Looking back at the hardware numbers when Bayonetta 2 launched (and also this week with PZ to some extent), there wasn´t a notable hardwarebump, therefore the game basically just sold to the existing userbase. It´s more irritating to see that there is a relative large number of self-proclaimed hardcore gamers that don´t buy a system despite having games they actually want to play and rather ignore an excellent game just for the sake of beeing an other companies chearleader.
It´s somewhat understandable that casual gamers just buy a single system and think they are good to go but among "hardcoregamers" it´s really weird, especially considering that money isn´t always the biggest issue, actually a systems-hardware isn´t that big of an investment considering that in the long run you invest multiple time more money in software, to see console wars taking priority over enjoying excellent games is quite sad actually. The most vocal seem to be Sony enthusiast, be it MH (in every damn Monster Hunter thread), DQ, Bayonetta, Tomb Raider or any other Indygame on kickstarter portbegging seems to be far more prevalent.
From a similar mindset also games like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and Last Story were basically ignored by a large part of the self-proclaimed hardcore gamers just for beeing on the wrong systems, really funny how the focus among certain JRPG-fans shifted to Atelier series and other lolicon niche JRPG instead. In the process Mistwalker was damaged, reduced to making smartphone games for at least some years and videogame fans left with even less options, when it comes to somewhat high-budget JRPGs. Great job "hardcore gamers"/console warriors lol![]()
Do you genuinely believe that the problem with WiiU drawing in a "hardcore" audience lies with console wars?
I think the biggest flaw in your argument was the "despite having games they actually want to play" part. The console's catering to any "hardcore" crowd seems to be "whatever Nintendo can get" at the moment.
For example, some leftover cross-gen support they could get early on (Dragon Quest X; Monster Hunter Tri); games that were cancelled or in development hell (Bayonetta 2; Devil's Third) or collaborations with those Japanese third parties open to such ventures (Hyrule Warriors; Fatal Frame). That's not the kind of list that's going to get people excited and reaching for their wallets.
Heck, even the third party support for that crowd is lacking. Stuff like One Piece or Resi Revelations came also available on other relevant platforms; both of them late ports from another Nintendo platform.
So I don't see what's really on WiiU currently that would warrant saying that it's the "hardcore" crowd's fault for seeing things they want on it and ignoring it. I think they're seeing what's there and thinking "ehh".