GAF used to have a rule (still has a rule?) that if someone made a thread about unconfirmed rumors and/or propped themselves up as an "insider" and the news turned out to be fake, they would receive a ban. Sometimes it was a temp ban and sometimes it was permanent, depending on the situation.
GAF members from every notch on the political spectrum agree that the drive-by reporting is bad, that leaping to conclusions is bad, and participating in a dog-pile based on false information is bad. So why do we tolerate it when it takes place in our own back yard on the Political board?
In light of the
recent thread by a known troll, are we going to ban people who peddle this kind of tabloid nonsense? There was also
another thread (user walked back and changed their OP after listening to some counterpoints) where a video was posted that "needed to be spread". I would hate to see GAF turn into some kind of political battleground where people feel the need to post certain viewpoints or certain hot-take news stories because they feel it affirms their own beliefs/narrative.
News needs to slow down, and I petition the mod team to please warn and ban according to that principle.
My intention here isn't to restrict conversation on a particular topic. Rather, there should be consequences for pushing stories or for pushing a story with a misleading interpretation. GAF already fell prey to political and corporate astroturfing in the past, and I would hate to see this place used as a "mirror server" (to cop a webhosting term) for false information.