Don't worry, I'm just fooling around. I already know there's no curse. Just don't make a welcome back thread for me if I ever get banned, okay?But but correlation != causation.
To be honest, I don’t want to see anyone permed unless they’re legitimately advocating for political violence, e.g. DaForest or hargwood. NI has a habit of handwaving it from his own side and overplaying his hand on the other side but that makes him a useful idiot, not an outright extremist. I know it’s the Meta GAF thread, but we’re kinda getting into inappropriate territory discussing this kind of stuff openly like this. We should just use the report function or PM a mod and leave it up to them if there’s anything specific we think they need to address.
Harumph!Let’s not do them for self-requested bans*.
*This whole welcome back thread meme started when JareBear self-requested a perm and I wanted to show him some love when he came back, but I see this as an exception to the rule given the circumstances at the time. I feel like the meme is getting a bit out of hand now if we just make them for anyone for any old reason.
>404 - image not found
>404 - image not found
bruh moment
I started to read this post but then I yawned and got peggedMan baby, if you’re gonna be dumb you gotta be at least amusing
Let the 'gang' make a welcome thread then. If there's a gang.
All I'm saying is that based on statistics there's a 50/50 chance that NI gets permmed if Matt makes that thread. I think he should take the chance.
Wow he must be such a hard badass from the hood! Oh wait he's some dude that whines one the internet and likes getting pegged lmao.He must be so grateful for having a gangs around as some of his latest posts showed. Don't know if he was part of one in the past or not. But here where I live I also cheer for gangs: for them to crash and burn.
We all lose.
I don't think the Cunths are as powerful as the Borg. Not yet anyway.We'd get annihilated even though I managed to getjuliotendo on our side.
I looked at the last page earlier today, after i noticed the closure.I don't like that the Yoshi/JordanN thread was deemed unfit for the board after 17 pages of discussions that are still ongoing, and the topic considered off limits. Just my two cents.
I looked at the last page earlier today, after i noticed the closure.
I'm surprised it lasted that long.
Good riddance.
Jordan's posts come across as beating a dead horse that has been dead for centuries.What was wrong with it?
Those 17 pages could've been condensed down to half, or even down to a quarter of that size. As far as I see it:I don't like that the Yoshi/JordanN thread was deemed unfit for the board after 17 pages of discussions that are still ongoing, and the topic considered off limits. Just my two cents.
Sure there is. It's a mighty one-man-strong conglomerate with vertical leadership structure and strong stock options.Is there even such a thing as Team MiyazakiHatesKojima?
Sure there is. It's a mighty one-man-strong conglomerate with vertical leadership structure and strong stock options.
In Metal Gear you plays as a one-man army.
Well I could understand one topic getting out of hand and locking it up, though I don't personally think that was necessary or called for in this case. But to deem that entire topic unfit for the board rubs me the wrong way.
I don't think the message is that the topic is unfit. Rather, that it was discussed to death and was going around in circles. Pages upon pages of links for any reader to go through and come to their own conclusions.Well I could understand one topic getting out of hand and locking it up, though I don't personally think that was necessary or called for in this case. But to deem that entire topic unfit for the board rubs me the wrong way.
I don't think the message is that the topic is unfit. Rather, that it was discussed to death and was going around in circles. Pages upon pages of links for any reader to go through and come to their own conclusions.
Which topic are you talking about?Well I could understand one topic getting out of hand and locking it up, though I don't personally think that was necessary or called for in this case. But to deem that entire topic unfit for the board rubs me the wrong way.
Which topic are you talking about?
Sorry, I think I'm not explaining myself well. The topic of "racial IQ" was discussed to death in that thread and was going around in circles with no headway being made. By page 9 or 10, plenty of information was posted for those who wish to explore the topic further and come to their own conclusions. If there was some new scientific discovery or anthropological study related to the topic, I'm sure it would be allowed to be posted for discussion, but I'm notHe says "until further notice, no racial IQ stuff on Gaf", to me that's deeming the topic off limits. A new thread on the topic would likely be locked ASAP.
Sorry, I think I'm not explaining myself well. The topic of "racial IQ" was discussed to death in that thread and was going around in circles with no headway being made. By page 9 or 10, plenty of information was posted for those who wish to explore the topic further and come to their own conclusions. If there was some new scientific discovery or anthropological study related to the topic, I'm sure it would be allowed to be posted for discussion, but I'm notEviLore
gotta say that thread overstayed its welcome imo. That's was not about proving whether JordanN is racist or not anymore. Can't say if was really locked because of racial IQ subject though.The topic of racial IQ in the Yoshi/JordanN thread.
gotta say that thread overstayed its welcome imo. That's was not about proving whether JordanN is racist or not anymore. Can't say if was really locked because of racial IQ subject though.
I don't think JordanN broke any rules, even though I definitely got frustrated with him. There are no rules against "politely ignoring counter-evidence and repeating the same standpoints over and over". Perhaps that is a flaw in how GAF operates, or perhaps it is a strength.None of that to me indicates that the entire topic needs to be banned from Gaf. Lots of things have been discussed to death, do we ban them as discussion topics? It wasn't even getting out of hand or anything, people were just frustrated with JordanN. Ok, so if it's a problem with him, warn him, ban him, whatever, but now we have topics off limits until further notice? Can we get a banned topics page next to the banned users page?
I don't think JordanN broke any rules, even though I definitely got frustrated with him. There are no rules against "politely ignoring counter-evidence and repeating the same standpoints over and over". Perhaps that is a flaw in how GAF operates, or perhaps it is a strength.
I would hate to have a banned topics page, but again that's not my call anyway.The question is whether or not new information on the topic would be banned. Very little new information (for or against) was being posted in that thread by the time it was closed. Do you think it's okay for topics on sensitive subjects to be closed when it becomes evident the participants are no longer enriching the topic with new information? At a certain point, it becomes more about preserving ego instead of presenting new info for consideration.
Some people just can't help themselves but read everything they see and get triggered in return.It's amazing to me the support that banning things that we don't like gets here. Maybe don't read it?