No, actually I don't. It's a really high bar and JRPG is just one genre. Very few publishers in Japan command that level of spending power in the west, and those who do tend to specialize in different areas. Konami = MGS. Capcom = RE. Square Enix = FF. We can also change the question to these:
"Slightly off topic, but one of the things that I have always wondered is why no other japanese stealth action game can sell numbers even close to what MGS does in the West. I'm sure the history of MGS plays a huge role in their sales but is there more?"
"Slightly off topic, but one of the things that I have always wondered is why no other japanese horror game can sell numbers even close to what RE does in the West. I'm sure the history of RE plays a huge role in their sales but is there more?"
We're talking about multi-millions in sales outside of Japan. That's a high bar which requires a lot of brand awareness and spending power. Also, how about this?
"Slightly off topic, but one of the things that I have always wondered is why no other platforming game can sell numbers even close to what Mario does in the anywhere. I'm sure the history of Mario plays a huge role in their sales but is there more?"
Maybe, but the marketing sure isn't.
you mean Japanese horror action game
I understand what you're saying. A lot of genre's house powerhouse IP's that sell incredibly well in comparison to their competition. It's extremely rare for the competition to answer this with an IP of their own with similar financial backing and even more rare for it to succeed. I can think of a couple at best. You need lots of money, a talented team and a bit of luck. I just hope someone (out of the very few who can) is crazy enough to do it.