIU] Wii Sports Club | 2566| 47000| 80000| 100000| 30000| 35000| 20000| 21000| 15000| 30000| 13500| 100000| 19000| 22000| 31976| 22222| 31000| 25000| 30000| 21978| 35000| 33333| 31000| 11071| 44444| 76000| 22000
[PSV] Oreshika 2 | 108459| 30000| 60000| 80000| 50000| 70000| 50000| 65000| 150000| 40000| 16000| 95000| 57000| 112000| 56459| 72543| 23000| 40000| 20000| 102768| 66000| 66666| 70000| 85433| 88888| 51000| 80000
[PS3] Atelier Shallie | 63345| 57000| 50000| 60000| 50000| 64000| 55000| 73000| 80000| 60000| 46750| 70000| 51000| 58000| 44235| 47876| 49000| 40000| 45000| 62126| 50000| 54321| 65000| 69100| 66666| 64000| 66000
[3DS] Yoshi's New Island | 66225| 84000| 110000| 80000| 85000| 125000| 86000| 78000| 100000| 90000| 54000| 80000| 79000| 92000| 95786| 78234| 61000| 100000| 80000| 76341| 97000| 98765| 70000| 72902| 44444| 148000| 70000
TOTAL ABS. DIFF. | |1,085,017| 621,017| 781,017| 656,017| 992,327|1,092,017| 821,327| 342,409| 750,017|1,805,217| 869,327| 631,017| 359,099| 626,220| 645,709| 871,467| 486,017| 386,017| 237,566| 507,017| 494,228| 730,327| 171,647| 380,111| 638,327| 492,327
MEAN ERROR % | | 71.16%| 71.29%| 57.78%| 61.82%| 71.41%| 61.20%| 54.11%| 53.19%| 63.04%| 71.53%| 57.21%| 53.30%| 45.17%| 65.87%| 53.26%| 65.66%| 67.07%| 63.97%| 38.32%| 62.25%| 60.76%| 51.63%| 34.10%| 52.83%| 76.00%| 43.80%
[3DS] Yo-Kai Watch 2 Ganso/Honke |1,738,004|1,178,644| 65,000|1,610,320| 100%| |1,610,320 Mpl90
[WIU] Wii Sports Club | 2,566| 36,443| 11,071| 100,000| | 100%| 11,071 Mpl90
[PSV] Oreshika 2 | 108,459| 65,298| 16,000| 150,000| 92%| 8%| 112,000 BlowoverKing
[PS3] Atelier Shallie | 63,345| 57,618| 40,000| 80,000| 65%| 35%| 64,000 Eolz
[3DS] Yoshi's New Island | 66,225| 85,980| 44,444| 148,000| 12%| 88%| 70,000 XDDX
Wow, that's a lot of releases. Is there something special happening around that day, or did they all chose August 28 by coincidence?
It's going to be a good week for PSV, it seems.
Prediction League July 2014 Results
Congratulations twice to:
- Mpl90, for winning by units and mean error %!
Removing Yokai Watch 2 (due to its sales being the biggest deciding factor), mpl90 still wins by mean error %, but hiska-kun wins by units.
I'll be counting it.So I assume Pokken Fighters counts as part of the "road to TGS" thing? Or are arcade games not counted?
When is the Sony event again?duckroll has informed me that next week's Famitsu will have:
1.) A 36 page feature on new Marvelous games.
2.) A 21 page first-half feature on Bandai Namco's TGS games.
3.) Separately, Dengeki PlayStation will have a 50+ page coverage of the Sony event.
Prediction League July 2014 Results
Congratulations twice to:
- Mpl90, for winning by units and mean error %!
duckroll has informed me that next week's Famitsu will have:
1.) A 36 page feature on new Marvelous games.
2.) A 21 page first-half feature on Bandai Namco's TGS games.
3.) Separately, Dengeki PlayStation will have a 50+ page coverage of the Sony event.
Wonder what TGS games Namco has.
More info on Tekken 7 and that CC2 game is what I expect.
Maybe that Naruto game will come to PS4 as well since I remember an image where they had ps4 controllers at the event.
Gundam Breaker 2, various other stuff. The Bandai part of the company will have a lot of licensed garbage.
When is the Sony event again?
[3DS] Dragon Quest X - 19pt
Coming for your fave.
No numbers this week?
3DS - 33,229
No more holidays.3DS - 33,229
@mpl90: post-Obon, you mean
Youkai Watch 2 needs to sell at least 39k/week to reach 3m before the end of 2014.
I know, but I wasn't expecting the drop to be that big.
Media Create:
Wii U 8,985.
but guys I thought the new baseline was 10k
It's 7.5K; superior tracker.Well, it's 9,000. And 9,000 is almost 10,000. So...
1/4 serious here
Youkai Watch 2 killed almost everybody's predictions lol.
It's 7.5K; superior tracker.
quibbling over trackers aside (seriously where did this "superior tracker" thing come from), I think it's pretty obvious that the baseline has barely been moved (it's better than last year....barely)
Depends on how good (PS4) or how bad (WiiU) do.