Wait, there is one?I guess I liked the 7 FC version a little better because of that.
Wait, there is one?I guess I liked the 7 FC version a little better because of that.
Wait, there is one?
There certainly is an 8 FC out there, but it's still in beta! There are already playthroughs of it. You know what? It's a freeware fangame, so I'm not opposed to posting a link to it here. Right here, and you want v3.12b.I remember the announcement that there'd be an 8 one quite a while ago but I never followed its development so I dunno what's up with it.
Mmhmm! Again, fangame. You want ver.final2 アーカイブ (heck, better yet: direct). Gameplay here.Wait, there is one?
I thought it was only me! I was owing the physics modifications to the fact that all of the sprites are bigger, but no, I really do think that the physics have changed a bit because the game feels like it's paced very slowly, and some playable aspects of it feel more sluggish to me.Plus going from the physics from the prior MM games to this one made 7 feel... stiff and less responsive? That's the only way I can put it.
Also I think I recall the charge shot being rather weak in 7, but I could be remembering wrong. Things just seemed to not die fast in that game.
Does this surprise you in the slightest, Noi? Haha.Schala echoes what I think of MM7 with a lot more words than I would have used.
Speaking of which, while it's up for grabs, I should grab an SFC copy of X2.Really want to get a copy of 7, X2, and X3 one day.
qq more, didn't you say you wanted me to suffer through X7?
Sounds authentic enough to me. Probably was using FamiTracker.It's got the 8-bit NSF-styled stuff (with PxTone, I want to say? Because that isn't raw 8-bit music at all).
Alright, just finished my buster only run on 5. Game was easier than I remembered, not 4 easy, but still, I managed to beat 7 out of 8 bosses in the boss rush with a single life on my first try and the only reason it wasn't 8 is because when Charge Man gets too close he tends to catch me off guard by speeding up. Wily was a joke in all its forms too.
Still a pretty fun run though.
I've beaten Mega Man Zero 1-3. So far I like 3 the most then 1. I really hated 2 for some reason just going into levels seemed to take forever. plus the last boss was way too easy. I can't see wanting to replay 2 almost ever again...
I can't remember 2 that much, but I did kind of like the different armor you could get by satisfying requirements. 3's probably the best out of the four because it's the most well-rounded out of the bunch. My only issue was that the game is too easy coming from the first 2.
4 is definitely the hardest for me by far. The fact that once you lose your A rank you don't get EX skills is extremely frustrating. Most of the levels almost are impossible for me to complete without losing a life because of the mini bosses or stage bosses strange patterns and hit boxes (bull guy). I wish they did something more similar to ZX where when you killed a boss, and depending on that single boss fight instead of the stage you had more disposable energy for that armor you received, regardless of the rank.
4 is definitely the hardest for me by far. The fact that once you lose your A rank you don't get EX skills is extremely frustrating. Most of the levels almost are impossible for me to complete without losing a life because of the mini bosses or stage bosses strange patterns and hit boxes (bull guy). I wish they did something more similar to ZX where when you killed a boss, and depending on that single boss fight instead of the stage you had more disposable energy for that armor you received, regardless of the rank.
Huh? 4 isn't like that at all. You get EX Skills for killing bosses in the right weather conditions, rank doesn't matter.
This is for you, qq more.
Also for qq more, I went and beat Mega Man on Game Boy in a fit of boredom.
...but since it was on the 3DS VC, I abused the crap out of save states. Some of this, I don't know how I'd clear without them.
Shorter than I'd expected. I liked Enker's weapon. Shame I barely got to use it.
I'm resuming it later today, but holy shit, Axl sorta sucks. At least X8 takes the bits that weren't broken and turned it into something decent. I do think Soldier Stonekong's stage was the best of the stages I've played so far, while Flame Hyenard makes me want to stab myself in the ear (and I'm not too fond of the bits before him anyway). And I don't really like having to play the game to unlock X. I don't think anyone liked that.Man, you guys don't like X7? What about the political intrigue, and the new and energetic protagonist?
I'm sure a second playthrough will help people to see the light. And if not, repeated playthroughs for additionalsufferingfun.
Volt Tornado is busted.
No, I mean the whole goddamn game. The whole thing is bullshit. I couldn't finish a single stage! Mega Man isn't usually this difficult.@Shadow Hog
Talking about the Wily Stages? There were only six stages in the game, IIRC. The Wily Stages are too damn long though, it's absurd. I believe the 2nd Wily stages also has a disappearing block segment over spikes, so that sucks unless you have great reflexes. I usually like long stages, too, but not that.
