I'm fairly certain the GBA didn't reach 20m. I remember it ending its life at 17-something million.
Highly likely the GB/C are way over 20 million though.
GB sold over 30 million.
I'm fairly certain the GBA didn't reach 20m. I remember it ending its life at 17-something million.
Highly likely the GB/C are way over 20 million though.
Of course I'm talking about the original run on PS1, not the digital re-release that happened many years later (this is true for Nintendo shipment data too: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=963700).
Final Fantasy series total shipment data reported by Square Enix:
Note: numbers updated as December 2014 were rounded by Square Enix to next 100K.
Rest is rounded to 10K.
I'm fairly certain the GBA didn't reach 20m. I remember it ending its life at 17-something million.
The short answer is that they don't/didn't see a need to expand to Wii U. The PS Platforms served their needs well enough on their own. FWIW the exact same conversation went on with PSP and Wii.
Handhelds are still the lifeblood of the Japanese industry.
Although Sony did a great job encouraging it developers only moved to the "PS Ecosystem" because they felt they had to. Had Vita been stronger in the west or had there been more confidence in JP console games then we'd still be seeing Vita and PS4 exclusives. To bring that back to the original question they probably felt the 3DS was all they needed, after all there's a great chance a Wii U owner owns a 3DS anyway.
So I avoided commenting on this part earlier since we were in a different discussion, but I actually think you're overthinking this one a bit.
As far as I can tell, Matsuda's strategy for the "HD Games" (console/handheld/digital downloadable) segment of their business is to try to retread the glory days.
is this the first time a mainline Pokemon title not the best selling handheld game in Japan for the gen? Animal Crossing: New Leaf looks to be that title this gen.
Btw SE officially confirmed FFXV release for this year so ps4 lineup is starting the engines
But outside of Japan their handhelds sales are tanking, can their next handheld survive just from the japanese market ?
I wonder if NX is a little too late out of the gates this year if PS4 starts to get the big hitters now. With VR coming out (guess it will be a hit in the west) this isn't looking to good for Nintendo
Btw SE officially confirmed FFXV release for this year so ps4 lineup is starting the engines
is this the first time a mainline Pokemon title not the best selling handheld game in Japan for the gen? Animal Crossing: New Leaf looks to be that title this gen.
I wonder if NX is a little too late out of the gates this year if PS4 starts to get the big hitters now. With VR coming out (guess it will be a hit in the west) this isn't looking to good for Nintendo
Nah, the PS4 lineup last year was already outstanding, don't you know?Btw SE officially confirmed FFXV release for this year so ps4 lineup is starting the engines
Btw SE officially confirmed FFXV release for this year so ps4 lineup is starting the engines
So I avoided commenting on this part earlier since we were in a different discussion, but I actually think you're overthinking this one a bit.
As far as I can tell, Matsuda's strategy for the "HD Games" (console/handheld/digital downloadable) segment of their business is to try to retread the glory days.
During that era they released a whole bunch of console games, heavily in the RPG genre with some experiments outside of it, and then had a selection of handheld titles to appeal to various niches and/or younger audiences as well.
If we look at their current line-up, it's pretty much the same. We have flagship console titles (FF15, FF7R, KH3, DQ11), mid-tier console titles (Nier 2, SO5, DQH, DQB, Dissidia), and handheld titles (DQ11, WoFF, SaGa, Setsuna, SD).
What's different is that the platform situations has changed, so their handheld titles show up on console with the West (or local console enthusiasts) in mind, and PC versions are becoming more common as well.
During their heyday it's worth keeping in mind that Square Enix was a global publisher, and that was even before they had Eidos, so if their decisions don't always make sense locally, taking a step back and looking worldwide is a good option. That Seiken Densetsu is getting a late PS4 port suggests they're not doing that for domestic market reasons.
While a bit out of scope in a Media Create thread, this also applies to their Western series. The design document for the new Hitman game is basically "Try to make old fans happy again."
Now, the Smart Device/PC Browser division and the Online/MMO division operate differently, but those are fundamentally different markets.
But outside of Japan their handhelds sales are tanking, can their next handheld survive just from the japanese market ?
