And get rid of the stun of flashbangs. They're incredibly OP!
I downloaded data for MGO and I got some DLC costumes and the game doesn't show the latter at all and I am also unable to access MGO, it just tells me to download MGO data.
The game is unplayable 80% of the time because it matches you with the players that use a toaster to connect online.
-Vacuum CQC from 20 meters out.
-17 bullets into a dudes back only for him to 180 and headshot you.
-Stun grenade a guy and after he falls to the ground, he stands back up to kill you and falls down stunned again.
Do what I did and shitpost in the OT.
I was getting down on this game after about 20 hours and my first ascension with my infiltrator. Incredibly dissapoinTed that I have to ascend again to get more colors... so I decided to do a new character scout.
It is so refreshing with the new customizable options and sniping is actually fairly rewarding. The rubber banding on some players is still pretty bad but I need to get off nat type 2 and finally get to an open nat.
I still have a hard-on for you
Yeah, I'm done until the invisible camo is out of the game. I realize it may never happen, oh well. The game just isn't the deliberate, smart shooter I was hoping it'd be.The game is APPALLING today.
Nothing but sprinting invisible people and if it's not sprinting invisible people it's CONSTANT gear walker abuse throughout every second of every game.
What did we expect with a powerful drivable robot.
Take a wild guess<3
I'm not sure what armour people can buy but I die very quick. Yet I'll fire and get a good seven hit markers on people before they dolphin dive away like this is call of duty.
Hideous mess.
Dunno what game ya'll playing but PS3 is pretty good (or as good as MGO3 can be) except for the rubberbanding.
Because you two want to bang and you two don't want to admit it in public.
November patch that nerfs infiltrators into the ground out yet?
It may sound harsh but it's for the best that most of the team who worked on this are being dropped from developing AAA titles. They'd fit in developing some iPhone
Next Gen Fox Engine Tactical gameplay.
Where you get to enemy base where invisible camping infiltrator is hiding and shoot him through a fence which is 97% hole. Yet bullets don't go through and you get fultoned by another infiltrator.
It may sound harsh but it's for the best that most of the team who worked on this are being dropped from developing AAA titles. They'd fit in developing some iPhone games.
Their mistake was giving a class invisibility at all. If the Infidels need a special skill and it has to be some kind of camp, I think it should've been more like Snake in MGO1 where if you lay down on the ground or stand still next to a wall, you blend in, and any gunfire or damage reveals you. That'd promote sneaky ambushing.
That sounds infinitely more useful than stealth camo as it is, so would still get cries to nerf it from people who suck at the game.
Most the people crying about stealth camo are just gonna drop the game for the next shooter anyway, where they'll cry nerf about something there.
Next Gen Fox Engine Tactical gameplay.
Where you get to enemy base where invisible camping infiltrator is hiding and shoot him through a fence which is 97% hole. Yet bullets don't go through and you get fultoned by another infiltrator.
It may sound harsh but it's for the best that most of the team who worked on this are being dropped from developing AAA titles. They'd fit in developing some iPhone games.
Maybe. I think that kind of approach would've slowed down the Infidel play style. It'd require clever use of cover (you'd still see their shadows) as well as careful choices over when to expose yourself either when you move between cover or strike at the enemy (as gunfire would take away the effect).
Dunno about the community, its all japanese names mostly.
But finding a game in automatch takes less than 10 seconds on average.
And the hosts rarely disconnect mid game now.
That sort of gameplay just isn't ever gonna happen in MGO3. While you do single sneaking flank everyone else is busy getting 2-5 kills or stuns and fulton attempts.
But being able to actually hide well anywhere before sprinting at an enemy to CQC them would be more useful than "lol predator camo, here I am easy to see unless I'm laying still in long grass".
Eh.. Cool?Weeding out the casuals one by one
*shinobi avatar quote*
Well if you have CQC+3 you can steal weapons from defenders if you get a CQC slam in.I'm pretty sure I've seen people use lethal weapons while attacking in CD. It sounds just like an assault rifle and fires just like it too. What gun is it? Or are they cheaters?
Well if you have CQC+3 you can steal weapons from defenders if you get a CQC slam in.
Well if you have CQC+3 you can steal weapons from defenders if you get a CQC slam in.
I'm surprised there isn't much talk about the spawns though. I wrote a post about this a few weeks ago, but no one commented on it. Do you all feel it's ok to not only be able to respawn immediately, but do so a few meters away from where you were just killed? I mean, i don't mind the former that much, but the latter can be jarring when you're on the receiving end. There's nothing like dispatching an enemy and getting killed by them as you walk around the corner 3 seconds later.
Konami have shut down the studio working on MGO, and laid off all the staff:
No word yet on PC version, but I presume cancelled.
Be interesting to see what Konami say, as it needs servers being available to log in (for the matchmaking process to work). I imagine Konami will maintain the servers themselves.
R.I.P MGO 3, we hardly knew ye.
I hope the KojiPro LA guys and gals land on their feet. Despite some frustrations, i have had a lot of fun with the mp. It seemed like they were listening to player feedback and could have ironed out the problems with the game, so it's sad to see them get sacked. Best of wishes!
Dammit I was looking forward to expansions with new maps, modes, items, and heroes. I'm legit bummed.
I'd be wonderful if KojiPro and Kojima can get signed onto the same studio together - or create their own.