This movie... holy shit. This is going to be a midnight movie classic where people show up in costume and yell at the screen and throw shit.
This is absolutely on the same tier of bad as The Room, a movie that feels naive in its insanity, like how could anyone ever think this would work? It's gut-bustingly funny to watch at times, and a fascinating train wreck at others.
It's not just opaque and artsy -- though it aspires to be -- it's incompotent. The performances are all over the place, every actor feels like they're in a different movie, story elements are introduced and then resolved immediately with no bearing on the plot at all, it's easy enough to follow but none of it ever really develops into a meaningful central conflict. It's ugly as hell, the CGI is super bad, the setting is wildly inconsistent in a way that reads as comical, characters flail around and swoosh their capes with cartoony flair.
It's all so... camp. I have see people suggest it's intentional parody but it clearly isn't. It has too many moments where it tries to be real art and fails. Apologists will pretend that whatever childish message the movie is trying to make about love and art somehow redeems it, but these elements are just laughably banal too. Everything here is just so, so incredibly bad.
So the thing to know after watching this clip: that's baseline for this movie, the whole thing is like that and some of it quite a lot worse.
I’m interested, it apparently has The Fountainhead vibes. Might catch it during the week.
Yeah, I agree with the Ayn Rand influences here, not so much the political ideology but just the way it's about some great genius inventing fantasy bullshit to save society wrapped around a lot of weird horny shit and corny melodrama, and characters with the dumbest imaginable names like Wow Platinum. And the general terribleness.
Don't go see it because you like Ayn Rand, though, see it because you think Ayn Rand is funny. If you like Ayn Rand, you should probably just stop doing that, it's embarrassing.