Totally understood. :II streamed myself beating the game
Let's just say I swore a lot. Never again.
No, I mean the whole goddamn game. The whole thing is bullshit. I couldn't finish a single stage! Mega Man isn't usually this difficult.
Maybe at some point I'll be able to beat a stage without savestate abuse. Today is not that day.
I'm resuming it later today, but holy shit, Axl sorta sucks. At least X8 takes the bits that weren't broken and turned it into something decent. I do think Soldier Stonekong's stage was the best of the stages I've played so far, while Flame Hyenard makes me want to stab myself in the ear (and I'm not too fond of the bits before him anyway). And I don't really like having to play the game to unlock X. I don't think anyone liked that.
I've actually kept quite a bit of my playthrough of X7 to myself, just because I didn't want qq or anyone else influencing what I wanted to think about the game. qq's having me do this to prove a point to me, and I honestly think he's failed in that regard. Then again, I have another game to go through after this, and it's one that I'm not (shockingly enough to some) very fond of at all. To be honest, I'm dreading it.Yeah in-game Axl sucks. He has one sort of cool alternate weapon, notable for it's strength and decent rate of fire, that he gets from one of the Red Alert bosses, but other than that why bother. And as for X, IIRC you had to find like 50 Reploids or some such bull. It would be slightly less irritating if the required rescue total wasn't so high. I only remember bits and pieces of Soldier Stonekong's stage (it had nice 2D segments I remember? the parts with the spikes, rolling stones, and Moai-like obstacles) but I do remember which one's I hated: most of them.
At least you had comrades in suffering. Thank you, brave souls of MegamanGAF.
To be honest, I don't like Axl, but I've never played the games he was in. I don't usually say this, but he honestly looks like a jerk. lol
In other news, this MM7 8bit is pretty decent(especially since I use a SNES controller on PC), are there any other good fanmade PC Mega Mans? They seem to have perfected or nearly perfected the classic MM engine which is surprising.
X7 did something good: being able to swap characters on-the-fly (as opposed to knocking around in a menu) in a level. Doing this allows the player to be a little more flexible and manage their health a little easier. X8 facilitates this a lot better because X7's level design is pretty bs. So I'm glad they realized to put that in X8.
In all fairness, Axl was mostly terrible because of the writing in X7 is just plain awful. Axl is alright in X8, not to mention his gameplay was pretty fun in that one.
I think there's a Mega Man X fangame with metroidvania elements and such. I forgot the name though. It looked kind of cool, it had a 16-bit style to it too.
EDIT: Ah, there we go. Mega Man X: Corrupted.
That's pretty cool, although I'm not sure I want to play ZX again. Haha. Actually, I'll give it a shot for sure.
About Axl, I actually didn't read the posts above as I'm pretty tired at the moment, I just saw Axl and was like "oh, yeah I think he looks like a jerk". I have no idea what his personality is, though. He may end up being a character I like for the personality, maybe. (I did read up a bit ago on his role which I don't like) BUT ALL THINGS AFTER X5 DIDNT HAPPEN. CAPCOM LIES. INAFUUUUUUNE!
What about classic Mega Man? since the 8bit engine seems nearly perfected or perfected, I'd expect there would be more. Actually, I may give that street fighter one another shot.
There's an 8-bit remake of Mega Man 8.
There's also that Doom mod called 8-bit Deathmatch.
...oh right. LOLI talked about the 8bit MM8 in the IRC remember! I did try out that 8bit deathmatch, was kinda...well. I didn't care for it much, it was interesting I suppose.
It's like he already spent the time saying "Die!", only to realize "oh shit, I forgot to mention who I'm addressing that to!" and eke out an awkward "X!" afterward.![]()
Thanks for not localizing Vile's name, Capcpom.
Next time, qq more should be the one who plays bad games, not me. I feel like I've had to suffer through this game twice now this year. I'm only playing it once because there is no way I'm going through that hell twice in one year.
Thanks for not localizing Vile's name, Capcpom.
This wasn't good enough for you?
I totally forgot about that show, but I would've prob. enjoyed a generic shonen Megaman anime show over it =V
...but you can say "boba" in Japanese.For that matter: Vava is Japanization of Boba from Boba Fett. funny how many Star Wars shoutouts/similarties there are in X1.
Like Hito said, you can say Boba in Japanese (ボバ... or if we were being cute, ボバフェットOh come now, I'm sure it'd be easier to play with an emulator+macros for dashing etc.
For that matter: Vava is Japanization of Boba from Boba Fett. funny how many Star Wars shoutouts/similarties there are in X1.