| | Famitsu | Famitsu | Famitsu |
| | N64 | GCN | WIU |
| | to | to | to |
| |2003.01.26|2008.04.27|2019.07.28|
| 1| 295.734| 184.265| 638.339|
| 2| 469.849| 242.429| 759.460|
| 3| 579.849| 428.789| 801.928|
| 4| 661.389| 925.926| 860.786|
| 5| 702.746| 1.140.402| 901.451|
| 6| 738.685| 1.199.435| 930.362|
| 7| 933.480| 1.289.171| 955.693|
| 8| 1.104.726| 1.331.404| 1.007.762|
| 9| 1.147.223| 1.362.895| 1.044.460|
|10| 1.278.075| 1.404.128| 1.071.302|
|11| 1.341.631| 1.467.679| 1.084.653|
|12| 1.393.811| 1.517.846| 1.173.014|
|13| 1.443.297| 1.592.978| 1.518.427|
|14| 1.478.727| 1.637.666| 1.613.501|
|15| 1.528.679| 1.718.618| 1.647.620|
|16| 1.559.167| 1.960.410| 1.694.137|
|17| 1.590.983| 2.066.364| 1.718.700|
|18| 1.644.131| 2.095.978| 1.750.676|
|19| 1.793.159| 2.142.705| 1.810.032|
|20| 1.930.221| 2.182.029| 1.841.992|
|21| 1.977.462| 2.208.313| 1.893.492|
|22| 2.037.489| 2.246.434| 1.920.402|
|23| 2.086.962| 2.290.553| 1.939.748|
|24| 2.119.428| 2.391.903| 1.981.357|
|25| 2.139.963| 2.461.742| 2.123.283|
|26| 2.167.941| 2.511.915| 2.196.522|
|27| 2.238.251| 2.619.603| 2.221.613|
|28| 2.262.897| 3.011.097| 2.250.317|
|29| 2.284.353| 3.180.437| 2.272.501|
|30| 2.410.713| 3.228.124| 2.333.622|
|31| 2.906.384| 3.263.978| 2.396.347|
|32| 3.201.641| 3.289.272| 2.445.359|
|33| 3.271.005| 3.321.652| 2.514.552|
|34| 3.373.640| 3.340.301| 2.582.060|
|35| 3.466.280| 3.366.063| 2.625.182|
|36| 3.578.126| 3.407.393| 2.690.378|
|37| 3.637.016| 3.432.143| 2.943.587|
|38| 3.727.150| 3.456.993| |
|39| 3.834.270| 3.478.633| |
|40| 3.883.347| 3.619.260| |
|41| 3.939.349| 3.699.232| |
|42| 3.989.753| 3.715.490| |
|43| 4.168.337| 3.731.389| |
|44| 4.229.767| 3.749.098| |
|45| 4.242.678| 3.769.249| |
|46| 4.255.525| 3.778.819| |
|47| 4.279.798| 3.793.050| |
|48| 4.297.151| 3.809.484| |
|49| 4.312.293| 3.818.884| |
|50| 4.331.535| 3.831.145| |
|51| 4.348.595| 3.852.787| |
|52| 4.361.712| 3.924.260| |
|53| 4.377.119| 3.962.919| |
|54| 4.386.659| 3.970.904| |
|55| 4.428.775| 3.976.739| |
|56| 4.450.129| 3.983.062| |
|57| 4.456.883| 3.988.655| |
|58| 4.465.129| 3.993.058| |
|59| 4.473.393| 3.997.777| |
|60| 4.478.951| 4.001.384| |
|61| 4.483.431| 4.004.389| |
|62| 4.488.788| 4.007.655| |
|63| 4.494.484| 4.009.723| |
|64| 4.497.415| 4.014.035| |
|65| 4.499.401| 4.016.738| |
|66| 4.500.920| 4.018.232| |
|67| 4.506.775| 4.019.487| |
|68| 4.507.390| 4.019.745| |
|69| 4.508.005| | |
|70| 4.508.775| | |
|71| 4.509.390| | |
|72| 4.510.005| | |
|73| 4.510.775| | |
|74| 4.511.390| | |
|75| 4.512.005| | |
|76| 4.512.775| | |
|77| 4.513.390| | |
|78| 4.514.005| | |
|79| 4.514.775| | |
|80| | | |
Could be like what Square 2015 said, that the 5.5m was the entire production run for all of Asia, and that sales of Japan were likely 1m below that, just as your numbers show.These are the N64 numbers after the adjustments Famitsu has done and what they use at their comparisons, but still 1m below the shipment.
Tales of Zestiria only sold 110k on Steam? obviously should be on 3DS and/or NX instead /s
I know you're joking but Nintendo should/could probably try convincing that they should go 3DS/NX in Japan and add PC for the west rather than going with other consoles. Probably wouldn't work though.
I doubt they could convince Namco to release the next mainline Tales (so 2018 at the earliest) on a dead handheld and NX, and give up the PS4. It would make zero sense with all they have invested.
Adding NX to the actual mix of platforms and removing the PS3 would make a lot more sense if the system can run the games and NX is a successful hardware.
Yeah, I don't see it working(I don't even see NX getting added). I was thinking more in relation to stuff like Monster Hunter(which they already have) or series that aren't as entrenched on PlayStation/New IPs.
Basically try convincing publishers they can easily go NX in Japan and NX/PC in the west rather than going to PS# because it has a foothold in both regions.
It would be more likely if the PS4 were also due for a replacement soon, which was the case for MH and 3DS/Vita. As it is now, I can't see franchises like Tales jumping ship completely when they just got in on the PS4.
