This keeps coming up, so I guess I have to address this?
I totally get it. Forums are a male-dominated space, and Reset has certainly set that expectation further.

Being female has become a claim that almost needs proof.
Here’s the thing. I’m not comfortable showing you what would be required to prove that (given the nature of the comments I make regularly, and just the internet, something as simple as a picture, Metadata, and info could be linked back to my personal life), or all that bothered to do so
If you think I have a dick, I’m okay with that. If you think I have a massive dick, that’s kind of funny, and I’m probably going to meme that.
Thing is, I never signed up to be that certain type of token female poster, and I really hope that I’m not. I just really like the site, and expressing myself (nerdery and all) on it. I would prefer that you enjoy my posts just on the basis that they’re good, rather than the ‘girl bump’. That would actually make me really happy. : )
I gave a few people a heads up because being called he is a little weird, but at the end of the day, it’s up to you whether or not you think that’s the case. Much love to you all either way.