Just beat it.
last fight ran at about an average 20-25 fps. Oh and the ending is prerendered too.
because of this, you can't see the little ocelot easter egg in the scene with Snake and the president
Just beat it.
last fight ran at about an average 20-25 fps. Oh and the ending is prerendered too.
because of this, you can't see the little ocelot easter egg in the scene with Snake and the president
What am I supposed to do with those Yoshis? I shoot at them and all they do is make the Yoshi noise...
Something good happens if you shoot them all!
There aren't exactly a lot of those objects in the game, from what I recall, and those that were could already be hidden behind originally.
The map design and AI simply was created with crouch walking in mind so it ultimately changes little.
I think I need help. Late game spoilers:
I'm at the point where you have to steal the colonels/majors uniform so I can get into the other wings of the place. How do you take his uniform exactly? I can't seem to stick up the guy or pick him up and drop him so he can drop an item
This is the first time I'm playing through this game. I have the MGS collection for PS2 and Twin Snakes for GCN just never got around to beating any of them. I like the game so far but the cutscene framerate is atrocious. I can't imagine it was this bad originally.
Thank you! I had a feeling that\s what you were supposed to do. I just kept triggering the alarms
Oh and hey there's a glitch during thelast fight with Volgin
I'm this close of buying this. Plz, someone, give me reason why I shouldn't. :S
rage quit'd after I was getting some terrible framerates in the fight itself while using the Thermal Goggles. So bad my inputs were being delayed by like 2ish seconds =\
Oh and hey there's a glitch during thethat lets you use 3D in the FPV with one of the turrets laying around. Needless to say, I know why they cut it out of the main game. My eyes crossed and I had to close one eye in order to properly shoot at all.last fight with Volgin
Naw dude I dunno why they cut that feature but RE:R has no issues with first person aiming in 3D, if it looks bad in that game it's cause it's not implemented properly (and considering it's disabled normally that makes sense).
This has been covered extensively already. It has nothing to do with good/poor implementation.
It works in Revelations, because of the laser sight.
The only gun in MGS3 that has 3D first-person aiming is the EZ Gun, which also uses a laser sight.
That's cool, I didn't realize the gattling gun in RE uses a laser sight.
Secondly, the story is much better than expected, especially since I played MGS4 first. Although, I do have some questions about something from near the end of the game.Before Snake is tortured, why does Volgin grab his junk? Are Volgin and Raikov lovers? And is Raikov somehow related to Raiden? He looks a lot like him and they crack some jokes about Snake's fairy disguise, not to mention the similarities in the name
Stream of bullets when it fires.
Before Snake is tortured, why does Volgin grab his junk? Are Volgin and Raikov lovers? And is Raikov somehow related to Raiden? He looks a lot like him and they crack some jokes about Snake's fairy disguise, not to mention the similarities in the name
Fair enough, but until I see something that actually states that this is the case I'll remain slightly skeptical.
Although, I do have some questions about something from near the end of the game.Before Snake is tortured, why does Volgin grab his junk? Are Volgin and Raikov lovers? And is Raikov somehow related to Raiden? He looks a lot like him and they crack some jokes about Snake's fairy disguise, not to mention the similarities in the name
When you're aiming with the guns in RE, where are you focusing?
Where the laser sight is, right?
Aiming in FPS view in MGS3 means you have to use the sights, and look "through" the gun to hit an enemy. If it was 3D, then you'd get an effect similar to the rifles in RE (in 3D, of course).
If you own RE, you probably know what I'm talking about, but if you haven't tried it yet, take out a rifle, take aim down it and turn up the 3D.
Yay double images.
This has been covered extensively already. It has nothing to do with good/poor implementation.
It works in Revelations, because of the laser sight.
The only gun in MGS3 that has 3D first-person aiming is the EZ Gun, which also uses a laser sight.
