There is heavy slowdown when you're in the thick of his flames (as he's shooting it out). I beat him earlier.
Graphics look solid, otherwise.
Yeah, this. Running like 20 fps during the majority of the fight.
There is heavy slowdown when you're in the thick of his flames (as he's shooting it out). I beat him earlier.
Graphics look solid, otherwise.
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D is based on the PlayStation 2 original released in 2004. Much has changed since then, and Snake Eater has been updated to cater to contemporary expectations. It's very much the same game, but the updated controls and visuals make this remake on the 3DS the best version of the game to date.
Since I didn't play MGS4 or Peace Walker, are there any major advantages of the crouch walk that aren't immediately obvious?
Do enemies not detect you walking up behind them as easily as walking upright? Or is it just a slightly better camo index?
EDIT: Gamespot's review, 8.0. Seems like this game's going to get some solid scores.
Question: Didn't Kojima say that he was interested on bringing MGS2 as well if this game is received well by the public or something? I want more Metal Gear!
Seriously the touchscreen interface is godsent for this game. In the original you spent so much time going to the different menus but on the 3DS edition every menu is literally one finger touch away.
Oh god yes. I'd kill for MGS2 remake/port on 3DS.
And after the gamestop review I'm sold.
I still don't know what to get first: this, tales of the abyss or RE:R :/
Oh god yes. I'd kill for MGS2 remake/port on 3DS.
I know, right? I don't get it either. I could argue it being superior to the PS2 version as many of the gameplay changes are excellent, but the technical performance is very poor compared to the HD version.I don't get it. Why is this game getting good - great reviews when the performance is really bad and the graphics are medicore at best ?...+ Vita and Consoles get the (obviously better) HD-Versions ?
Exactly. You can move up behind enemies more easily and quickly using crouch walking. You still need to be cautious, of course, but it makes the stalking process a bit more streamlined.Do enemies not detect you walking up behind them as easily as walking upright? Or is it just a slightly better camo index?
I don't get it. Why is this game getting good - great reviews when the performance is really bad and the graphics are medicore at best ?
+ Vita and Consoles get the (obviously better) HD-Versions ?
It's actually quite a bit lower than the original, on average, and doesn't feature motion blur during cutscenes (which only further exacerbates the situation).Because the performance is similar to the original (which was fine), and the graphics are better than the original?
I still never saw any of those little bonus videos for when you eat certain things or heal yourself. Can't even find any videos of them on Youtube. Were they only in the original release or something?
I remember black and white/sepia videos of Snake with a white background burning off a leech or eating a snake. Anyone else know what I've talking about?
I know it's a stupid thing to care about, I just enjoyed them.
There's also little-to-no load time, which makes changing camo and curing a breeze. The PS2 version used to chug on my old PS2 FAT.
It could be that the "favorite MGS game" choice affects your defense and stamina, so that might be why the game seems easier.
I would die if MGS2 got the sort of treatment that 3 got. DIE![]()
I don't get it. Why is this game getting good - great reviews when the performance is really bad and the graphics are medicore at best ?...+ Vita and Consoles get the (obviously better) HD-Versions ?
I played this game on ps2 and I loved it. I really tried to like it on 3DS but the demo was one of the worst demos I've ever played.
Maybe I should give it another try?
Is the full game really like te demo? (no old built?)
Plus, photo camo is genius
Oh you mean like slightly updated visuals and better controls? Yeah fuck that!
What? That's just not true, while the performance is arguable at times it's never "really bad". The only time I've really even noticed it so far is in the cut scenes and I'm not controlling the character then so it's not a huge deal.
It's really too bad they made that whole naked snake tech demo, they should have made the demo with some other IP like ZOE so as to not shit up their MGS3D port![]()
I'd prefer MGS1, MG1 or a Ghost Babel remake.
Speaking of which, is there any way to delete a photo camo you've created? Haven't messed around with it much but the one time I tried I didn't like the outcome and couldn't figure out a way to get rid of it to free the slot back up.
I'd prefer MGS1, MG1 or a Ghost Babel remake.
Oh you mean like slightly updated visuals and better controls? Yeah fuck that!
Tried the demo. Not too impressed. I still don't see the point of this version after the HD releases. Also, the control scheme was mega questionable. Down on the D-pad to crouch? Hold D-pad down to crawl? Barf. Will there be a way to change this in the final version? Also, will this game utilize the CCP? The game was definitely running like ass too, right? Just wasn't my imagination?
Does anyone know if I have to shoot the Yoshi's from the virtuous mission during Snake Eater, too? I saw one under the rubble of the drone but couldn't get it since I had no gun at the time.