Tales of Zestiria only sold 110k on Steam? obviously should be on 3DS and/or NX instead /s
To be clear, I don't think there's zero interest in helping consoles in Japan, but my feeling is that the business case went "We want to make a slate of notable console games as that's what we're good at." -> "We want consoles to do better in Japan." as opposed to the other way around.True, but I was considering it in terms of reconciling with their stated goal of revitalizing consoles in Japan. In my mind I would compare them to Capcom because both companies have two flagship IPs(DQ&FF,MH&RE) one of which is JP-focused and the other which is a global brand. FF and RE both sell in a similar ballpark but FF sells twice as much in Japan. Thus, it makes a lot more sense for SE to be worried about the state of consoles in Japan.
Both.What you said does make a lot of sense though. Out of interest do you think DQXI PS4 is creatively driven decision or is their a business goal(expand in west or help consoles in Japan).
Ōkami;191045130 said:Could be like what Square 2015 said, that the 5.5m was the entire production run for all of Asia, and that sales of Japan were likely 1m below that, just as your numbers show.
Do you have that data in weekly, like how much the system sold each week; also for Saturn and PlayStation too if it isn't a problem?
I think if NX does go the route of the handheld and console line sharing libraries in some capacity that it could develop more of a healthy ecosystem for Japan. Vita and PS4 are already designed with similar architecture and made to port easily between the two of them. I could see developers chosing to support and cross develop for both the Sony and Nintendo ecosystems as it will allow them to get the game to 4 systems easier; Similar to how developers chose to support xbox/PS2 and 360/PS3 and cross ported a lot between the two.Yeah, I don't see it working(I don't even see NX getting added). I was thinking more in relation to stuff like Monster Hunter(which they already have) or series that aren't as entrenched on PlayStation/New IPs.
Basically try convincing publishers they can easily go NX in Japan and NX/PC in the west rather than going to PS# because it has a foothold in both regions.
What are expectations for Pokken anyway? I was thinking in the 200-300K range, but I truly have no idea.
When Nintendo says Japan usually is really just Japan, not Asia.
Most likely Famitsu was undertaking early Nintendo 64 sales because at the time they didn't have enough data to make good estimates.
| | Famitsu |
| | N64 |
| | to |
| |2003.03.30|
| 1| 1.278.075|
| 2| 759.414|
| 3| 1.336.151|
| 4| 881.885|
| 5| 211.823|
| 6| 41.427|
| 7| 6.000|
Famitsu revised the data.
These are FY sales
Code:+--+----------+ | | Famitsu | | | N64 | |FY|1996.06.23| | | to | | |2003.03.30| +--+----------+ | 1| 1.278.075| | 2| 759.414| | 3| 1.336.151| | 4| 881.885| | 5| 211.823| | 6| 41.427| | 7| 6.000| +--+----------+
FY shipments from Nintendo are these. First FY is the problem.
Shipments from launch (June 23, 1996) to March 1997 look very high considering Nintendo was forced to slash the price from 25.000 yen to 16.800 yen at March 14, 2007
I think if NX does go the route of the handheld and console line sharing libraries in some capacity that it could develop more of a healthy ecosystem for Japan. Vita and PS4 are already designed with similar architecture and made to port easily between the two of them. I could see developers chosing to support and cross develop for both the Sony and Nintendo ecosystems as it will allow them to get the game to 4 systems easier; Similar to how developers chose to support xbox/PS2 and 360/PS3 and cross ported a lot between the two.
Holy shit at SMT X FE.
I thought Fire Emblem was fairly popular in Japan?
It's not just about the technological barriers though. Nintendo has to convince developers that the opportunity cost is low enough. Adding a PS4 sku for a Vita game made perfect sense because it opened up a massive audience in the west. It'll be difficult for Nintendo to argue that they'll add a new audience rather than splitting the old one.
It's not just about the technological barriers though. Nintendo has to convince developers that the opportunity cost is low enough. Adding a PS4 sku for a Vita game made perfect sense because it opened up a massive audience in the west. It'll be difficult for Nintendo to argue that they'll add a new audience rather than splitting the old one.
Why is this gutter trash attached to my beloved Fire Emblem and my respected SMT?
I think that a possible 3ds like success could be tempting looking at the japanese market even compared to ps4 sales. I mean 3ds possible Japanese success could be comparable to ps4 western one for japanese games. So maybe if NX portable shares middleware and support UE4 we could see more ps/nintendo games
Not many
In Japan we have yet to witness a trend where multiple SKUs within the same platform environment add a substantial audience. Also, we have yet to see this massive PS4 Western audience buying niche PSV Japanese games.
What are expectations for Pokken anyway? I was thinking in the 200-300K range, but I truly have no idea.
Half of that...? I would say around 100-150k units.
They've shipped about the same it's just that FFX is rounded to 100K while FFVIII is rounded to 10K.Wait, what. FFX PS2 sold better than FFVIII PS1? That doesn't include the PS3/Vita ports? The PS4 one was not out yet I know.
Half of that...? I would say around 100-150k units.
It's not just about the technological barriers though. Nintendo has to convince developers that the opportunity cost is low enough. Adding a PS4 sku for a Vita game made perfect sense because it opened up a massive audience in the west. It'll be difficult for Nintendo to argue that they'll add a new audience rather than splitting the old one.