That's what you would see, realistically, but there ARE ways to still deliver the illusion by faking it. When you look down the sights in Killzone 3, for instance, the game is still in 3D yet the way they project the image allows it to work. It's not exactly realistic, but it still looks great and convincing. It seems to depend on which layer you are projecting to. If you project the gun further away from the camera in 3D space you should be able to see both it and the enemies in 3D with depth between them.It's not even worth arguing about, it's something that's completely self-evident with just a little testing.
This isn't the right MGS and it's not quite aiming down the sight, but here, this is literally what you see if you aim down the sight in 3D:
It doesn't work. Aiming down the sight specifically, without the presence of a laser dot on your opponent for you to focus your vision on. When you're looking at your gun, you'll see two soldiers. When you're looking at the soldier, you'll see two guns. You NEED an indicator on the target itself in 3D.
It's not even worth arguing about, it's something that's completely self-evident with just a little testing.
This isn't the right MGS and it's not quite aiming down the sight, but here, this is literally what you see if you aim down the sight in 3D:
It doesn't work. Aiming down the sight specifically, without the presence of a laser dot on your opponent for you to focus your vision on. When you're looking at your gun, you'll see two soldiers. When you're looking at the soldier, you'll see two guns. You NEED an indicator on the target itself in 3D.
Yeah but now you're comparing a scoped weapon to ones without, to be honest you've just reversed my opinion back to what it was lol.
Here's my question to you, go into RE:R and use first person aiming and go through all the weapons checking out how it looks, take out the laser sight and I see no reason why the aiming wouldn't still work the exact same way. Except in this case you would just have to approximate where the line of fire is going to be (middle of the screen basically.)
Again I will bring up the example of the gatling gun, it uses no laser sight and I had no problems with the 3D in first person view using it regardless of it I was firing the weapon or not. If this is flawed let me know why!![]()
I'm not sure you even got my point. Let me try and clarify:
When aiming using a scoped weapon in RE, you're trying to line up the sights with the enemy. When in 3D, the object you're not focusing on blurs into disorientating double images, as others have shown/stated.
The same concept applies to the FPS mode in MGS, because you're not aiming the gun from the hip or with a laser in most cases (and the ones that are being aimed in those ways have 3D, further demonstrating the point). You're aiming down the sights. That is, trying to line up an object on one plane with an object in a closer/farther plane.
It's basically the same concept as the 3D scope in RE because you're doing essentially the same thing for most weapons in MGS.
It should be noted that the scope in RE isn't "emulating pure single eye aiming" because you can see 3D while aiming down the scope. So that shouldn't factor into this at all.
That's because unlike most MGS weapons, you're not using the weapon itself to aim.
As you can see, the bullets go toward the center of the screen. You're not using the weapon itself to judge where the bullets are going to go. The center of the screen is the focus, not the weapon.
If you had to actually use those iron crosshairs on the gun, it'd act similarly to RE's scoped weapons. But you're not even focusing on the gun at all during the battle.
That definitely makes more sense, and was what I assumed you were getting at I was just getting frustrated at the lack of explanations as I don't want to assume anything.
Either way I'll let the discussion go now as I'm ok with that explanation. Thanks for clarifying.
Dammit, I'm stuck with. I'm trying to traq his ass andThe Fear.prevent him from eating but trying to keep him from getting food is hard
Any help?
Throw poison dart frogs. He'll eat those instead.There are plenty of those in the area where you fight the Fear.
So what I'm getting is? Okay I guess...kill some dart frogs, use their meat as weapons and throw them on the ground when the music calms down
will just make me look like a retard in public.
If this is your biggest concern then I advise you to stay as far away from this game as possible, because it's not meant to be played on the go at all.
Dammit, I'm stuck with. I'm trying to traq his ass andThe Fear.prevent him from eating but trying to keep him from getting food is hard
Any help?
Ehh...any game that supports sleep mode is fine on the go, IMO.
So what I'm getting is? Okay I guess...kill some dart frogs, use their meat as weapons and throw them on the ground when the music calms down