Haven't discovered Chinese tourists yet, huh?
well, I didn’t want to start on the Chinese, but now I have the opportunity I will.
Disclaimer : generalisations here, sister in law is Chinese/Taiwanese and I have much respect for them in general ....
Be wary of Chinese tourists staying in your home if you do air bnb. One guy shat all over the wall in the bathroom and didn’t clean it up. I guess he was standing on the toilet?
Another Chinese Airbnb stayed for 2 weeks. I hardly ever saw him, and when he left, he left behind a rubbish bag full of dirty pants/underwear. In the room. Bag full of pants, in the room.
I think he might have been a spy.
When not researching flat earth, I sell stuff. Much of what I sell is antique. I had a Chinese lady straight faced tell me I should be charging people to come in and look and the things I’m trying to sell,
like I was stupid for not having thought of doing so.
A Chinese lady who lives near my work has 2 maniac dogs and she was genuinely upset when she found out my little Doris had been spayed because she was wanting to breed our dogs. Mine is a french bulldog, her dogs are completely different breed. She was genuinely disappointed.
She probably wanted to eat the pups
Gotta love them.