you guys think Kojima be cool with modding TPP? Be cool if TPP be a mod friendly game
Be nice to see a Battle Royale mod like on ARMA3 but in Fox Engine.
Yeah hopefully it will be mod friendly
I'd like a Jack Bauer skin or something
Yeah, those vibes are undeniable.
SF buddy would be cool. He'd tag alone on my rampage playthroughs.
Thanks everyone for tuning in to the stream, laughs and good times were had.
Also, IP there is a chance there might be real weapons in the game... just wait.
If there isn't, that will suck but I'll get over it.
Hayter voice-over mod![]()
Based on GZ & what we've seen of TPP, that's highly doubtful.
Hayter wont do it, according to him.
Skullface as a buddy?, I'll kill as soon as I see him.He killed 300 of our comrades and destroyed our home
I hope someone creates a mod that restores A Hideo Kojima Game and the Kojima Productions branding back where it belongs.
So Kojima Productions is back on Facebook?
Okay OuterGAF, I need some help. I bought MGS Peace Walker a while back for Vita, as the non-AC!D PSP outings were the only two in the series I haven't played. For some reason Konami decided that the HD remaster on Vita could do without the updated PW, thus leaving the PSP version the only way to play on the handheld.
My problem is that the PSP version wasn't developed with the foresight of the Vita and its second analog stick. To put it bluntly, I think these controls are terrible. I really want to be able to play this, but I just can't do it. Not with this button layout anyway. Has anyone found a way to "streamline" the controls to better suit the second stick?
So far the best solution I've come up with is the Shorter layout with the face buttons mapped to the right analog. The downside to this is the fact that all actions are mapped to the d-pad, in turn making awkward to play.
It'd be much appreciated if any of you could come up with some better recommendations.
you can play it on vita
just map the second analog to the dpad
its gonna feel really good to play the GZ mission the night before release.
Not a bad idea at all. It would also give great context to see what improved (if anything) in the controls/graphics since then too.
These next four or so months of waiting feeling this hyped is going to be terrible.
After the massive buildup I've had for MGS 2, 3 (mostly these two) and to a lesser point 4 I stopped really... following pre-release info or paying attention to the buildup to any games until a week or so before release. As I'd go insane beforehand.
This one is driving me nuts already as I've paid way too much attention now. >_>
This still blows my mind. Kojima Productions are goddamn wizards. It's such a shame MGSV will be their last game.
This still blows my mind. Kojima Productions are goddamn wizards. It's such a shame MGSV will be their last game.
Wow, what the hell.
Is there a second part? The video just ends.
I still hope that they'll open up their own studio now. But yea, it's unlikely![]()
Men...I'm going to love the times in TPP where Sins of father sounds...
Only listening to this advert of Wired make magic to me, which have another fragment not seen in the E3 trailer
Woo! My first S Rank. The one retry is due to the tank fucking blowing up too close to Kojima and killing him. <_<
Great job man,i still can´t finish raiden´s mission with S rank(hard)
Even with no combat alerts/kills etc i always get A rank for some reason.
Great job man,i still can´t finish raiden´s mission with S rank(hard)
Even with no combat alerts/kills etc i always get A rank for some reason.
Wow. 10 years. I was in college then. I remember getting home and checking Gametrailers and IGN like I usually do. Watched it and knew right then I needed to buy a PS3 just for the game. /the power of the MGS series. lol10 years ago today we got our first teaser of MGS4, now we are on the brink of the last Metal Gear.
Truly an end of an era.
Maybe he meant to quote the video I posted and quoted you by mistake? I don't know, I don't see anything wrong with your post either
you can play it on vita
just map the second analog to the dpad
Just be quick and try to remember the enemy locations and spawns.
Yeah,i think i just need to do it faster.
Follow the route in that video & you'll do fine.