Tried the demo. Not too impressed. I still don't see the point of this version after the HD releases. Also, the control scheme was mega questionable. Down on the D-pad to crouch? Hold D-pad down to crawl? Barf. Will there be a way to change this in the final version? Also, will this game utilize the CCP? The game was definitely running like ass too, right? Just wasn't my imagination?
Just stick Ghost Babel on the e-shop!I'd much rather have a remake of Ghost Babel.
Leave MGS2 in the past, where it should remain.
judging by this video:!
framerate seems much improved. I think that same really super choppy cinematic is at the end of the video and it looks much better than the demo footage.
I was going to pass on this game but seeing as how I never played MGS3, I think that video has convinced me its a decent enough port to pick up.
Just stick Ghost Babel on the e-shop!
I almost did. Ended up playing some of the final game at a buddies game store yesterday, however, as I was genuinely curious to try it. If I hadn't been able to try it there I may have purchased it just for GAF.
I could see myself buying it later for $20 or so as I do love the game and some of the improvements made are pretty nice.
I played up through the bridge scene as I wanted to see how the 3DS version handled rain particles and the insects (not all that well, unfortunately).
Still, I finally got my hands on the CPP yesterday as well (he had a used CPP on hand). It's just as ugly as I had expected, but I have to admit that it's quite comfortable to use and does result in a more playable game. The change in triggers is a bit odd feeling, but the overall size really fits the hands better. Using the CPP I could almost say that MGS3D plays better than the HD version simply due to third person aiming and crouch walking. Those really DO add to the game.
That said, crouch walking isn't as effective as I had hoped and doesn't work quite the same way as it did in MGS4. It's still an improvement.
If it weren't for the technical problems I'd probably pick it up already as it's neat having MGS3 on the go. Even with those problems, though, it looks quite a bit nicer than Peace Walker on PSP ever did (and runs similarly).
Perfect Dark, with his Dark-feet ice cold in the snow,
stood puzzling and could it be so?
It's got such bad frame rate.
It's on 3DS!
The controls are all wrong and textures are a mess!
And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore.
Then P.D. thought of something he hadn't before.
What if MGS, he thought, just deserves that good score?
What if MGS, perhaps, means a little bit more?
Honestly, MGS2 doesn't need them due to how compact the level design is. The entire reason MGS3 benefited from the new camera so much is that they designed the game around the larger environments featured in the game and didn't really think about how it would change everything about the gameplay. The end result in MGS3 was a game that was too big for it's shoes so to speak.
Adding the new camera and controls into MGS2 wouldn't really do anything but break the game's already near perfect gameplay. Adding the shooter type controls back into MGS2 while would make it more playable for gamers unwilling to adapt to a game that was never designed nor intended to be played like a shooter, would ultimately result in a game that would be broken on a fundamental level.
It doesn't really bother me that they went back and changed stuff around in MGS3 because the game was fundamentally flawed upon it's original release back in 2004, and the updated mechanics only smooth that. MGS2's gameplay and level design are so complementary to each other that screwing with one means you would have to do something to the other in order to maintain some sense of balance (otherwise you end up with something like TTS where you can laugh your way through the game thanks to the FPV shooting). And by then it wouldn't really be MGS2 anyways, so what's the point?
I'm in the same boat. Could see myself picking it up for $20 down the road but as it stands, I still haven't even finished my first run-through of SnakeEaterHD
I almost did. Ended up playing some of the final game at a buddies game store yesterday, however, as I was genuinely curious to try it. If I hadn't been able to try it there I may have purchased it just for GAF.
I could see myself buying it later for $20 or so as I do love the game and some of the improvements made are pretty nice.
I played up through the bridge scene as I wanted to see how the 3DS version handled rain particles and the insects (not all that well, unfortunately).
Still, I finally got my hands on the CPP yesterday as well (he had a used CPP on hand). It's just as ugly as I had expected, but I have to admit that it's quite comfortable to use and does result in a more playable game. The change in triggers is a bit odd feeling, but the overall size really fits the hands better. Using the CPP I could almost say that MGS3D plays better than the HD version simply due to third person aiming and crouch walking. Those really DO add to the game.
That said, crouch walking isn't as effective as I had hoped and doesn't work quite the same way as it did in MGS4. It's still an improvement.
If it weren't for the technical problems I'd probably pick it up already as it's neat having MGS3 on the go. Even with those problems, though, it looks quite a bit nicer than Peace Walker on PSP ever did (and runs similarly).
I would love to see either or both of these things.I think an Ac!d game would be great, or (in my dreams), a fixed-overhead MGS1-style game.
Based on the demo though it seems to be a pretty faithful port by and large. My only real problem with it was the controls (D-pad to crouch?? Fuck you.) though I would imagine the CPP rectifies this quite a bit.